
Chapter 1411 Boneyard 6 Wind Rises

Chapter 1411: Six Winds Rises in the Boneyard
After the number of people entering the Boneyard was determined, the two parties returned to their camps to make arrangements.In view of the fact that the entire army of the Seventh Prince was wiped out, Yi Tian proposed to join forces, and took this opportunity to show his goodwill first and try to form an alliance with them.

Even failure to stand on the united front can destroy the fragile alliance between the two princes.

Concubine Yan also understood that many friends are better than many potential opponents.And to be honest, it didn't cost much, and being able to win a good reputation of uniting the royal family in front of Commander Yan Lei and the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison is really killing many birds with one stone.

Yi Tian stood among a group of people in the expeditionary army, but his divine sense was locked on Concubine Yan. After a while, she turned her head back with a happy face and knew that it was done.

Naturally, the people around them didn't know the situation and thought there was some good news, and when Concubine Yan came back to tell the news later, everyone had different expressions on their faces.For these magic generals who have cultivated in the stage of transformation into gods, the competition will inevitably become more intense. There are only two of the four places left after Concubine Yan and the Seventh Prince.

Now that there are six people in total, there is only a one-third chance of being selected.As for Yi Tian, ​​there is no need to worry about this matter at all, Concubine Yan will make reasonable arrangements anyway.On the contrary, at this time, he raised his head and looked at the restriction of the Bone Burial Ground in the distance. He had already checked it earlier, and the restriction was not too strong. Naturally, he didn't need to worry too much if he wanted to go in by his own means.

It's just that there are two body-fit monks on the battlefield, and it's not so easy to hide it from their eyes and ears.Knowing that the central disputed area of ​​the southern battlefield is the burial ground here, I have a calculation in my mind.Speaking of which, there are only three Great Sage-level figures in the demon world, and there is at least a two-thirds chance of encountering the evil Buddha of the mixed world or the world-killing Mara.

It would be a pity not to go down and take a look, but how to hide it from Yan Lei and the old ghost of the abyss is a very tricky thing.

At this time, Concubine Yan had already arranged the follow-up candidates, and then walked up quickly and gave Yi Angel a wink.After understanding, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open a sound-proof enchantment, and then heard Concubine Yan smile and said: "Brother Yi is indeed my lucky star, this time not only took two points for me, but also helped me get rid of the seventh brother, now I'm afraid the fourth brother can only stare blankly."

Yi Tian said seriously: "After you go in, you have to be careful to maintain a close relationship with the Seventh Prince. He hasn't seen the situation clearly yet, so he can't form an alliance with you sincerely."

"I understand this matter in my heart, Brother Yi, don't worry," Concubine Yan replied, "I am worried about the monks sent by the Abyss Demon Race and the people from the Dark Demon Race."

"They are all jumping clowns, you just need to join hands with the forces of Liaoyuan City to deal with them calmly," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "The one who is really powerful is Dugu Yuchen, and no one is his opponent under the distraction period."

Concubine Yan frowned slightly when she heard this, and said, "Uncle Huang also told me that on the surface they are here to help. In fact, they are here to share a piece of the pie, and the Emperor Father had no choice but to reach a deal with them."

"I think those two people in Sunset City shouldn't pee in the same pot as Dugu Yuchen. This is the Heavenly Demon Guest Jade Card that Dugufeng gave me. It might be useful for them if you hold it," said Yi Tian reached out and took out the Keqing token and handed it to Concubine Yan.

Then he took out another array and handed it to her, then bowed his head and transmitted a few words.After hearing this, Concubine Yan's eyes flashed, and then she asked with disbelief on her face, "Is this possible? If someone finds out, I will make a big fuss about it?"

"Whether it's okay or not is not up to us, but your uncle's final decision," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "As long as we are careful, we should be able to hide it from them," Yi Tian stretched out his fingers to the opposite The Abyss Demons and the Heavenly Demons next to them.

Concubine Yan didn't directly agree, but just lowered her head and pondered for a while.After three breaths, he reached out to take the set of arrays and nodded back: "Okay, let's try, I know my own shortcomings, and I may not be able to handle everything after I go in, with Brother Yi, I think I will be able to gain something. "

"Be careful in everything, I don't think the other three tribes will abide by the rules, maybe the arrival of a body-fit cultivator's split soul will turn the world upside down," Yi Tian popped out for no reason.

After hearing this, Concubine Yan showed an inconceivable look on her face, and after thinking for a while, she sighed: "I made things simple. There are many people's interests involved in all aspects, and everyone will keep a hand."

It means that after Concubine Yan finished explaining, Yi Tian was anxious to get out first so as to prepare for the next thing.But before he left, he saw the phantom of the other party's fusion monk, the old ghost of the abyss, flying again, and had a private chat with Yan Lei.

Half a moment later, I heard Yan Lei's voice coming from within the obscuring car again: "This time, our Flame Prison Demon Clan won the first place, which proves the strength of our monks. Now the old ghost of the abyss proposes an extra match. If the opponent wins, two more places will be added."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of many distracted monks all around showed joy.The big good thing on this day can naturally come to the fore.Those who were not scheduled to play at the moment are eager to try.

Then I heard Yan Lei say again: "If our side wins, we will still maintain the original number. However, the old ghost of the abyss took a generous gift as a lottery, and I can't let me not accept it. Let's see who can represent me in the battle. "

Yi Tian glanced across the people around him. The most qualified person was Yan Ligang. He was the son of Liaoyuan City and a late-stage monk of distraction.As for the other three groups, only myself and An Xichen are still in good condition. Although the Seventh Prince and the Fourth Prince still have people under their command, they are only weaker than those who fought before.

But I didn't want to cause more troubles, so I stopped talking among the crowd.An Xichen who was at the side also saw Yi Tian's intentions, and simply gritted his teeth and walked forward and said: "The third palace master, the junior, sit down and the guest Qing An Xichen is willing to fight."

"The person on the opposite side is called Tu Lu. You should have heard his name. Although your strength is strong, you are still slightly inferior to this person." After Yan Lei's words came from the hazy car, all the people present Everyone shut their mouths.

On the contrary, Yi Tian's eyes lit up, as if he had heard the name before. He remembered that he had encircled and suppressed the souls of the demons when he was in the lower realm.I still remember that when killing his soul, he said that his main soul would never let him go.

I didn't expect to meet again in the Demon Realm after so many years. It's really an indescribable coincidence.

It was a bit cold for no one to ask for a fight after the screen retreated from An Xichen, but Yan Lei's voice from inside the car sounded again: "Three palace masters sit down to be able to produce many people, and I think Yi Xiaoyou is very suitable for the battle. "

After being named in this way, Yi Tian felt that he became the focus of everyone's eyes in an instant. He sighed helplessly and walked forward and said, "Since the commander-in-chief speaks in person, I should do my best."

(End of this chapter)

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