
Chapter 1403 Return to Camp

Chapter 1403 Return to Camp
The situation on the scene changed suddenly. Unexpectedly, Yi Tian let Tu Qing go, but the other party didn't appreciate it and violently broke out again after getting out of trouble.In this way, the onlookers from the Flame Prison Demon Clan all looked shocked and angrily reprimanded.

It's just that several howls came from the black mist again, and then the phantom of Zhu Wu appeared and swallowed Tu Qing's whole body.

Half a moment later, when the black mist dissipated, I saw Tu Qing's body pushed back a few steps in the air.The momentum of the whole person is much weaker than before, but the mouth is gasping for breath.

On the other side, after Yi Tian showed his figure, he rolled up the demon soul banner in his hand to collect the black mist and the beast soul of 梼杌.Turning around, glanced at Tu Qing and shouted sharply: "This time it's just a small punishment, I hope you learn the lesson, if it weren't for my scruples, I don't want the expeditionary army to tear your face and start a war with you just now, you died ten times for what you did just now It's all there."

The latter showed a look of fear and was a little bit unwilling, but it was obvious that he had already suffered a bit of a dark loss, and this time he was wronged first, so he couldn't play tricks for a while.

After Tu E said goodbye, he turned and flew towards the territory of the abyssal demons ahead.As for Tu Qing, he hurriedly followed after showing some hatred in his eyes.

Yi Tian just glanced at the two people who were leaving, put away the demon soul flag in his hand, and slowly flew forward to greet the three of them one by one, and then asked: "What is the situation of the unknown army, how could it be arranged in What about the place where the first line meets the army of the abyssal demons on the opposite side?"

After hearing this, Nanny Yang's expression darkened, and she changed the subject immediately, "You Daoist Yi must have been tired from the journey, so let's meet the commander in the barracks first, and then we can sit down and discuss anything."

Hearing this, Yi Tian knew in his heart that he estimated that the expeditionary force had suffered repeated setbacks after entering the southern battlefield, and he came at the right time.Looking across, I saw that An Xichen's face was rosy at this time, and it seemed that he had come out of the shadow of the defeat in the last fight, and now it was time to show his strength when he recovered.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't say much and signaled Yang Nanny to lead the way back to the camp before discussing.

The Expeditionary Army of the Flame Prison Demon Clan is now settled in a ring-shaped mountain range, and choosing this place is also a helpless move.A thousand li further ahead is where the Abyss Demon Army is stationed. At such a distance, even a Demon General in the Transformation Stage can run back and forth in half a moment.

The fourth prince sent Concubine Yan's army here, and he would be punished. He only heard from Mammy Yang that the new warlord, Yan Lei, had not arrived yet, so before that, the entire southern war situation still had to obey the deployment of the fourth prince's line.

For this reason, Concubine Yan is very troublesome to restrain her subordinates to bear and wait, even if she is sent to the front line as cannon fodder, she has no intention of disobeying the military order at all.In fact, she also knew that the most helpless thing at this time was to grab the pigtails for the fourth prince. As soon as Yan Lei arrived, the whole situation would immediately change.

After returning to the barracks, Yi Tian followed Nanny Yang and others into the big tent to discuss matters. At this time, the five distracted monks and eight demon generals who went out with the army can be regarded as all the combat power in Concubine Yan's army. Gather here.

After entering the big tent, Yi Tian was placed in the first position on the left of the coach, next to An Xichen.Although he is a newcomer now, he has his own endorsement and his status in the army is not low.

Yi Tian glanced at Concubine Yan and found that she has completely lost her previous childishness, and her strength is stable in the late stage of transformation.Over the years, he has cultivated the aura of a superior person, and when he saw him, he stood up with a rare smile on his face and saluted: "Brother Yi is finally back, just in time for this military meeting."

After reaching out his hand to signal to be safe and not to be impatient, Yi Tian strode forward and sat down at his working position.After everyone was seated, Concubine Yan, who was the coach, turned around and asked Nanny Yang, "I wonder if this pursuit has stopped the enemy who came to spy on the camp?"

Although Nanny Yang had already known about Concubine Yan's situation, she just wanted to stabilize the morale of the army by using her mouth to say it.Sister Yang got up and replied: "This time we pursued and met Yi Daoyou returning, and under the attack of the two sides, Tu E and Tu Qing returned home. During the period, Tu Qing also fought with Yi Daoyou for a while. Falling under the wind and retreating in embarrassment."

As soon as this remark came out, all the demon generals below showed sighs on their faces, and everyone looked at Yi Tian, ​​who was seated above, with awe in his eyes.During this period of time, since the Expeditionary Army of the Demon Race from the Flame Prison has been stationed here, they will always be spied on by the other party's distracted monks every now and then, so their morale has always been a little low.

Now hearing that the other party's distracted cultivator was defeated, everyone naturally saw hope, and the atmosphere in the entire big tent suddenly relaxed a lot.

After hearing this, Concubine Yan nodded and said: "Okay, now we have temporarily deterred the other party's peeping camp monks, now everyone remembers to guard the main roads and defensive formations and wait for the right time, and we can start the next step when the new warlord arrives. Offensive."

After sitting down, all the demon generals stood up and nodded in agreement. After a while, Concubine Yan asked them to retreat first.

After the people left, she raised the sound-proof enchantment, and said later: "Everyone, the current serious situation is definitely not as easy as it is now."

Seeing serious expressions on the faces of the five people, Concubine Yan continued: "The timing of our army's entry into the southern battlefield is not good. Although the emperor promised to come to preside over the battle, it seems that he was deliberately delayed."

"It can be seen that those people are trying to figure it out, but the coach doesn't need to worry, as long as we stand guard for ten years, it will not be a problem. What's more, the southern war has been deadlocked for nearly a thousand years, and we don't care about this time," Yang Nanny replied. road.

"I'm afraid that the fourth emperor will play tricks and instigate behind the scenes. Now our army has maintained the greatest degree of restraint to avoid confrontation with the opponent, but I'm not afraid of [-] or just in case. If someone provokes and escalates the war, that's the last thing I want I saw it," Concubine Yan said with a worried expression on her face.

"The only plan for today is to guard against death, not only to guard against the abyssal demon army on the opposite side, but also to be careful of those who come from the central army behind," Yi Tianti said: "We can only take one step at a time now, try to avoid Have a frontal conflict with the other party. Then put martial law in the area five hundred miles behind the barracks, and check all monks coming from behind or passing by."

"Brother Yi is a little too cautious. If this is the case, the relationship with the Chinese army will be tense," Concubine Yan said puzzled.

"I think what Fellow Daoist Yi said is true," Nanny Yang said, "Now we are in a bad situation. It is equivalent to being attacked from both sides. The army of abyssal demons in front of us can be confronted clearly. The fourth prince and his team behind him are the most terrible, and I am most afraid that they will be troublesome if they make trouble behind their backs at critical moments."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan also had a slightly worried expression on her face, and after thinking for a while, she said: "Then please ask Nanny Yang to sit in the back lane to guard against death, and leave the front match to Brother Yi who has full authority."

(End of this chapter)

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