
Chapter 1417 Boneyard 2 Bottom

Chapter 1417 Boneyard Twelve Bottoms
After settling the disputes of the Heavenly Demon Clan, Yi Tian took out the bones on the ground, and used the flame prison demon fire to sacrifice and extract the power of the magic source from the bones and put them into a bottle.

There were six monks from the Flame Prison Demon Clan, including himself, but Yi Tian only gave Yan Lifeng two bottles, which made his face change slightly.But looking at the concubine Yan who was on the side also received two bottles, and the two attendants behind him also got a bottle, and they couldn't help shouting: "You took the big head of this good thing, isn't it unfair distribution, and I seem to be I have never seen you enter before, who are you?"

Faced with such an inquiry, Yi Tian just sneered, turned to look at Concubine Yan and signaled for her to reply.

After three breaths, when the two private voice transmissions were completed, Yan Lifeng showed a look of shock on his face, and immediately put away the jade bottle in his hand without saying a word.

Suddenly Yi Tian turned around and looked at the direction where Dugu Yuchen was leaving, then said: "It's time for the friends from the Heavenly Demon Race to show up, it seems that doing so is a bit out of the question."

As soon as the words fell, a ripple in the void was stirred up, and then a figure slowly appeared, it was Dugu Yuchen who had gone and returned.At this time, with one against six, he did not show any signs of timidity. After sizing up the people in front of him, his eyes only stayed on Concubine Yan and Yan Lifeng.Then he turned around and arched his hands in a straight face and said: "Senior, you have a good method. It is really amazing to be able to sneak into this burial place in front of two powerful people."

"Stop flattering, the people who come here are all customers, so I won't lie to you," Yi Tian said lightly, "How about we make a deal?"

"Since the seniors treat each other with courtesy, the juniors will naturally not be ignorant of good and evil. And my aunt Dugufeng once said that when I see my seniors in the future, I must treat my seniors with courtesy and not neglect," Dugu Yuchen replied respectfully.

Unexpectedly, the other party disclosed his identity in a single word. Although it was very cryptic, but when Dugufeng was involved, he also revealed his identity in a circumstantial way.Other people present may not know, but Yi Tian is very clear in his heart.

This time, I entered the Burial Ground opportunistically, which is a shameful thing.Now that the opponent's tone has softened, it is naturally best to design to pull him into the chariot, or at least form an alliance.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pushed the two jade bottles across the air, saying: "Whoever sees it has a share, you can also take two bottles of this thing."

Dugu Yuchen didn't directly take over, but looked at it before replying: "Senior is so kind, after junior takes over, I'm afraid I won't be able to find excuses to embarrass everyone in the flame prison demon clan."

"I know that your Heavenly Demon Clan has supernatural powers. After the Heavenly Demon Transformation is close to the completion, you can refine the bones and condense the demon body." Yi Tian laughed and said, "I will make a deal with you with this pair of bones in my hand. You and I form an alliance to explore the Boneyard, and when we are done, I will deliver this thing to you."

After speaking, he took out a storage bag, put the skeleton in it, and gently handed it to the ordinary concubine Yan, and bowed his head to give some instructions, and the latter took the storage bag and put it away.

After Dugu Yuchen saw it, his face changed slightly and after three breaths, he wanted to understand the truth. Later, he had no choice but to nod and said: "Senior is really thoughtful, well, I promise you, so please take care of the third palace master afterwards. It is."

Concubine Yan replied with a smile: "To each other, young patriarch Yuchen's strength is far superior to that of the same level. With you walking together, the road ahead will naturally be smoother."

Half a moment later, the group set off again. At this time, the number of people was already the largest force that had gathered eight people to enter the Boneyard this time.

Continuing to explore down, Yi Tian still walked in the forefront without hesitation. After going down several hundred miles through several cave passages, he reckoned that he should be very close to the bottom of the Bone Temple.

After Yi Tian's divine sense came out, he found that the depth of the passage had isolated his divine sense from the outside, and it seemed that he could not detect the situation inside.Immediately shouted in a deep voice: "It's almost the end, I guess we will face the magic plant of the Jade Leaf Silver Flower, everyone, get ready."

Dugu Yuchen's expression changed suddenly behind him. Although he didn't know what Yi Tian was talking about, it was not something simple that even the monks in the distraction period would pay attention to.

After a few 'swish swish swish' sounds, a group of eight people rushed out from the passage and entered the underground lava layer.After walking along the road for a short time, a huge tree root appeared in front of the ground, and those roots were surrounded by black branches, and there were black buds the size of buckets on the top of the forked branches.

Yi Tian glanced over and saw that the bottom of the huge tree root was entangled with several corpses, and the roots and branches almost took root from above and continuously extracted the power of the magic source from the corpses.

This should be the real reason why Jade Leaf Silver Flower was demonized. With the body of a monk in the fusion period as the foundation of nourishment, it can grow so strong.

The seven people behind them also showed joy when they saw the giant Lingzhi in front of them, but they dared not do anything directly because of Yi Tian's face.Shaoqing only heard Yan Lifeng ask: "Senior, I don't know how we should collect the bones of those monks in the fusion stage and the spiritual weapons left on them?"

"It's not very easy. This jade leaf silver flower has absorbed a lot of evil energy. It is difficult to retrieve the bones of several fit monks from it. However, it is still feasible to take a few magic weapons, but you have to be extra careful. Just be careful," Yi Tianyu said earnestly.

After hearing this, Yan Lifeng took a quick look, his eyes locked on the outermost magic treasures, and there was a trace of light in his eyes.

Dugu Yuchen who was on the side also had some thoughts, but after he checked, his face was slightly embarrassed, and he seemed to be planning something in his heart.

At this time, there was movement at the other end of Yuyeyinhua, and after a few voices came, it was the people from the Abyssal Demon Race who had arrived.At this time, they arrived in a group of five, plus two members of the Dark Demon Clan.

In comparison, although there is one less number of people, the momentum is almost the same.Apparently they were also the first to discover that a large group of demons from the Flame Prison had expired. After walking forward, their divine senses swept over and finally stopped at Concubine Yan, Dugu Yuchen and Yan Lifeng.

As for Yi Tian, ​​after taking the opportunity to walk back to the crowd, he restrained his breath and didn't say much, and quietly transmitted voice to let Concubine Yan and others come forward to find out the truth before talking.

After looking at the spirit root of the jade leaf and silver flower demon tree in front of him, the leader of the abyss demon clan stepped forward and said, "Guys, since we have reached the deepest point, how about the things in front of us according to our own abilities?"

After hearing this, Concubine Yan said, "It's rare for Tu Renjie to say something fair. If you want the relics of your ancestors, you must first weigh how much you own. The flame prison demons naturally speak based on their strength."

After Tu Renjie sneered, he turned to stare at Dugu Yuchen and said, "Do fellow Taoists of the Heavenly Demon Clan agree?"

"It's all right," Dugu Yuchen replied with pouted lips, "It depends on what fellow Daoist Yeming from the Dark Demon Clan wants."

A female demon cultivator with an enchanting figure and dark skin came forward and said: "That's no problem, but when a powerful character appeared among the flame prison demons, I didn't notice it early in the morning." After speaking, he stretched out his hand Yi Tian, ​​who was wearing a cloak, attracted everyone's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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