
Chapter 1425

Chapter 1425
After Concubine Yan left, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the cave mansion and bowed his head in thought.According to the original plan, after sneaking into the Demon Realm, he opened the door for Concubine Yan to seize the throne. At this time, it was almost completed.

The plan is to go to the abyss of the demon world to explore the abyss of the demon world by winning the recommended quota from the Demon King of Yan Prison, so as to find the golden body and bones left by the master of precepts in this world.

Fortunately, after his trip in Liaoyuan City, he met Yan Lei, the city lord who was also a monk in the integration stage.Since he gave the invitation this time to go to Liaoyuan City again, it was naturally for the quota to enter the abyss of the demon world.

And the difficulty of getting a quota from him is naturally easier than going to the Yan Prison Dynasty to participate in the fierce battle. In the end, at most, you have to agree to some of his conditions in exchange.But even this is of great benefit to oneself, there is no reason to look far away.If you categorically refuse, then you will be a demon if something goes wrong, and people will be suspicious if they find out afterwards.

I originally planned to go to Concubine Yan to clarify the matter after leaving the customs, but I didn't expect her to come to the door first.In this way, there is less trouble, Yi Tian directly explained his plan to her, and at the same time, he made it clear.

At the same time, Yi Tian can still see that Concubine Yan always has her own heart for her, but she was blocked by the words of greatness at the beginning, but she is also in a high position and naturally she will not let it go.

Thinking about it, as long as she came out of the abyss of the Demon Realm alive, Concubine Yan would definitely grab her and go to the Yan Prison Dynasty to find the Demon Emperor to decide the marriage.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian only felt that his head was as big as a bucket, anyway, he could only take one step at a time, and deal with the matter in front of him first.

During this conversation, I also heard that in recent years, there has been a secret treasury of a mixed world evil Buddha in the demon world.Let's not say whether this is true or not, but since he can tell the name, he must be an insider.

This will definitely cause Kudhara to look sideways, and he should have set off early in the morning to find out whether it is true or not.And at this time, it was clearly aimed at people like him, and with his temperament, he definitely would not be bullied to come to his door.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out the communication jade talisman and briefly wrote down the message, then activated it and sent it out.

After sitting cross-legged in the cave for three days, I realized that Xunfei had arrived, and gently reached out and pinched a formula to open the door.I saw a black black light flying straight in front of him, and the message on the jade talisman swept by the divine mind was exactly the handwriting of Kudala.

After reading it quickly, Yi Tian fell into deep thought. It was clearly written on the jade talisman that at this moment, Jiuduoluo was leading the Tianmo people to investigate the secret collection of the evil Buddha in the mixed world.

Evil River in Sunset City also gave him an order to clarify this matter. It would be best if he could find the secret treasure, and he would have to get a share of it no matter how bad it was.

It's just that he also has reservations about this matter, and the reason is similar to what he thinks.Both of them can be regarded as insiders, and they can see at a glance that there is something hidden in this matter, and nine out of ten it is a game set up by people.

But since the other party drew down the road, how could he not allow Kudara to not answer, so he ordered people to find out.In the end, at the end of the jade talisman, Jiuduo Luo also wrote clearly that he originally wanted to go with him, but he hurried on the road due to the urgency of the matter and the repeated urging of the city lord Himu.

However, he also marked the destination of this trip, which is located in the land boundary called Mizong Ridge at the junction of the territories of the Sky Demon Clan and the Shadow Demon Clan.Yi Tian calculated that with his own escape speed, it took about two days. If he hurry up, he can catch up in about a day and a half.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian stood up and tidied up all the things around him, and then took out a communication jade talisman to tell Concubine Yan about his going out to inquire about the hidden treasures of evil Buddhas in the mixed world, and then he will rush to Liaoyuan City Meet Huangshu Yanlei.

After the jade talisman was sent out, Yi Tian strolled out of the cave, opened the restriction barrier, and flew over the camp of the expeditionary army in a flash.He took out the jade slip of the map and marked the location of Mizong Ridge, and then found that the boundary of the land was also surprisingly large, covering a radius of [-] miles.

If there is no Juddara's message, I'm afraid it will take several months to find the exact location. Fortunately, I don't open my eyes and know that the first stop of the Tianmo army is the dark cave on the edge of the outpost of Mizong Ridge. near the gorge.They will set up their camps there and explore further inside.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his figure turned into an aurora and flew straight towards the location of Mizong Ridge Dark Grotto Gorge, leaving only an afterimage at the original location, and there was no trace after ten breaths.

Along the way, Yi Tian passed across the southern battlefield, carefully avoiding the boundaries of the abyssal demons and raising the flying altitude to avoid being noticed by the opponent to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Passing through the southern battlefield and flying for two days, they entered the boundary of the Devil's Spine Mountain Range. At this time, the Devil's Spine Mountain Range has been baptized by the expeditionary army of the Flame Prison Demon Race and has been built as solid as gold.It is blunt to say that Concubine Yan's words in the Devil's Spine Mountain at this time are more useful than those from the Demon Emperor of Yan Prison.

It's just that when Yi Tianlu passed by, his divine sense swept across the newly opened demon town below, and he was full of emotions.It was unexpected that my own unintentional mistake provoked the Yan Prison Demon Clan to attack.

On the other hand, if I hadn't come to the Demon Realm, the confrontation in the Demon Spine Mountain Range might last for thousands of years without changing.

After crossing the Devil's Ridge Mountain, proceed to the territory of the Sky Demon Race, and try to avoid contact with people along the way.But gradually Yi Tian discovered that there were quite a few earth-level monks flying in the direction of Mizong Gorge.

Among these people were all kinds of casual cultivators of the demon race, some traveled alone or in groups of two or three, but their destination was generally in the same direction as their own.

And the closer you get to Mizong Gorge, the more casual cultivators you see, so Yi Tian began to hesitate in his heart.It seems that the news of the secret treasure of the evil Buddha in the mixed world has spread throughout the demon world, so that a large number of demon cultivators have been attracted to it. I don't know what the people behind the scenes are planning.

A few days later, when Yi Tian arrived at Mizong Ridge, he watched from a distance in the air and found the zero-hour camp of the Sky Demon Race.The flag of the Heavenly Demon Clan was erected in the camp, and the entire Anku Gorge was marked as a restricted area.

Seeing this, Yi Tian slowly lowered his head from the cloud and took out the breath-suppressing cloak and put it on his body to prevent others from discovering his horizontal identity.

After a little investigation with his spiritual sense, he found that the strongest monks who stayed behind in the entire camp were only as good as transformed into gods.

Immediately, Yi Tian pinched an invisibility spell out of thin air and walked towards the camp of the Heavenly Demon Clan swaggeringly.

When he walked to the depths of the camp, he found a cultivator from the Heavenly Demon Tribe who was in the stage of becoming a god, sitting cross-legged in the inner circle with his eyes closed for cultivation.Suddenly he opened his eyes for no reason, and then looked around.Yi Tian found that although the other party couldn't find his location, he obviously felt that someone was intruding.Then he opened his mouth and shouted: "It's not just He Fang's expert coming, Dugu Ping of the Heavenly Demon Race is justified."

Seeing the other party's self-reported family name, Yi Tian slowly showed his figure, reached out and took out the jade token enshrined by the Tianmo clan and replied: "It's really a bit different, the left-behind staff that Jiuduoluo found are quite discerning."

Seeing the enshrined jade plaque, Dugu Ping hurriedly arched his hands together and said, "See Senior Yi, Elder Jiutuoluo said earlier in the morning that you will rush to make it later and told me to wait here to wait for you."

(End of this chapter)

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