
Chapter 1415 Boneyard Magic Vine

Chapter 1415 Boneyard Ten Demon Vine
To put it bluntly, Yi Tian also took a trick this time, handing half of the teleportation array to Concubine Yan and taking it to the Bone Temple to find a favorable terrain for placement.

After explaining to An Xichen, he returned to the temporary cave where the expeditionary army was stationed, opened the other half of the teleportation array and arranged it.

As long as Concubine Yan activates the teleportation array in her hand, she can try to break in through it.This was also discussed with Concubine Yan before, but fortunately, three people need to act at the same time to open the array.

This time, there was one more spare in the quota, and in the end it was used as a favor to win over the Seventh Prince.

After entering the Temple of Bone Burial, Yi Tian found that he was now in a huge grotto, and he could faintly feel a powerful force suppressing him.I'm afraid that among them, at most, he can only display his peak strength in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, but he has no fear in his heart. Back then, he had already killed the monks in the early stage of the distraction in the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

Then he lowered his head and said to Concubine Yan: "Next, we will try our best to avoid others from exploring the Bone Temple. I feel that it is not that simple down here. And many people who came in this time have left behind, maybe Maybe I will meet the clone of a certain big shot."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan's expression tightened, she turned her head and looked at the two attendants behind her, and then replied: "Brother Yi, can you be sure that many of those people who came in have problems?"

"Leaving aside, let's just talk about Dugu Yuchen. I feel that there is a powerful force that does not belong to him sleeping on him. There are also traces left by Yan Lei on the representative of Liaoyuan City. If you want to say that he I wouldn't believe it if I didn't protect myself," Yi Tian pouted.

"That's Uncle Huang's youngest son, Yan Lifeng, who is usually his favorite, so it's not surprising that he has left behind." Concubine Yan said calmly, "But I'm curious about you, Brother Yi. How did you discover it? It seems that no one else noticed it."

This kind of situation was discovered by accident only after the Tianma pupil had been cultivated to a great degree, and his eyes passed over these people. Naturally, Yi Tian couldn't explain the key point, just smiled and kept on going.

Not long after, the four of them walked through the passage to the fork in the road, and there were ten trails leading to the front.From Concubine Yan's mouth, I learned that my group is already at the end, so after facing the previous choice, it is easy to repeat with the previous people.

While Concubine Yan was hesitating, Yi Tian carefully observed each intersection, and then took out Luo Gengyi to measure each intersection in turn.Later, he pointed to the two rightmost roads: "Go this way, no one should have gone in?"

"Brother Yi, how can you be so sure?" Concubine Yan asked in confusion.

"I checked that the spiritual pressure fluctuations at the entrances of the two passages are much more stable than those of the other passages. It is obviously a sign that no one has entered," Yi Tian explained.

"Then there are ten paths that we chose may not be correct," Concubine Yan said with a worried look on her face.

"It may not be correct, and it may not be incorrect, but at least one thing I can guarantee is that it is not a dead end. In this case, we can at most take a detour and spend more time, and I have a hunch that these two roads seem to contain hidden dangers. The crisis is much smaller than the other ones," said Yi Tian, ​​who flew out first, and rushed in after choosing a path.

Concubine Yan and the three behind them were stunned for a moment, then hurriedly followed. Under such circumstances, Yi Tian is still their backbone, so it is always right to follow at this time.

While fleeing rapidly in the passage, Yi Tian also expanded his divine sense to the maximum range, scanning all the situation within ten miles in front of him.Afterwards, I found that my divine sense seemed to be restricted by the power in the air, and the further I went, the smaller the place my divine sense could explore.

But even this is much better than the monks in the stage of transformation, and they have not found any danger after flying nearly a dozen miles along the way.

Continue to go down, suddenly Yi Tian frowned, raised his hand and gestured to the three people behind: "It looks like we are about to break through the passage five or six miles ahead, but it seems that we have met someone from the abyss demons, there is a Got the bill."

"Then you won't be polite if you meet us, and we'll deal with him four-on-one," Concubine Yan said disdainfully.

"Go and see the situation first," Yi Tian replied with a smile on his lips.In fact, in his divine sense, he found that the person of the abyssal demon clan seemed to be in big trouble, and was being entangled by some monsters at this time.

In less than a hundred breaths, the four of them rushed out of the passage and came to the empty stone room outside. At this moment, they turned around and saw a cultivator from the abyssal demon clan surrounded by hundreds of vines emerging from the ground, rushing left and right. Can't get out at all.

Yi Tian found that the pink buds growing on these vines sprayed out a little mist to isolate his spiritual thoughts.

After thinking about it for a while, he lowered his head and communicated with Concubine Yan: "There are weird things here, be careful not to provoke those vines easily."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a lot of black Moteng on the ground in the distance sweeping towards the four of them, presumably they found an unexpected guest.At the same time, many small branches grew from the cracks in the surrounding stone walls, instantly blocking the passage behind him.

Seeing that the back road was cut off, Concubine Yan turned her head and winked at the two demon generals, and the three of them immediately took action to remove the magic vines blocking the entrance of the cave.

As the magic vines dispersed their attacks in front of them, the pressure of the trapped abyssal demon clan suddenly dropped, and a dark golden sulfur fire burst out from his body, igniting the surrounding magic vines.After forcibly breaking a road, he took advantage of the gap and fled to the side passage.

Yi Tian didn't chase after seeing it, but just stared at the magic vines in front of him, and after a while, he was extremely surprised.These magic vines are obviously spiritual plants that have been polluted by evil spirit energy.Judging from the shape and appearance of the branches, it should be the Jade Leaf and Silver Flower of the spirit world. This is a heaven-level spiritual plant that can be used for alchemy and medicine. I didn't expect it to appear in the bone burial temple of the demon world.

This kind of spiritual plant originally likes sunlight, but it is all wind and cold.It is not difficult to deal with such demonized Lingzhi, but Yi Tian still has some scruples in his heart.Usually, there will be spirit beasts guarding the Jade Leaf Silver Flower. Obviously, this is not the root of the Jade Leaf Silver Flower, so I don't think there will be any trouble.

Seeing the three people behind him struggling to deal with the surrounding magic vines, Yi Tian smiled and said: "Stay away, let me come." After speaking, he stretched out his right palm upwards, and sacrificed a ball of ice marrow flames inside, and then Lightly tap the magic vines coming up from all around.

After the blue halo passed by and shone on these magic vines, a thin layer of frost condensed on their surface instantly.After ten breaths, those magic vines seemed to have encountered a natural nemesis and hurriedly retreated from the original path.

 Thank you for your helpless support.

(End of this chapter)

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