
Chapter 1426 Search

Chapter 1426 Search
After arriving at the Tianmo clan camp in the dark cave gorge of Mizongling, Yi Tian took out the token of the elder Keqing of the Tianmo clan and entered the depths of the old camp.The left-behind coach Dugu Ping told all the information that Juddara had left in advance after seeing him.

After taking the jade slip, he placed it on his forehead and quickly scanned it with his divine sense. After a while, Yi Tian almost understood the general situation.

Jiu Tuoluo and his party arrived here three days earlier, and after setting up camp in the Dark Grotto Gorge, they took two assistants to the depths of Mizong Ridge to search for clues about the so-called secret treasure of the evil Buddha from the mixed world.

It's just that he left for almost two days and hasn't returned yet, and no message has been sent back.Duguping got the order to stay here and wait for help, so he took care of all the military affairs for the time being.

Yi Tian didn't speak directly after reading the jade slips, but kept thinking about it in his mind.Given that Juddara's strength was almost the same as his own, if he was trapped in the Mizong Ridge, it wouldn't be much better if he went rashly.

But if you don't go, you can't do it. If Kudala really falls, then the three spiritual seeds on him will be a big problem.It was with great difficulty that I was able to help him get together three-quarters of the money. You have to have a beginning and an end to do things.

And I also want to see in my heart what will happen after the two soul-seeds are merged into one. After all, my Nascent Soul has fused the power of the magic source, and I also want to see how powerful the secret treasure of the upper realm is at the same level.

Along the way, they also found a large number of low-level monks coming one after another. This appearance will definitely turn Mizong Ridge upside down.After thinking for a while, Yi Tian ordered: "There is a reason for the incident. I think you will immediately take the Tianmo tribe out of the Dark Grotto Gorge, and set up camp after a hundred miles away from Mizong Ridge."

After hearing this, Dugu Ping's face changed slightly, and he tentatively replied: "Is Senior Yi's move inappropriate? If Senior Kudala comes back, how will I explain it?"

"Just say it was my suggestion, and I predict that the matter of the secret treasure of the evil Buddha in the mixed world is a complete set, and the entire Mizong Ridge should be a place where people are tricked, so you should evacuate and move for the time being." Go to the safe zone first," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice.

"Then should we notify Liaoyuan City to send additional reinforcements?" Duguping asked.

"Tell Dugu Yaoxiang to lead the team. It's best to find a few formation masters who might be useful." Yi Tian thought for a while before saying: "Okay, I will go to search for Jiuduoluo first, and you should leave the camp immediately."

It is said that the complete personal figure quietly turned into a transparent shape until nothingness, but the real body has already flown hundreds of miles away to the depths of Mizong Ridge.Yi Tianfei spread his divine sense in the sky and searched around, and soon found that the eyes of the divine sense were blocked by a thick fog three hundred miles away.

After stabilizing his figure in the air, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and he cast his demon pupils to look into the distance.I saw a thick gray fog rising from the depths of the Mizong Ridge, covering the entire range of thousands of miles.

I reckoned that there should be the location of the so-called Secret Vault of the Evil Buddha from the Mixed Realm, but my divine sense and pupil skills couldn't see clearly what was going on inside, so maybe I had to go in and check it out myself.

After thinking about it, he slowly descended to the flying height, restrained his breath, and quietly approached a foggy area.After coming to this edge area, I only felt that there was something wrong with the fog, so I decided that it would be better to get down and enter from the ground.

After walking less than half a mile inside, he heard a faint smell of blood coming from the mist. Yi Tian followed this smell and soon found that its source was a scene of a small conflict.

Among them, the bodies of two demons were cut into two, judging from the wounds, they should be traces left by some kind of monster attack.After looking at the corpses in front of them, they found that something was wrong. The Niwan Palace on the foreheads of the two corpses had been scratched, and the magic babies inside were forcibly pulled out.

Although such a situation is common in the demon world, it is not the case in Yi Tian's eyes.The appearance of these two people in the mid-stage of transforming gods, according to the death conditions, it can be judged that they were killed by one move at the same time.

Later, someone forcibly dug out the Niwan palace on the forehead and dug out the magic baby, and the whole process was done in one go.Ask yourself that if you want to do this, at least you must be a person with similar cultivation level as yourself. Thinking that you may have to face an opponent who is lurking in the dark and is as powerful as yourself, Yi Tian can't help but start to be vigilant.

Although the strength may be comparable, but after all, the opponent's geographical prestige can't be sure, and the face will fall into a disadvantage.The surrounding fog also cut off the divine sense, and at most, he could only detect the situation within a hundred feet around him.

In this way, Yi Tian restrained his perch, took out the demon soul banner, concealed his figure, and sneaked forward in the mountains.

Not long after showing a few hills, he found movement in front of him. When he walked forward, he found the corpse of a monk from the Heavenly Demon clan lying on the hillside in the distance.His death was exactly the same as the previous two. They were truncated down the middle and then emptied out of the Niwan Palace to dig out the magic baby.

However, Yi Tian can be sure that the beast that sneaked up on people in the dark must be a monster.The storage rings on the hands of these corpses have not been removed. Presumably, if it was the magic cultivator who made the move, there would never be such a big omission.

Judging from the clothes on the person in front of him, he should be one of the two cultivators at the transformation stage brought by Kudala, but there is no obvious trace of fighting here, and he should have been killed by a sneak attack.

It's just that the strength of being able to sneak attack in front of Kudala needs to be re-evaluated.

Putting away his contempt, Yi Tianshen scanned the surrounding area and found that there was a faint trace of spiritual pressure fluctuations in the front left, which should be left by Jiuduoluo after he shot.

Following this direction, Yi Tian sacrificed his escape technique and flew low in mid-air, his figure darting towards the front.

Flying all the way, I didn't see any traces of fallen monks. On the contrary, the remnants of spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air became stronger and stronger.After flying over a hundred miles, I found that there was still blood explosion in the spiritual pressure. The surrounding ground was pear-passed, and the blood-colored soil was turned over and pressed down again, leaving only some red spots on the ground. blood.

When he was hesitating, suddenly there was a loud sound of spell attack from three hundred miles ahead, obviously someone was fighting.Without a doubt, Yi Tian hurriedly let go of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body and rushed towards there.

Ten breaths later, in a blink of an eye, I saw three monks surrounding a Heavenly Demon monk from a distance. Under the fierce rounds of attacks, that day Demon monk seemed exhausted from defense and had no strength to fight back.It is estimated that he will be killed on the spot by breaking through the protective shield in a short while.

Yi Tian gently raised the demon soul banner in his hand, and three black magic mist flew out of it, and then circled in the air and rolled towards the three people.

'Swish swish swish' after several sounds, the black mist wrapped around the three people and separated them from the mid-day demon monks.

(End of this chapter)

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