
Chapter 1409 Boneyard 4 Restraint

Chapter 1409 Boneyard Four Restraints
Facing the demon soul banner sacrificed by Yi Tian, ​​Tu E didn't dare to stop. He had experienced the power of the demon soul banner last time, and knew that after being entangled, he was deeply trapped and couldn't extricate himself from it. In the end, he could only end up being trapped to death .

And the sonic field formed by the Seven Absolute Magic Sounds around him is not so easy to decipher, at least a monk like him has to resort to some means of pressing the bottom of the box to get out.

I saw Tu E's figure suddenly rose, and the aura generated after the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body increased completely bounced off the black mist that came up from all around.Then his figure was slightly stunned and he retreated backwards. The sonic barriers around him could at most only slow down his movement speed, but could not stop him from leaving.

In the black mist, Yi Tian poked his head out slightly and waved the demon soul banner in his hand a few times. After three breaths, an incomparably sharp phantom of the beast soul flew out of it, set up the black mist and began to surround Tu E. .

It was obvious that Yi Tian was using the advantage of speed and the restraint of martial arts and supernatural powers to cling to Tu E, trying to force him to admit defeat.

Because I can't achieve a one-hit kill in this Xumi space, so in order not to cause trouble for myself, it is better to design and force the opponent to retreat.

Several strands of black mist circled up from behind, and surrounded Tu E in a space of ten feet.As Yi Tian manipulated the demon soul banner to gradually compress the opponent's activity space, Tu E realized that he was already a bird in a cage.

But how could he easily give up the opportunity he had won so hard, Tu E's complexion changed slightly and his figure changed again, his whole body became huge and his height was close to [-] feet.A bright black glow appeared on the originally dark gray skin, thick horny armor appeared on the surface of the skin, and several gray horns sprang out from both sides of the forehead.The two arms were more than twice as thick as before, and sharp nails grew from the top of the ten fingers.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the air in the distance, was stunned when he saw it. This appearance was a bit like the Heavenly Demon Transformation of the Heavenly Demon clan, but there was an obvious difference.

After passing through quickly in my mind, I remembered that I had seen such a description in the Demon Realm. This is the variation of the abyss demons who were born out of the sky demons and practiced the "devil god transformation".

Although it has changed its name, it is still based on the supernatural power of evolution, but it actually has a huge flaw.With Tu E's current situation, it was tantamount to forcibly improving his body skills, which wouldn't last long.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian just smiled at the corner of his mouth and escaped into the black mist again, the mist in Shaoqing's sky rolled violently and turned into a 梼杌 appearance.At this time, the soul beast's figure had swelled to the size of two feet, and then it rushed towards the transformed Tu E in front of it.

This time, the thick black fog transformed from virtual to real, allowing the soul within to condense into a solid body.In an instant, the scene turned into a gladiatorial fight between ferocious beasts and abyssal demons.

The 梼杌 beast on the front and back of the bully opened its mouth and bit Tu E's left arm, and then made a "creaking" noise.The defensive power of Tu E's Demon Transformation was also amazing, and it was not bitten off by the attack of the 梼杌 beast.On the contrary, this really aroused the ferocity in Tu E's blood. After a sudden surge of spiritual power in his body, he swung his right hand, clenched all five fingers, and slammed it madly at the 梼杌 beast.

In the distance, Yi Tian hurriedly sealed again, raised the demon soul banner in his hand and pointed at the 梼杌 beast.I saw the black magic light passing over the murderer's body, turning his body into reality and strengthening it again.

The sound of 'ping, ping, ping, ping, ping,' could be heard endlessly, and Tu'e's fists and feet crazily hit the 梼杌 beast, but even this couldn't make it let go of its mouth.

Thinking that the long barbs grew from the ferocious beast's body, under strict defense, it took down Tu E's attack coefficient.

Seeing this, Yi Tian shouted: "Fellow Daoist Tu E, I will give you another chance. As long as you crush the jade talisman and admit defeat, everything will be easy. If not, don't blame me for hurting people."

"Boy, don't you have nothing to do with me now? We can't do anything to each other. Isn't it too arrogant for you to ask me to admit defeat? We are competing with endurance to see who can't stand it first," Tu E said. The 杌 beast was entangled and couldn't get away, but he couldn't hold back his face, so he replied angrily.

"Is that so? Then I won't be polite, I will accept your left hand, Fellow Daoist," Yi Tian said with a cold snort.

Stop talking to him, Yi Tian made seals with his hands again, and this time sacrificed several spiritual powers and poured them all into the demon soul streamer.Then he manipulated it and waved it several times in the air, pointing at the 梼杌 beast.

All of the black mist flew into the body of the 梼杌 beast suddenly, and a powerful phantom of the beast soul flew out again and overlapped with the body of the 梼杌 beast.After three breaths, the original two-foot-sized solid body swelled up, and its size changed again.

On the teeth that had been biting Tu'er's arm, a faint blue light flashed, and a icy marrow flame flew out of it, hitting Tu'er's arm directly in the ice and sealing it.

The latter's face changed suddenly, and the movements of his hands also accelerated by three points under the shock.But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the attack of the 梼杌 beast.

And the icy marrow flame slowly extended from his left and right sides to his left arm, and soon the ice was close to his shoulder.

Tu E knew that he couldn't fight against the Ice Essence Flame and the Wuwu Beast in front of him, so a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he took out the jade talisman with his right hand and crushed it directly.

The jade talisman formed a gap in the void, shining a ray of magic light to protect Tu E, and then flew directly into it.

Only a 'click' sound was heard, and Tu E's entire left arm was broken off by the 梼杌 beast.However, he was also a man who just let out a 'hum' in his mouth, and then looked back at Yi Tian in the distance with full resentment in his eyes, and then sank into the gap in the void.

In this way, Yi Tian really won the competition, and reached out to recall the 梼杌 beast to the demon soul banner.Put away the two magic weapons and slowly wait in place.

After ten breaths, the Daoguang Gate appeared in front of him, and Yi Tian flashed in and flew out of the Sumeru space.

After coming to the outside world, I found that the ten simultaneous competitions were almost over, and I was quite delayed.Turning around to see, An Xichen was already standing aside, and when he saw him, he said via voice transmission: "You Daoist Yi is really powerful, that Tu E was hurt by you, I'm afraid it won't make up for it in a hundred years."

After hearing this, Yi Tian looked up at the opposite side, but couldn't find Tu E's figure.An Xichen's voice transmission came from my ear again: "Those distracted monks who lost returned to rest on the battleship behind them early in the morning, and those who stayed were the winners."

Such a flash of divine thought found that at this time, including himself, there were five people left beside him.Among them, there are two people from the Heavenly Demon Clan, Dugu Yufeng and Dugu Feng, while An Xichen and a [-]-year-old monk from the Flame Prison Demon Clan are standing on the side of healing himself.

Yi Tian remembered that this person should be the person who followed Commander Yan Lei before, and he could be regarded as the representative of Liaoyuan City.Seeing that he turned his head, he smiled and bowed his hands and said: "Yan Ligang in Liaoyuan City has met Yi Daoyou."

The name is a bit familiar, Yi Tian realized later that he is the eldest son of Yan Lei, no wonder he can represent Liaoyuan City.After thinking about it, he hastily returned the gift and said: "Jiu Yang, the elder Yi Tian, ​​who is a guest of the expedition army, has met the son."

 Thanks to fellow daoists Kang Liandi and gavinshang for their great support.

(End of this chapter)

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