
Chapter 1422 Burial Ground 7 Entrusted

Chapter 1422 Boneyard Seventeen Entrusted
Yi Tian's complexion improved after finally solving Ye Ming, anyway, he had never revealed his true identity before.It is normal for some monks to fall in the Boneyard. Fortunately, those juniors were sent away before.If they dare to go and come back to get them, I will send them on the road without hesitation.

After all, even the avatar of a monk in the fit period has been dealt with by himself, so there is no need to worry about other monks.

After putting away the Brahma Golden Bell and Taiyuan Sword, Yi Tian took out the breath-suppressing cloak and put it on his body again, and then continued to fall downward.The space here is full of Buddha's light scattered in all directions, but the more one goes down, the stronger the Buddha's power becomes.

Yi Tian spread out his divine thoughts and found that there seems to be no restrictions on him like the outside world, and the divine thoughts can be extended unscrupulously.Looking thousands of miles away, there seems to be something there, which is the source of the Buddha's light here.

Immediately, he was overjoyed and hurriedly urged the escape technique to fly straight towards the place where the light source was.

The distance of thousands of miles is just a moment for him. When he came close, Yi Tian stabilized his figure a hundred feet away from the light source.Then he looked sideways and found that where the golden light converged was a red Buddhist robe and cassock, and there seemed to be something wrapped in it.

Yi Tian didn't dare to take it lightly, but took out the glazed cup of Master Huiming and said to him with a wave of divine sense: "Master, please show up to explain, the younger generation has something to ask."

After three breaths, a phantom slowly rose from it, and transformed into the appearance of Master Huiming on the glazed lamp.Then Xuying turned around and looked around, fixed his eyes on the cassock and chanted the Buddha's name in his mouth: "It turned out to be the silk cassock of the poor monk. This thing was lost in the encirclement and suppression war of the four clans. You found it."

Yi Tian clasped his hands together and made a Buddhist salute: "I don't know that such a space can be opened up among the jade leaves and silver flowers planted by the master back then. I'm afraid that even the devil saint at that time may not be able to do anything to you."

"Little friend is lying. In fact, the Demon Sage did not take action back then, but he had planned to let me promote the merger of the nine tribes in the Demon Realm." In the end, the donkey under the slope only allowed the Heavenly Demons to annex the two tribes again, which did not meet the expectations of the Demon Saint."

Listening to what Master Huiming said, I didn't expect that the past events in the Demon Realm would be so secretive. It seems that the Demon Sage had sensed the intrusion of the Buddha sect's power early in the morning. power.

It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, Master Huiming didn't get all the achievements, and he had some reservations back then.However, there seemed to be something wrapped in the silk cassock in front of him, so Yi Tian didn't dare to take it directly, so he had to ask again: "I saw that there was a treasure of the Buddha sect hidden in the cassock, but I don't know what it is inside ?”

"That's a jujube tree struck by lightning I brought from the Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain," Master Huiming replied, "The thunder that fell when the ancestors were able to cross the catastrophe struck a jujube tree in the forbidden area of ​​Daxue Mountain. Afterwards, the fire jujube tree was split to rot, but the remaining branches survived and produced three fire dates."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's eyes showed a gleam of light, and the lightning strike jujube wood is naturally a rare top treasure between heaven and earth.Master Huiming, as an eminent monk of Minglun Temple, has a piece in his hand, so it makes sense.

Later, he continued to say: "I originally wanted to leave the silk cassock in Minglun Temple, but I was in a hurry so I took it to the Demon Realm. Now you put it away and send it back to the temple for me when you have a chance. As for the silk cassock The lightning-strike wood can be regarded as an advance payment to you. Remember that the lightning-strike fire jujube absorbs the power of thunder and fire from the heaven and the earth, if you send the cassock back to the Minglun Temple, you can try to ask the abbot for one."

"Thank you Master Huiming for your guidance, this junior is very grateful," Yi Tian said with ecstasy on his face after hearing this, and then respectfully returned the salute.

Later, Master Huiming's phantom retracted again and slowly fell into the glazed lamp, turning into a faint wick.

After Yi Tian put away the glazed lamp, he slowly flew forward to the silk cassock before stopping ten feet away. After looking at the Buddhist treasure in front of him, he found that the original power of Buddha's light in this world came from the silk cassock exudes.

If he took it away, the jade leaves and silver flowers outside would definitely wither, and the place where the bones were buried would naturally collapse.

Inside the red cassock was a piece of scorched black wood the size of a palm. Naturally, Yi Tian didn't dare to underestimate this thing. Lingzhi, who was able to survive the Mahayana Tribulation Thunder, was an incredible existence in itself.

Thinking about returning to his body, he slowly flew forward, and suddenly there were streaks of purple thunder flashing all around.When he looked closely, it turned out to be the lightning strike wood, from time to time, there were thunder lights shining around the cassock, forming a protective cover of the absolute field of thunder and light.

These days, Yi Tian felt that it was a bit difficult to deal with. With his own strength, it seemed a bit difficult to forcibly collect the silk cassock in front of him.He stretched out his hand and gently stretched the vicinity of the Lightning Absolute Territory, and as soon as he touched it, several thumb-thick purple lightning arcs flew out of it and hit his hand directly.

Although most of the power of the electric arc was offset by the defensive aura in his hand, there was still a little energy coming from his fingers, and Yi Tian was startled and hurriedly used his kung fu to force out the electricity that had invaded his body.

After a while, he faced a difficult situation. It is definitely not an easy task to break through the Lightning Absolute Territory and take out the cassock.And since that piece of lightning strike jujube wood contains such a powerful energy, even if it is taken off by oneself, it must find a safe way to store it.Visual inspection seems to be unable to deal with it alone with the existing means.

When he was at a loss what to do, suddenly the seal in the Niwan Palace made a movement, and flew out of it with a 'swish' sound, and then directly broke through the Thunder Light Absolute Domain in front of him and flew onto the silk cassock.

The purple thunder around it seemed to have no effect on it at all. At this moment, the seal was absorbed by the lightning strike on it.A little later, the lightning strike Zaomu in your cassock seemed to have received some pulling force and slowly rose from it.

Yi Tian was only able to get a glimpse of the whole picture of the Thunderbolt jujube tree at this point. It turned out to be a piece of wood that was scorched black all over.It was covered by the remaining power of purple electricity, and the power of chaos faintly exuded from the power of purple electricity was shocking.

A little later, I saw that piece of lightning-struck jujube wood was pulled by the seal and slowly shrank, and finally turned into the power of Dao Zilei and completely submerged in the seal.After devouring this piece of lightning-struck jujube wood, the seal flew in circles in the air as if he had eaten and drank enough, and then turned into a purple light and flew back to his Niwan palace.

Yi Tian took a look and found that the seal on the top of Yuanying's head became the same at this time, and the color on it was a little darker than before.Also, the power of purple thunder brought out by his own spiritual power flowing through the seal has also been significantly improved.

(End of this chapter)

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