
Chapter 1408 Burial Ground 3 Fight

Chapter 1408 Three Battles In The Burial Ground
The Temple of the Bone Burial forbids the flame prison demon army and the abyss demon army to confront each other, but this time there is an unexpected situation, and both sides have recruited foreign aid.

Or rather than finding foreign aid, it might be better to be sidetracked by other tribes. The original ten duels negotiated by the two tribes were split out and three places were given to other tribes.

Fortunately, Yan Lei and the abyss old ghost are also human beings, even if they suffer from being dumb, they still have no loss of momentum on the face, so what should they do?

After Yan Lei took out the magic weapon in his hand and sacrificed it, he set up a ring in the Sumeru space in the gap between the two armies.Then he opened his mouth and said: "You don't need to make a fuss, each of you has taken the rune token and then leave. If you really feel uncontrollable during the battle, you can crush the jade token and it will be sent out. Of course, this is tantamount to admitting defeat." .”

Yi Tian looked up and saw that there were two jade talismans at the entrance where there was no space between them, and everyone who entered took one.Later, I saw Dugu Yufeng from the Tianmo clan was the first to fly up to the nearest ring, took a jade talisman, and fell into it.

After three breaths, he saw that his figure had shrunk to one-tenth of his normal size, and at the same time, the ring had become extremely spacious, at least he wouldn't feel cramped if he could do anything casually inside.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the monks in the distraction period who played in the battle also left the field one after another, and Yi Tian was the last one.The hazy car that glanced over Yan Lei didn't hear any other instructions from him, and then his figure flew to the entrance of the last Sumeru Space ring, reached out and took a jade talisman, and then slowly fell into it.

Fortunately, I have already had the experience of fighting in the Sumeru space, so after entering, Yi Tian took out the magic soul banner and the curse sky magic bell slowly and gently sacrificed.

There is no advantage in time and place to fight in such a Xumi space, it is a real test of the monk's own strength.And ordinary people can't forcefully break through this world, unless they are stronger than Yan Lei or can be proficient in formations to penetrate the barrier of the Sumeru space in the magic weapon.

After looking at it for a while, Yi Tian put away the little Jiujiu in his heart. If he really did this, the old abyss ghost who was fighting on the outside would probably be the first to jump out.

It didn't take a while for the spiritual sense to realize that the spiritual pressure fluctuations that are not weak had entered this Xumi space, and after three breaths, a burly figure appeared not far in front of him.

Yi Tian's eyes swept over and he twitched slightly recently. This turned out to be the last time he met Tu E when he intercepted him.At this time, the power of the magic source is faintly separated from his whole body, and he has already sacrificed the body and body skills and can shoot anytime, anywhere.

The phantom of Yan Lei in the air on the side of the flame prison demons outside the Xumi space stretched out his hand to seal the entrance of the ring in front of him, and then said: "You fight inside, and the old ghost of the abyss and I will try our best to see what skills we have. Come out."

The Abyss old ghost on the opposite side added a sentence: "It doesn't matter whether you live or die in the ring. You can either crush the jade talisman or die on the ring. You can do it."

As soon as the words were finished, there were several powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations in the middle of the Xumi space ring, among which Dugu Yufeng of the Sky Demon Race was the strongest.

On the opposite side, the Abyss Demon Clan and the Dark Demon Clan each have a distracted late-stage cultivator who showed a strong aura, almost comparable to Dugu Yufeng.

On the contrary, the monks from the Flame Prison Demon Clan, who are the hosts, were a little weaker in aura when they came up, but the strongest aura came from the people discharged from Yan Lei.The old ghost of the abyss in the phantom sneered after seeing it: "I have a lot of talents from the flame prison demon clan, but I didn't expect to win by the number of people. It seems that there are no successors in your dynasty, friend Daoist Yan. "

Unexpectedly, Yan Lei didn't get angry and just replied lightly: "Why don't we add a little bit of money?"

"Since Fellow Daoist Yan is interested, I should accompany you?" Old Devil Abyss smiled and said, "How do you play?"

"Since Daoist friend joked that there is no one in my clan, why don't we take a gamble, how about we win the monks of the four clans or my flame prison demon clan with the most?" Yan Lei Xuying said calmly: "As for the bet, I will use it How about the gold and sulfur of your abyssal demons?"

"Yan Dao is friendly and domineering, so soon he has thought about the gold and sulfur of my family's specialty treasures, I still have a copy in my hand, but what do fellow daoists want to bet against?" the old ghost of the abyss said angrily.

"The gamble of heaven-rank treasures naturally has something to match, and I think it is enough to have a copy of the flame prison magic crystal in my hand," Yan Lei replied in this way.

"It's a deal," the old ghost of the abyss nodded and agreed without thinking about it.

While the two fusion stage monks were talking in the air, there was a change in the Sumeru space ring below. Although these distraction stage monks didn't know the outside situation, the magical powers in their hands were early in the morning. It's not fun to fight all the way.

What's more, Dugu Yufeng of the demon clan was in the abyss demon clan opponent who was forced to retreat, so he had to crush the jade talisman in his hand to forcefully break through the boundary and send it out.But Dugu Yufeng is also a big deal. When the opponent withdraws, the spell in his hand is used again, and the two magic lights hit the protective shield forcefully, breaking it and hitting the opponent.

After the aura flew out of it, I saw two bloodstains on the abyss demon cultivator's body protruding from the defensive armor, and the whole person's momentum was also weakened, obviously he had received internal injuries.

Fortunately, the winning rate of the monks of the Heavenly Demon Race is not counted in the bet scope of the two monks of the fusion period. The old ghost of the abyss just frowned slightly, and then he bowed his head quietly and transmitted a few words before letting the injured go first. Return to the battleship behind.

Facing Tu E in the Xumi space where Yi Tian was, he just felt a little surprised.The last time he made a move, he saw it in his eyes and thought he chose his side because he wanted to avenge his brother.

The opponent's figure suddenly disappeared in the air and reappeared on his right side, and then swung his fists with domineering force, mixed with the sound of the wind, directly towards his protective shield.

It's just that Yi Tian had an inadvertent smile on his face and quickly chanted the spell of Qijue Magic Sound.In an instant, sound waves appeared within a radius of three feet around the body, forming a domain space.

I saw that Tu E's hands had invaded within three feet of Yi Tian, ​​and he couldn't get any further.At the same time, he was trapped in the defensive space of the Seven Absolute Demonic Sounds, and his movements and the movement of spiritual power in his body were both affected by coincidence.

Shocked, Tu E wanted to get away, but the Curse Heaven Demon Bell above Yi Tian's head vibrated rapidly, more than doubling the power of the Qijue Demon Sound.

After Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice the demon soul banner, several black mist scattered from above, trying to swallow Tu E's figure away.

Having seen himself make such a move before, a trace of determination appeared in Tu E's eyes. The spiritual power in his whole body exploded and he forcibly opened the sonic domain to withdraw from it.

(End of this chapter)

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