
Chapter 1410 Burial Ground 5 Quota

Chapter 1410 Five places in the Burial Ground
After coming out of Xumi Space, Yi Tian found that there were five people left on his side, which means that all the people here have won.As for the opponent, there are only three people, and there are still two games that are not over yet.

Among the five of them, two are monks of the Heavenly Demon Clan, and the other two are An Xichen and Yan Ligang, the eldest son of Liaoyuan City.In this way, at least three monks from the Flame Prison Demon Clan won, and it was guaranteed that six incarnation monks from the Flame Prison Demon Clan would be eligible to enter the Bone Burial Temple.

On the other hand, among the three people who have been decided on the opposite side, there is only one Dark Demon and two Abyss Demon monks.The current score is five to two undefeated.

But Yitian found that Yan Ligang's face was not happy at all, but instead stared at the remaining two competitions with a worried expression on his face.

As for An Xichen who was on the side, it was the same. Yi Tian was in a bad mood and probably something happened.He moved his lips lightly and asked privately via voice transmission: "Did something happen, fellow Daoist?"

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but it seems that the two monks at the fusion stage have increased their bets," An Xichen said helplessly, shaking his head.

Something was wrong, Yi Tian hurriedly turned around and sent a voice transmission to Yan Ligang, who also explained the details of the two fit monks' gambling.It was so easy to react, the next two games are the key.

If all the demons in Yan Prison lost, compared to the opponent's three-to-four situation, Commander Yan Lei would naturally lose the bet.

Looking at the crowd behind her in a blink of an eye, Concubine Yan has a determined face at this time, and with four places in her hand, she is already invincible.

As for the Fourth and Seventh Princes, they had embarrassing expressions on their faces, and they belonged to the two games that were saved.This is not only related to Yan Lei's face, but also the key to whether they can enter the game.If they lost, they would have missed a great opportunity. Presumably these two people are far more nervous than others.

While watching, suddenly a magic light flew out from the arena of Sumeru Space, it was the distracted monk from the Seventh Prince's side.Seeing this person's face full of remorse, he turned his eyes and looked at the people on the ring behind him, and after saying a few words, he turned around and flew towards his own camp helplessly.

This appearance also indicates that the abyssal demons will make another victory, and the victorious monk will fly out and stand in the opponent's camp later.Although it is now five to four, the Abyss Demons have not lost, and it is inevitable that the Dark Demons are slightly inferior to the Sky Demons.

At this time, the phantom of the old abyss ghost in the air said again: "How is fellow Daoist Yan doing? My disciples from the abyssal demon clan are not weaker than your subordinates."

"It's only three to three now, and it depends on the final game. Besides, no one knows the outcome of the game until the last step?" Yan Lei replied calmly.

After ten breaths, fierce spiritual pressure fluctuations erupted again in the last group of rings, and the two of them seemed to be fighting each other to a fever pitch.

In the end, after several flashes of light burst, someone first crushed the jade talisman and sent it out.After the spiritual light rushed out of the Xumi space, it flew straight to the side of the abyssal demons, and a panting monk appeared.The spiritual pressure fluctuations on this person's body were extremely chaotic, as if he had suffered serious internal injuries.

Not long after, someone flew from behind and took this person back.Then the other person in the arena slowly flew out, and when Yi Tian's divine sense swept over, he was surprised to find that this person was the number one general under the command of the fourth prince.But now the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body are also extremely unstable. To put it bluntly, after this battle, I am afraid that his cultivation base will regress by one step to the middle stage of distraction.

If you want to adjust and recover, you will have to retreat for at least two or three hundred years. In this case, you have already missed the battle between Concubine Yan and the fourth prince.Although it was a win, it was still a tragic victory, not to mention losing the important help of the fourth prince's family. I'm afraid that at this time, Concubine Yan should be secretly happy in her heart.

Shaoqing only listened to Yan Lei's phantom in the sky and said again: "The victory and defeat have been decided, it must be that I, the man from the Demon Clan of the Flame Prison, is slightly better, and the Abyss Old Demon, you must have been convinced to lose this time."

The other party's face was livid after some words, and he was speechless for a long time.Although he only saw the phantom incarnation of the abyss old ghost, his deity's complexion must not be much better at this time.

A ray of magic light flew out from the abyssal demon warship and landed steadily in front of Yan Lei's phantom, only to hear the old ghost of the abyss sternly said: "Forget you won, this is the gold and brimstone of this seat, please put it away!" gone."

Yanlei's phantom stretched out his hand to catch the magic light, held it in his palm to check it, and then replied with a smile: "Okay, that's over, then let's open the door and let the younger generation in the clan go in. "

"Fellow Daoist Yan, wait a moment, I need to make some adjustments here," Old Abyss Ghost said.

Obviously, the result this time was far beyond his expectations. He only got three places from the Abyssal Demon Clan, so the sent disciples in the transformation stage naturally needed to be added up.

As for the Flame Prison Demon Clan, there are also many problems. Naturally, the four princes have got the minimum quota, so the four princes can bring an entourage to enter together.As for the annihilation of the entire army of the Seventh Prince, he would not sit still and wait for death. At this time, the army must be extremely exciting.

After the results of the competition were settled, the winners of both sides turned their heads and returned to their footholds.As soon as Yi Tian's front foot arrived, Concubine Yan hurried forward and said happily: "Brother Yi is really thanks to you this time, and Senior An is also very powerful and won the precious quota."

Yi Tian smiled and glanced at the other side after a few waves of people, and said softly: "Third Princess, do you want to have a one-on-two in the future, or do you want to help?"

"How do you say that?" Concubine Yan's expression turned serious and she hurriedly replied via voice transmission.

"Compared with the situation here, sooner or later it will be passed back to the ears of the Demon Emperor in Yan Prison, or the Demon Emperor will know the result immediately," Yi Tian explained: "Like the Seventh Prince's defeat this time, he has already fallen out of the first echelon. The candidate has been chosen, and now your opponent is only the Fourth Prince."

"Brother Yi means that he is afraid that the seventh brother and the fourth brother will join forces to deal with me, even if that is the case, I am not afraid," Concubine Yan said proudly.

"I know you don't have any scruples, but what I want to teach you is that it is always troublesome to have one more opponent. Before the fourth prince notices this opportunity, you can win over the seventh prince, and the price is only a mere quota. After today's incident is reported back to the Yan Prison Dynasty, the Demon Emperor will definitely praise you in secret, and on the road to seizing the throne, you will be two steps away from the fourth prince," Yi Tian quickly explained the pros and cons of this.

After hearing this, Concubine Yan's eyes flashed brightly, she gritted her teeth and nodded, then turned around and walked towards the Seventh Prince's team with the four demon generals behind her.

And Yi Tian turned around and continued to look at the people from the Sky Demon Race. It seemed that Dugu Yuchen must be the main candidate.As for the ones sent by Sunset City, they are Dugufeng's direct descendants, and they are also not easy to mess with.

(End of this chapter)

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