
Chapter 1404 Secret Discussion

Chapter 1404 Secret Discussion
After driving away the abyssal demon monks in the peeping camp, the Yanheol Demon Expeditionary Army has gained a firm foothold in the valley of the forward position.With the continuous construction of the surrounding fortifications, the array was gradually spread out relying on the valley here.

The eight demon generals under the command of the expeditionary army personally dispatched to set up the mist formations on both sides, and soon the army was stationed in the valley as the center point, extending five hundred miles to the left and right to build a line of defense.

After one month, the opponent's scouts were no longer able to detect the real situation behind the defense line. If there were high-level abyssal demons who tried to investigate the military situation at high altitude, the flame prison demons would also send monks with the same level of cultivation to intercept them.

Often they just confront each other from a distance and don't deliberately seek a fight, but just force them out of the army's fortifications and withdraw within a hundred miles of the army's fortifications.

Finally, after two or three months of continuous construction, the defense system of the entire army has begun to take shape. Now even if it encounters a strong attack from the abyss demons on the opposite side, it can rely on favorable terrain to deal with it. No matter how bad it is, it can hide in the defensive formation and hold on waiting for help.

Moreover, Yi Tian also ingeniously set up a long-distance teleportation array in the secret place of the Chinese army's large tent. Even if the base fortifications are breached, at least they can quickly evacuate back to the Devil's Spine Mountains through this teleportation array.

And the abyssal demons on the opposite side seem to have stopped coming in a lot, not only reducing the number of dispatched scouts, but also shrinking the front line.It seems that they are preparing to rely on the existing defense system to fight positional warfare just like the Infernal Demon Clan.

The painstaking efforts of the expeditionary force finally achieved the desired result. While the old opponent, the Abyssal Demons, no longer sent troops to provoke, Yan Lei, the new commander of the southern war situation, finally assembled his troops and rushed to the southern battlefield from the rear.

However, he still entered the camp of the Chinese army first as usual, and then sent messengers to the friendly troops on both sides to send orders to gather in the camp of the Chinese army to discuss matters on a certain day.

As the commander of the expeditionary army, Concubine Yan still has to obey the orders of the commander of the Chinese army, and Yan Lei is also the key person she invited to disrupt the situation, so naturally she needs to meet in person.

Yi Tian knew that in this meeting, the four princes and the seven princes would definitely compete with Concubine Yan.I am good at making suggestions behind the scenes, as for the matters on the scene, Concubine Yan handles them well.

This military discussion is related to the future direction of the southern war situation, so it is naturally extremely important.But Yi Tian still had some scruples about Yan Lei. He took most of the ice marrow flames away in the cold glass cave back then, and he was most afraid that Yan Lei would be stalking him.

Therefore, after the internal discussion of the expeditionary army, Yang Momo accompanied Concubine Yan to the Chinese army's tent to discuss matters.They will also bring a distracted monk and two demon generals to lead the team as guards. As for the army, Concubine Yan's cronies will be in charge for the time being, and Yi Tian will act as the behind-the-scenes supervisor to maintain the overall situation.

After the people leave, Yi Tian's words will be in the whole barracks, but he will not easily disturb the people below and the normal operation.

Now there are only three distracted monks in the entire barracks, except for the original monk of the Yan Prison Demon Race, Yi Tian finds that it is rare to have time to chat with An Xichen.

After all, I found that although this person took refuge in the Demon Clan of the Flame Prison, it was a helpless move, and I didn't believe that these ascended monks would really rely on the protection of the Demon Clan honestly.

After bringing it to Anxi Chendong Mansion, he passed on the tightness of the door and opened it.After walking in, he found that the temporary cave dug by An Xichen was also very simple, and after looking over it with his spiritual sense, he found that this person should be an ascetic.

After thinking about it in his heart, he walked forward to the hall deep in the cave. At this time, An Xichen was sitting in the middle.After slightly opening his eyes and looking at Yi Tian, ​​he said: "I don't know if Daoyou Yi is here, please take a seat." After speaking, he gently pointed to the empty seat in front of him.

Yi Tian also stepped forward unambiguously, first paid back the gift, then slowly sat down and said, "You are so elegant, you are so elegant, and you can still practice hard work in closed doors under this environment."

"You Daoist Yi praised me a lot. I guess you should have come to me a long time ago. I didn't expect it to be delayed until now. It seems that there is still some taboo to wait for the coach to leave, or wait for Yang Momo to leave. Will show up," An Xichen said jokingly.

Yi Tian was at a loss for words after hearing this, but the actual situation was similar to what An Xichen said.Although he was recommended by himself to join the expeditionary army, Concubine Yan and Yang Momo must still have a grudge.In any case, it was impossible to treat him like he did to himself, taking a step back and saying that the other two distracted cultivators were more reliable than An Xichen.

It is precisely because of this that Yi Tian will try to avoid communicating with An Xichen in the open, at least until Yang Momo leaves and no one in the entire barracks can detect his whereabouts before he can come boldly.

After sitting down, Yi Tian stared at An Xichen in front of him for a while before saying, "I don't know what you think of the battle situation here?"

"That depends on whether Fellow Daoist Yi wants to hear compliments or the truth?" An Xichen replied unhurriedly.

"It's all right, if you want to come to the secret Taoist friend, you have prepared your two speeches, then I will listen carefully," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

An Xichen nodded and said with a gleam in his eyes: "I heard that the coach of Concubine Yan is able to rely on Daoist Yi to help him today. It's a compliment to say that the third princess can now become the most popular candidate for the throne. Contributed to it."

"I'm just doing my best," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "Everything should be done to the best of human affairs."

"It's a good thing to do your best and listen to the destiny. I'm afraid that the so-called destiny of Yi Daoyou must have other plans, and I guess it has something to do with the quota for the trip to the abyss of the demon world," An Xichen said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the scene became a bit cold, and Yi Tian said with a serious look on his face: "Is this what the secret fellow Daoists call the truth?"

"Isn't that what Fellow Daoist Yi wanted in the end?" An Xichen asked bluntly and confidently.

There was a helpless wry smile on the face of '噗嗤', Yi Tian nodded and replied: "Friend Daoist is indeed an Ascension Cultivator, although the expeditionary army he entered is short, he has a deep analysis of certain issues."

"Although I don't know what the purpose of Yi Daoyou is, and I don't want to know, but I know that now is an excellent time for us to work together," An Xichen said again.

"Oh, how are you going to work together?" Yi Tian asked with interest.

"I want to stand out in this battle. It would be the best if I can enter the fusion stage monk Dharma Eye. No matter how bad it is, I must gain the trust of the three princesses in the expeditionary army. Only in this way can I have enough resources to continue to practice. Go down until the fusion period," An Xichen replied.

(End of this chapter)

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