
Chapter 1423 Boneyard 8 After the War

Chapter 1423 Boneyard After the Eighteenth War
On the southern battlefield, the battle between the flame prison demons and the abyssal demons' armies that had been stalemate for thousands of years suddenly turned upside down.First of all, a large army of the abyssal demons began to withdraw slowly, reducing the force to half of its original size.Moreover, they also gave up the several strongholds they had previously occupied, and retreated to Abyss City, the original base camp of the southern battlefield.

As for the Flame Prison Demon Clan, they also made some moves, dividing the previously forcibly occupied area into a buffer area of ​​nearly a thousand miles.

Then build the city based on the location of the existing expeditionary force and the location of the Chinese army.Form an island-shaped defense chain.

However, generally speaking, the two races showed a defensive attitude and no longer confronted each other, and allowed low-level monks to travel between the fortresses of the two parties in private for business and trade activities.

As for the news that the two races jointly explored the burial ground, it spread like wildfire afterwards.There are gossip that both sides have gained a lot of benefits in that ruins.

As for the protective barrier there, it suddenly disappeared afterwards, and then the monks in the fusion period of both sides went down to check it out in person.In the end, only a withered celestial-rank magic plant Jade Leaf Silver Flower was found, but the core of the Jade Leaf was completely withered and could not be used again.

As for the people of the four clans, each of them gained a lot of money, but many monks among them fell into the Bone Burial Ground.One of the four princes of the Flame Prison demon clan lost one person, and even the fourth prince himself was seriously injured after he came out and needed to be in seclusion for a hundred years.When the four Heavenly Demons entered, they came out unscathed.

The Abyssal Demon Clan on the opposite side also lost one person, but only one person from the Dark Demon Clan escaped.Afterwards, it was said that the Dark Demons had specially sent monks to go under the Bone Burial Ground to investigate on the spot, but they couldn't find the bones of the fallen man.

Concubine Yan, the commander of the expeditionary army, was appointed by Commander Yan Lei as his deputy after the battle, and was responsible for coordinating the situation in the south.As for the commander himself, he drove back to the territory of Liaoyuan City, and he would not return to the southern battlefield when it was not in wartime.

It seems that Yan Lei wants to be the hands-off shopkeeper and hand over all the things to his deputy, but in the eyes of caring people, the fourth prince is now injured and recuperating in retreat.The power in the southern battlefield has completely fallen into the hands of Concubine Yan, the lord of the third palace, but what was unexpected was that Concubine Yan even recruited the Seventh Prince Yan Peng to let him take charge.

In this way, a situation of separation of powers is formed, but the initiative and the final decision are still in the hands of Concubine Yan.

Yi Tian sat cross-legged in his cave at this time and looked at the latest military newspapers, there was no slight disturbance, these things were almost within his expectations, and Yan Lei's actions were roughly in line with his guesses.

He seemed to have thought of what to write, that's why he forwarded someone to send an invitation before leaving, inviting him to take time to go to Liaoyuan City.

His eyes glanced at the bronzing invitation card in front of him, Yi Tian pouted his lips with a helpless expression.Obviously, this is the most troublesome thing for me, and I definitely can't do it if I don't go. If I go, I will definitely encounter some things that make me feel uncomfortable.

The last time I was being used as a gun outside the Boneyard, I was a little upset, but due to the identity of the other party and the position of Concubine Yan, I agreed to the life-and-death fight without much fuss.This time, it seems that Yan Lei thinks that he still has value and wants to win him over again, but he doesn't know what tricks he will play behind his back.

After collecting the lightning-struck jujube wood and silk cassock from the inside of the jade leaf silver flower, the entire jade leaf core space immediately fell apart.Fortunately, when Master Huiming set up this space back then, he saved a hand, and he was directly teleported thousands of miles away at the last moment.

Afterwards, Yi Tian didn't dare to hang out in the outside world. After changing the spiritual power attribute in his body, he found the location of the expeditionary army camp in the southern battlefield and rushed back.

After arriving, he first contacted the garrisoned mother Yang, and then he loaded himself into his temporary cave and began to retreat. He also declared that he must not disturb himself unless there were major military operations such as dismantling the camp.

When Concubine Yan returned to the camp and got the notification from Nanny Yang, she just sent out a summons talisman to inquire about the situation, and sent the summons slip and invitation together.

Now Yi Tian ushered in a rare clean time to sit cross-legged in the cave and rest, and this trip to the Bone Temple is also full of dangers.Among them, the resolution of the Dark Demon patriarch's avatar will definitely cause quite a stir, so it's better for him as the party to choose Zhe Mo, and temporarily retreat for a period of time until the limelight passes before going out.

At this time, the silk cassock had already been put away by himself alone, and the hot potato of this incident must not reappear in the Demon Realm, otherwise he did not know what consequences would result.

It's a pity that the piece of lightning strike jujube wood was completely absorbed by the seal in Niwan Palace. Originally, I planned to refine it and blend it into my purple flame wind and thunder fan to strengthen the power of wind and thunder.

Fortunately, the power of heavenly thunder contained in the spiritual power flowing through the seal has been greatly strengthened, and the effect of tempering his Nascent Soul and warming up the several spiritual weapons in his hand is more than twice as strong as before .

Later, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the depths of the temporary cave and soon entered into a state of sedation. After the exercises in his body were performed, his whole body naturally showed the appearance of the real body of the flame prison.It's just that the magic fire on his body now has quietly undergone a qualitative change, and the inner core of the black-red flame has a faint purple light flashing.And there are traces of lightning attached to it, very much like the lightning that struck the jujube tree.

After this fight, the demon soul banner in his hand was also greatly strengthened. After devouring Tu E's arm, the murderer's soul in the demon soul banner seemed to have quietly changed.Yi Tian found that the 梼杌 beast soul was much more solid than before, but its size had shrunk to about half of its original size.

Puzzled, he could only try to let it devour other treasures, but after some experiments, he found that this beast soul only likes to devour living things, but it doesn't care about dead things.

Although Yi Tian didn't have a good impression of soul banners, but he didn't have anything on hand, so he had to settle for it first.

In this way, Yi Tian in the cave began a long retreat, and 30 to [-] years had passed in a blink of an eye, and during this period, Concubine Yan never came to bother him, which can be regarded as a relatively comfortable time.

At the same time, there were several incidents of friction between the Heavenly Demon Clan and several major Demon Clans in the Demon Realm, and there was always a name interspersed in these incidents.

The name of the Heavenly Demon Clan enshrining the elder Jiutuoluo has gradually become famous among the monks in the distraction period. If Yi Tian knew about this, he would definitely not know much about what he did.After everyone agreed to sneak into the demon world, try not to attract too much attention, otherwise it will have a negative impact on the next action.

(End of this chapter)

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