
Chapter 1420 Boneyard 5 Intrusion

Chapter 1420 Boneyard Fifteen Intrusions
At the bottom of Yuye Yinhua, she didn't expect that Tu Renjie would disrupt the scene with a random shot, which caused a sudden change that involved everyone around her.

After Yi Tian saw it, he said in a deep voice to Concubine Yan behind him: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. You have already got what you want and left first, and leave the array to me."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly replied: "Brother Yi, let's go together, it's easier to break through with more people."

Yi Tian shook his head and said in a low voice: "Go quickly, I can't protect you from the dark demon patriarch's avatar, take this opportunity, you and Dugu Yuchen try to figure out the abyssal demon clan before going out The people are."

Seeing that she couldn't help herself, Concubine Yan gritted her teeth and took out the teleportation array and handed it over, then turned around and called the two followers around her to prepare for a breakthrough.

The buds at the top of the jade leaf and silver flower vine in front of him opened and flew towards Concubine Yan, a blue spark flew out and directly froze the flower vine.Immediately, I saw Yi Tianfei stepping forward and punching lightly to open up the road in front of him. Concubine Yan and the three hurriedly followed behind and jumped out of it after seeing it.

As for Yan Lifeng and others, they hurriedly flew to evacuate from the gap, and finally even Dugu Yuchen slipped out from here.It's just that Yi Tian said a few words through voice transmission when he passed by, the latter showed a surprised expression on his face, then turned his head to look at the few people behind him, then ignored Feidun and went out.

On the other side, Tu Renjie from the Abyss Demon Race also forcibly opened a road to break through under the protection of Yeming.

After twenty breaths, only Yi Tian and Ye Ming were left on the scene, as well as Yu Ye Yin Hua in front of them.

Yeming looked at the situation in the next four weeks and said, "Fellow Daoist refuses to leave, do you still have ideas?"

"It seems that I should be the one who asked you these words. I don't know what the seniors are planning?" Yi Tian said in a playful manner.

Although the branches of the jade leaves and silver flowers around had surrounded them, they were frozen into ice cubes as soon as they reached a distance of ten feet from Yi Tian.As for Yeming, they also set up a protective cover to keep those vines out.A little later, Yeming's face darkened and he said, "Your breath is a bit familiar, as if I've seen you before?"

Yi Tian was taken aback, but he didn't expect that he hadn't met An Ming face to face last time at An You Mo Sha Spring, but he was remembered by others.Pretending to be harmless, he replied: "Senior Yeming lied, but this is the first time I have seen senior. But according to the current situation, what is the point of senior staying here?"

"You've got those brats gone with your sharp teeth, but don't think you can hide it from me," Ye Ming said disdainfully.

"Why is that?" Yi Tian twitched his mouth.

"Jade Leaf Yinhua has absorbed the power of the magic source in the body of four monks in the fusion stage, and it is also a great tonic for my body, so as long as you can help me, I will be very grateful afterwards," Ye Ming said.

"Senior is easy to calculate, but the jade leaf core is not so easy to take. I didn't expect you to swallow it alone. I'm afraid it might not be digestible if you eat it," Yi Tian snorted coldly.

I didn't expect that the other party and I wanted to go together, and in this case, we were still planning on this jade leaf core.However, those who are destined to get this treasure of heaven, material and earth, in fact, their strength may not be inferior to the opponent in such an environment.

After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "In this case, we will each use our own means."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Tian's figure flickered and flew to the side, and reached out to take out the Curse Sky Demon Bell and Demon Soul Banner.Turning around, offering the two spiritual weapons, they swept away around them, but Yeming's figure was always locked in his spiritual thoughts.

After all, Yuyeyinhua is a dead thing, and Yeming is his confidant's serious trouble.In the blink of an eye, a faint magic light glowed from Yeming's body, and his whole body was instantly covered by the magic light before disappearing in place.

It's just that after three breaths, Yi Tian's back was cold and felt bad, and the black magic light around him faintly gathered towards him after flashing.

He stretched out his hand and waved the Demon Soul Banner to sacrifice several strands of black mist to cover him in a radius of ten feet. Suddenly, a magical light flashed and submerged directly into the black mist.A double penetration scattered the mist, but the surrounding black mist quickly filled in and then filled the gap.

Yi Tian, ​​who was mostly in the dark mist, was sinking in water at this moment, he didn't expect Ye Minghui to pick this time to make a direct move.Surrounded by branches of Jade Leaf and Silver Flowers, they blocked all the way out, and kept narrowing the encirclement to suppress the range of activities of the two of them, but this also gave Ye Ming a chance to sneak attack on him.

Facing the emotionally unfavorable situation around him, Yi Tian didn't dare to stay where he was, he relied on the black mist to hide, while the other party hid in the magic light.And there is no effective way to restrain it at present, so Yi Tian glanced at the depth of the core of the jade leaf and silver flower, gritted his teeth and flew straight towards it.

Obviously, Yeming did not expect such a change, and later saw the magic light transforming into her figure in the air for a while, and then followed the direction of the black mist.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to hold the Curse Heaven Demon Bell, and then uttered the truth in his mouth. The sound wave was gathered into a bunch and came out of his mouth, piercing through the black mist and flying straight to the branches of Yuyeyinhua, and then a burst of spiritual pressure fluctuations came out. The resulting sound waves exploded and exploded the branches and leaves in front of them.

After doing this for a few times, there was no obstruction in front of the jade leaf core at the root, and Yi Tian could see clearly in the black mist that there was a golden gap in the root of the jade leaf silver flower.At this time, Yeming behind him also chased after him in an instant, and he couldn't allow himself to think too much. Yi Tian fell down and walked through the gap of golden light, leaving only a black mist behind him and slowly dissipating.

Yeming's magic light came in an instant, but she had a slight hesitation on her face facing the gap of golden light.The golden light that faintly leaked out of the gap made her feel extremely uncomfortable, as if she was born with a strong restraint effect on her.

I really don't know how Yi Tian got into it just now, when Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, the surrounding vines surrounded him again.It was completely destroyed just now, and the golden gap was revealed again, as if revealing the door of life.The branches around the jade leaf and silver flower were all pulled back, and quickly intertwined behind Yeming, cutting off the back path.

Even now, Yeming couldn't allow Yeming to think about it anymore. After biting his silver teeth, he sacrificed the magic light on his body to the strongest, and then Yeming jumped straight through the golden light gap in front of him.

After rushing into the golden light, Yi Tian only felt that he was surrounded by a golden warm current, but the devilish energy around him slowly separated out.Seeing that there is a problem here, without even thinking about it, the power of true essence in his body quickly switched to the state of spiritual cultivation, and the slightest pain in his body slowly subsided after a while.

He secretly said in his heart: "It is estimated that this is the purification power of the Buddhist sect. I didn't expect it to have an effect on my own art of combining gods and demons." Turning his head, he looked up and saw a black shadow flying in behind him, but Ye Ming didn't have himself. Such good luck, the black magic power on his body is constantly being purified by the golden light.

 Thanks for the great support of Daoist Kang Liandi

(End of this chapter)

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