
Chapter 1419 Boneyard 4 Destroyed

Chapter 1419 Boneyard Fourteen Destroyed
Under the siege of the crowd, Yuye Yinhua's surgical spirit beast was forced out. Unexpectedly, it was a fire armored scorpion that fell into a half-mad state after being demonized.It's just that the strength of this fire armored scorpion is not simple. It just looks like it has reached the middle stage of distraction. It has not changed just now, making people think it is just a three-inch bug.

But when its stature skyrocketed, the aura from its body stunned all the surrounding monks at the transformation stage.Yi Tian glanced across his face with a dignified look. If he was not afraid of this monster outside, but in this space, his cultivation skills are suppressed and he can only display the top-level power of Huashen. Supernatural powers.

Turning her eyes to the side, Yeming seems to be thinking about countermeasures. With Mistress Anming's personality being suppressed by a monster in the middle of distraction, she must not be reconciled.

It's just that she was also extremely cautious, and she had some scruples when making moves, so she just fell into the limelight for a while.

Seeing this, Yi Tian knows that if he continues like this, he needs to break the deadlock, otherwise he will fall into a passive and unfavorable state if he is suppressed in the long run.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out several black jade bottles, poured out a red and black lightning ball from them, and controlled it towards the fire armored scorpion.This is the power of lightning that I stripped from the original thunder hammer when I was refining the Lightning Light Drill. I didn't expect to be able to try it out here.

The red and black arc of light slashed across the void and hit the fire armored scorpion fiercely, and then the fire armored scorpion opened its mouth and sprayed a green mist in front of it.After the red electric light hit the green mist, it disappeared like a mud cow into the sea in an instant.

This kind of situation made Yeming on the side tease: "Friend Daoist, your mediocre method doesn't seem to have much effect on the fire armor scorpion, why don't you use some powerful tricks."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the red and black lightning bolts were swallowed up, only a few splashed out and hit the surrounding vines, instantly breaking several of them.

The unremarkable move in Ye Ming's mouth was more powerful than the attacks of most of the people present, so the faces of those cultivators at the transformation stage behind them showed a little bit of timidity, and they all dodged after seeing the fire armor scorpion .

However, the fire armored scorpion seemed to be irritated by Yi Tian's attack. Later, its six legs moved quickly, and after the whole body moved rapidly, the scorpion hook on its tail hit Yi Tian's body in a flash again.

Immediately, Yi Tian's figure turned into an afterimage of Dao and dissipated, and then the figure reappeared ten feet away.At the same time, Yeming took out a snake-scale whip and waved it in the air, making a 'crack' sound. After a flash, the black shadow manipulated the bone whip in his hand to roll towards the fire armored scorpion tail.

On one side, she saw the way, so when she made a move, she attacked the fire armored scorpion's weakness. The strongest point was often the weakness. The fire armored scorpion's tail hook seemed extremely domineering, but in fact it was the fire armored scorpion's lifeblood.

The snake-scale whip instantly entangled the tail hook and locked it firmly, Yi Tian was overjoyed and sacrificed all the thunder balls from the jade bottle in his hand again.After three flashes of lightning flashed, it charged at the fire armored scorpion again.It's just that this time the three thunder lights combined into one to illuminate the green poison once again.

The Fire Armored Scorpion once again spit out green mist on its head, but this time the thunderball was three times stronger than before and held against the poisonous mist with one blow.

At the same time, Yeming yelled sharply: "Tu Renjie, Dugu Yuchen, Concubine Yan, you all also take action together, otherwise you will get nothing if you don't deal with this guardian monster."

After speaking, several figures around him flew forward, and it was the many cultivators at the transformation stage who were sprinting to the side. After the magic sacrifice in their hands, they also hit the back of the fire armored scorpion.

It's just that most of the hard shells on its back were forcibly caught by a burst of blows, only Dugu Yuchen's heavenly demon grabbed several black marks and depressions on its carapace.

"Hit it in the abdomen," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and popped out a few nanmuzi, which quickly took root and sprouted into the ground, then sprang out from under the Fire Armored Scorpion's feet and bound it firmly.

After Yi Tian just finished speaking, the Fire Armored Scorpion didn't dare to be trapped and spit out green poisonous fire from its mouth to burn the vines on the ground, and broke free from half of the vines in a short while.

At this time, more than a dozen monks at the stage of transforming spirits present at the scene had the opportunity to attack again, staring at the fire armored scorpion's abdomen and punching hard.Among them, a trace of inconspicuous blue light followed at the end, it was a spark that popped out of Yi Tian's hand.

After the dozens of spells hit the Fire Armored Scorpion, four or five wounds were opened on the soft armor of its abdomen, and the bright red blood overflowed from it, dyeing a large area of ​​the ground red.

Before the blood in the Fire Armored Scorpion's abdomen left much, suddenly the hot blood on the ground coagulated rapidly, and a long blue light appeared in a certain wound on its abdomen.Then I saw that the fire armored scorpion's movements began to slow down, and a trace of freezing air radiated from the wound, and then quickly spread across its body. After a while, the fire armored scorpion was frozen stiff from head to tail.

Seeing that, Yeming just looked at Yi Tianhou in a blink of an eye and said: "The fox's tail is finally exposed, I knew it was you a long time ago."

Facing her words, Yi Tian just turned a deaf ear to her, and suddenly saw the snake-scale whip in Yeming's hand rolled up and hit the Fire Armored Scorpion's forehead with a sudden blow, smashing it to pieces.

Later, the snake-scale whip rolled up a three-inch-sized demon pill, and when it fell into his hand, Yeming smiled and said, "I will reluctantly accept this demon pill, I think everyone will agree."

After saying a few words, all the monks in the stage of transforming gods around were scared and didn't dare to say more, Yi Tian looked at it and shook his head and said: "In this case, I want the corpse of the fire armored scorpion, you quickly take those Let's take out the modified bones during the fusion period, it will be much easier without the guardian monster."

As soon as the words came out, many monks around him also realized the main purpose of the trip, turned around and ran towards the jade leaf silver flower.

Dozens of people present made their moves one after another, but the Jade Leaf Silver Flower, no matter how many notes it had on its body, couldn't stop so many people from making a joint attack.

Not long after, the remains of the integrated monks rolled up inside fell down one by one.Roughly counting, there are four in total, and they look like the Sky Demon Clan, the Flame Prison Demon Clan, the Abyss Demon Clan, and the Flying Rakshasa Clan.

What surprised Yi Tian was that there was no remains of a fit monk from the Dark Demon Race.But after tens of thousands of years of extraction, the magic power left on these remains is less than that of the half that I found before.Moreover, the magic treasures left on them have long been weathered, and they will crack into slag if they are moved a little.

Now the four waves of people are all in their own right, and everyone agreed to put away the remains without making any trouble.The atmosphere on the scene became extremely harmonious for a while.

Suddenly the entire crypt trembled violently, and Yi Tian swept his mind and found that it was Tu Renjie who was trying to attack the root core of the jade leaf silver flower.It's just that his actions seemed to poke a hornet's nest, and countless vines suddenly grew on the surrounding rock walls and rushed towards everyone present, and more than a dozen flower vines the size of a bucket sprang out from the road behind him. , the pink bud at the top opened and covered everyone head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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