
Chapter 1416 Boneyard 1 Dispute

Chapter 1416 Eleven Disputes in the Boneyard
After solving the crisis in front of him in the cave, Yi Tian searched in a blink of an eye. The cave is not small, it is about a hundred feet in radius.In the middle there are three terraces, on which there are five stone futons, four surrounding the one in the middle, which looks very much like the model of Buddhist preaching and preaching.

Yi Tian stepped forward and looked around, and found that there seemed to be some stone inscriptions under the stone futon in the middle.After looking over, I found that it was written in eight Buddhist Sanskrit characters of "Jade Leaf and Silver Flower Burial Land".

After looking at it, I couldn't help but feel a little emotional in my heart. This place is obviously the preaching place of the evil Buddha and his four disciples.But this handwriting seems to be left by Master Jie Ding, but I don't know why he did it at that time, maybe it was to leave some clues for the people who came later.

Since it is the place where the bones are buried, it should be the bones of Master Huiming, but after thinking about it, he denied it in his heart.If I hadn't found the faded golden body skeleton of Master Huiming before he became a demon in the previous Dark Demon Temple, then there must be no bones left here.

It’s just that since this place is called the Temple of Bone Burials, I don’t know what kind of bones I bought. After thinking about it, I glanced at Concubine Yan and the others and thought about it, and asked casually: “I don’t know much about the origin of the Bone Burial Site. Clear, do you know the details of this?"

After hearing this, Concubine Yan's eyes lit up, and she replied via voice transmission: "Brother Yi, you don't know that there was a war between Buddha and demons here. At that time, the top masters of several big clans cooperated to see that the master of Buddha sect was defeated. As for the remains in the Bone Temple are the bones of the ancestors who fell in that war, it is said that they were sealed somewhere in the ground together with the bones of the spirit beast of the master of the Buddhist sect."

It turned out that the Bone Burial Temple came about in this way. It seems that Master Huiming did not stir up disputes when he first arrived in this world.If this is the case, it should have happened before the Dark Demon Temple, but I don't know what kind of spiritual pet Master Huiming brought, and it is probably a powerful character who can get a few powerful demons to be buried with him.

After the inspection, Yi Tian turned around and said to the three of them: "Let's go, I'm afraid we will meet monks from other tribes soon. Then try to avoid interference and go under the Bone Temple to investigate. I guess you can find an opportunity to break through the distraction period here, so I didn't know it."

After some words, the expressions on the faces of the three people were different, and after tidying up hastily, they followed Yi Tianfei into the back passage.

After continuing to explore in the passage for a short time, Yi Tian suddenly found that the spiritual pressure around him fluctuated violently.Needless to say, this situation must have been caused by someone fighting not far ahead.

At this point, Yi Tian didn't want to reveal his identity as soon as possible, so he asked Concubine Yan to take the lead and flew towards that place with two entourages.Because in the divine sense, he found that the aura of spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from the front contained a large amount of aura of real fire in the flame prison.What's mixed in it doesn't look like the brimstone real fire of the abyssal demons or the breath of the dark demons, which means that there is some internal strife on my side.

But thinking about it, the Flame Prison Demon Clan and the Sky Demon Clan only made a covenant on the surface, but in fact they still had constant friction in private.

After flying out of the tunnel, his eyes suddenly opened up, and he saw that two of the four monks in the huge cave were fighting.There was one person left on each side, and the two of them hurriedly stopped their moves when they saw the four of them fighting from the entrance of the passage, and stood on guard.

After three breaths, the cultivator from the Demon Clan of the Flame Hell shouted: "Cousin came just in time."

Yi Tian glanced and found that this person was Yan Lifeng, the representative of Liaoyuan City, and Dugu Yuchen of the Heavenly Demon Clan was the one who confronted him.It's a great thing for these two to have a dispute, otherwise there wouldn't be a dispute.

When the divine sense swept over it, it was discovered that there was a dark demon soldier standing on the ground. Judging from its appearance, it should be the Heavenly Demon Sword of the Heavenly Demon Clan.Even though it has been buried here for tens of thousands of years, its quality is still maintained at the mid-level of the heavenly level, and even a monk in the distraction stage will pay attention to it when it is taken outside.

Now that you know the cause of the dispute, it will be easy to handle.It's just that Yi Tian didn't want to force himself to avoid revealing his true identity, and he just stood at the end of the line and didn't make a sound when he saw the other party's divine sense coming.

On the scene, the Demon Clan of the Flame Prison obviously had an absolute advantage, but Dugu Yuchen didn't mean to give in at all, and Chongbao didn't want to suffer from his predecessor.

It's just that Yi Tian found out that after Dugu Yuchen negotiated with Yan Lifeng and Yan Concubine, his divine sense was always locked on him.Moreover, there was obviously a trace of surprise in his eyes, probably as if he saw something but couldn't be sure.

After a few people argued, there was no result of discussion. Seeing that the situation on the scene became awkward, Yi Tian said to Concubine Yan through voice transmission: "Give them the things and let them go quickly. Next There are still good things."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan didn't change her expression, but she changed the subject and gave up most of the benefits in front of her.At the same time, Yan Lifeng who was standing aside was puzzled, but after hearing Concubine Yan's voice transmission, he had no choice but to hold his breath first and then agreed to her distribution plan.

Dugu Yuchen showed surprise on his face. After looking at the six people in front of him, he didn't say much. He walked forward and pulled out the demon sword with both hands tightly.

After putting away the magic weapon, he just curled his lips and dealt with Concubine Yan and the two, and then hurriedly left here with the people, not forgetting to glance at Yi Tian's position before leaving.

Not long after the people left, Yan Lifeng asked: "Cousin, you gave the things to others, so what should we do now?"

Concubine Yan didn't answer, she turned around and looked behind her, Yi Tian just walked up slowly after seeing it, and looked around the place where the demon sword was inserted.Immediately, he stretched out his hand and counted the surrounding areas of the underground, and then waved his hand to sacrifice the magic light and hit the ground.

After the sound of 'click', the ground cracked in a radius of three feet, and the broken stone inside was peeled away to reveal half of the dark skeleton.

After the aura left on it dispersed, all the six people present were stunned, and Yi Tian said: "Half a monk's skeleton in the early stage of fusion is not a small treasure, and it is more useful than the demon sword."

After finishing speaking, ignoring the gazes of the people behind him, he took out the half of the skeleton. In the later stage, a ray of flames began to burn the skeleton in front of him.

After hearing a "cracking" sound, black magic liquid slowly precipitated from the dark-black skeleton.Yi Tian took out a few jade bottles, reached over to pick up the magic liquid one drop at a time, and then said: "The power of the magic source contained in the bone marrow true liquid of a monk at the integration stage must not be underestimated."

A total of nine drops were refined from the bones and packed, and then two bottles were taken out and thrown to Yan Lifeng, saying: "Take it, it should be more than enough to cultivate to the mid-stage of avatar."

(End of this chapter)

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