
Chapter 1424 Learned

Chapter 1424 Learned
After nearly 30 years of retreat and practice, the area where Yi Tian's temporary cave is located is rarely visited by people, but today, Yan Fei, the deputy commander of the Flame Prison Demon Army, came to the door in person with two entourages.

Immediately after the notification before the restriction outside the cave door, a gap two feet wide and five feet high appeared in front of her. Concubine Yan simply ordered the two people behind her to wait outside, but she flew into it in a flash.

After entering the cave, she walked all the way to the main hall in the cave. Concubine Yan found that Yi Tian was sitting at the stone table and made a gesture of invitation, but said in her mouth: "I haven't seen the third palace master for many years, and he really matured." A lot, I think the experience in recent years can still be alone."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan showed a little shyness on her face, and then stepped forward to salute Yi Tian and then sat down on the stone bench.Later, he said softly: "Brother Yi seems to have gained a lot from his retreat and practice these years."

With a slight smile on his face, Yi Tian nodded and said: "It's just a little bit of success. The way I'm looking for in my heart is to be able to achieve the fusion or to have a glimpse of the realm of Mahayana. Naturally, I dare not neglect my practice."

Hearing this, the gloomy look in Concubine Yan's eyes flashed away, and then she straightened her face and arched her hands: "Then I want to wish Brother Yi can get what he wants, I believe that with your strength, you will be able to get there for one day."

"Hehe, don't underestimate yourself, if you are willing to calm down and practice hard, I believe it will not take 500 years to break through the bottleneck of the distraction period and go up to another level," Yi Tian said.

After hearing this, Concubine Yan showed some smiles on her face and said: "I will definitely obey Brother Yi's instructions, and I will not let my cultivation be pulled down. In the past hundred years, I have traveled all over the world to establish my position in the imperial dynasty. Cultivation is indeed progressing a bit slowly."

"It doesn't matter. You broke through the mid-stage of transformation under the care of the Demon Emperor, so you don't need to increase your cultivation progress too fast. It is the right way to completely absorb and refine the elixir you have taken for your own use." Yi God can't deny it.

"It's really helpless to disturb Brother Yi's retreat this time." Concubine Yan changed the subject and said, "A lot of things happened in the demon world during your retreat, although not many of them involved the flame prison demons. But it is likely to affect your subsequent trip to the abyss of the Demon Realm."

Hearing this, Yi Tian secretly became vigilant, since Concubine Yan could see it, there must be a lot of problems.Then he said seriously, "I don't know what's going on?"

"Before I speak, I would like to ask Brother Yi what he thinks of Uncle Huang's invitation?" Concubine Yan also said with a serious expression on her face.
"It's hard to say. Since the coach personally posted the post for me, I must go there once. Does this have something to do with the quota of the Demon Realm Abyss?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"In the trip to the devil world, every monk in the fusion period has a recommended quota," Concubine Yan explained: "Since the emperor favors you, it is the best, and it will save you from competing for the quota with the emperor."

It turned out to be like this, but Yi Tian didn't think that Yan Lei would be so stupid as to give him such a precious quota for no reason.As the saying goes, people must ask for courtesy, but the appetite of the monks in the fit stage may not be easy to handle.

After thinking about it, he replied in a deep voice: "I'm afraid it's too early to make a conclusion on this matter. I guess the commander will definitely offer an extremely harsh condition in exchange for this quota."

"That's true, but that's easier than beheading generals from my father's place," Concubine Yan said anxiously: "I have always allocated a quota for my flame prison demon clan, and the two from my father's place All of them need to be assigned through a competition, and the places for the emperor uncle are usually reserved for people from his line."

"According to what you mean, wouldn't it strengthen your influence if I went to the Demon Emperor to participate in the battle?" Yi Tian said puzzled.

Concubine Yan waved her hands and shook her head and said: "It was before I had not yet gained a firm foothold, so I did everything possible to get ahead in the court, but the situation is different now. I am now the deputy commander of the army, and I have actually fulfilled the post of commander. It’s just cultivation.”

"I understand. In your current situation, as long as there are no major accidents, it will be a matter of course to wait until your cultivation level is improved to take over the position of commander-in-chief," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Since you are now on the road to succession There is no need to force yourself to compete for those places with your wings already growing."

"That's the case," Concubine Yan said with a smile, "My father already knew about the battle of the Bone Temple, and now the seventh brother has been eliminated and turned to me. And the fourth brother did not find the remains of the sages after the last battle. After coming out of the serious injury, I can only retreat and heal my injuries, and I haven't left the customs until now."

"I know, I must go to Liaoyuan City once, but I think since there are two places for the Demon Emperor, you will also send someone to participate, otherwise it is not your style to lose an opportunity for no reason. ,” Yi Tian asked tentatively.

Concubine Yan nodded and replied: "Nurse Yang and I suggest sending Yantong and An Xichen to fight, the best one can win, even if it doesn't work, you still have an established quota here. So I already had the advantage early in the morning, No matter how the fourth brother manages, he still falls into the limelight."

Hearing that these two were fighting against Yi Tian, ​​he didn't show any surprise. Originally, in terms of cultivation, Nanny Yang was the best candidate.It's a pity that when her life is near, she is still planning to accompany Concubine Yan as much as possible and give her a lot of guidance.

As for the two of them, Yan Tong is a veteran, but his cultivation base is relatively weak, and he likes Pian An Yi Yu, so the chances of winning are not great.On the other hand, An Xichen had a rare opportunity to stand out in front of the Demon Emperor, so he would naturally try his best.Moreover, he is not weak as an Ascension Cultivator, and he has done his best to accompany Concubine Yan to the southern battlefield in recent years.With such a combination of them, there is no need to worry about anything.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian turned his mind to Liaoyuan City, wondering what price Yan Lei would offer this time, and how he should deal with it.

Just thinking about Concubine Yan, she said again: "In recent years, there has been a message in the demon world that has clues about the evil Buddha in the world. It is said that he is a secret left by a Mahayana monk more than ten thousand years ago somewhere in the demon world. Hidden. For this reason, several cultivators from the Heavenly Demon Clan searched for it one after another."

"The secret treasury of the evil Buddha in the mixed world," Yi Tian's face changed slightly after hearing this, but he thought in his heart: "Does Master Huiming have any undiscovered footholds in the demon world? And the offerings of the demon clan are also shot Come on, Kudhara naturally has his eye on this matter."

Sighing, Yi Tiancai replied: "Understood, I will investigate this matter. If there is such news, there will be no trouble without wind, and the person who spread the news naturally has no good intentions."

 Thank you fellow Taoist for your support

(End of this chapter)

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