
Chapter 1427 Distress

Chapter 1427 Distress
In the depths of Mizong Ridge, Yi Tian finally found his two assistants in the stage of transforming gods by following the spiritual power attribute left by Jiutuoluo.It's just that at this moment, one died and the other was injured, and there were actually three people besieging them.

Under the attack of the demon soul banner, two of them were eliminated on the spot, but the third person broke his arm to survive when he was entangled by the magic fog. He decisively separated his body and left a residual arm to escape calmly.

What Yi Tian didn't expect was that the escaped Demon Cultivator was able to use gecko-like innate supernatural powers to survive.A cultivator at the stage of distraction actually let a cultivator at the transformation stage sneak away under a surprise attack.

When Yi Tian appeared, he looked at the situation in front of him, and the two people who were knocked down by him showed a strange shape, and it looked like they didn't know what kind of demons they were.

The besieged Heavenly Demon cultivator saw that the besieged people around were knocked down, and then he took advantage of it, and then hurried forward to salute and thank him.After Yi Tian took out the offering token of the Heavenly Demon Race in his hand, he asked later: "Where is the Kudala man, won't he also fall into it?"

"Elder Judhara went deep into the crypt of the ancient castle thirty miles away half an hour ago. The junior was his deputy, Luo Ji, who followed his orders and went back to report to the army camp," the man said.

"You go back first, I have sent someone to summon Dugu Yaoxiang, and he will lead people to quickly reinforce," Yi Tian replied.Then his eyes turned to the two people who were trapped by the demon soul banner with surprise on their faces.

Unexpectedly, these two people turned out to be monster monks who had been demonized, or they were monster monks who had accepted the tank of demonic energy.The characteristics of the monster clan on the body are still retained, one is a wild boar spirit, and the other is a fish spirit.

Needless to say, the one who escaped must be a gecko spirit, otherwise how could he escape under the attack of his own demon soul banner.

It's just that I have never heard of the existence of demonized monster races in the demon world, but the facts show that there are indeed such races lurking secretly in the demon world.And the matter of the hidden treasures of the evil Buddhas in the mixed world this time must have an inseparable relationship with them.

After thinking about it, holding the demon soul flag and shaking it lightly, the fierce soul flew out of it, opened its mouth wide, and plunged the two demonized monsters into its belly.After it chewed and swallowed roughly, it was full before it slowly flew into the demon soul streamer.

Yi Tian waved his hand to let Logy leave first, and he followed the direction he indicated to explore the castle crypt thirty miles ahead.

Along the way, the surrounding air was filled with a pungent stench, and hundreds of puddles, large and small, appeared on the ground as we walked forward, filled with dark green juice, which seemed to be accompanied by drama. poison.

After avoiding these depressions lightly, Yi Tian arrived at the gate of the old castle's crypt after a while.Looking up, the old castle is nothing more than a slightly larger den.

The gate looks like the head of a giant beast, and the entrance to the crypt is just at the position of its mouth. Walking down this passage, is there any dew left on the weathered walls around Yi Tianfa Jue?This passage is about one foot wide, nine feet high, and bottomless.

A gloomy cold wind blows from it and blows on his protective shield, making a buzzing sound.Yi Tian hurriedly took out the demon soul banner to protect himself, and then continued walking all the way down.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian found that he had walked through the corridor passage to a large underground stone room.Surrounded by all kinds of grotesque petrified monsters exuding a strong evil spirit.Needless to say, these monsters must be related to those monsters before.

Not long after walking down, a fork in the road appeared in front of him. Yi Tian Shennian probed in lightly, but he could only penetrate a distance of twenty feet, no matter how far he was, he couldn't check the situation inside.

I don't know which road to choose, Lu Yitian showed hesitation, and suddenly felt a slight spiritual pressure fluctuation coming from the left passage.

After a flash of light in his eyes, Yi Tian rushed straight in that direction with a flash of his figure.After speeding through the passage, I found that the frequency of the spiritual pressure fluctuations became more and more urgent. Needless to say, I was approaching my destination.

Looking up and looking into the distance, I saw a light point appearing in front of him, and Yi Tian exerted force again under his feet to speed up the three-point escape and flew out of the passageway.

When he came out of the passage, he felt a vast monster energy rushing towards him, and before he had time to think about it, Yi Tian wrapped the black mist around his back and dodged to the side.Wherever he looked, he found that the gecko monster of the transformation stage had slipped away before, and his slightly trembling skin was in front of a stone statue of a demon monk.

Turning around and letting go of his spiritual thoughts, Yi Tian found himself in a huge stone room, surrounded by bulging flesh sacs on the walls, and all the living demon monks were entangled inside.The face exposed in the tallest and largest one is undoubtedly Kudala.

Unexpectedly, he was stuck here, and suddenly Yi Tian felt a chill behind his back, as if he was being stared at by some monster in the dark.This feeling is similar to the last time he faced Ye Ming in the Burial Ground.

The gecko raised its head and looked at itself fiercely. At this time, his broken arm had recovered.At the same time, a strange flash of light flashed in the eyes of the stone statue in front of him, and an aura flew into the gecko beast's body, and then his whole body was shaken, and the aura fluctuations on his body were directly raised to the late stage of breaking up like a broken bamboo.

I didn't expect the other party to have such strength, but Yi Tian instantly understood that it was the strangeness of that halo.This appearance is a bit like the posture of a high-level monk seizing his house to control the body of a low-level monk.

Wanting to think about it, he took out the curse bell and shook it lightly, but asked sharply: "Who are you, dare to pretend to be an evil Buddha from the mixed world?"

After hearing this, the gecko demon showed disdain on his face and said: "This Evil Buddha from the Mixed Realm is sitting down and his eldest disciple Yuanling Daxian is right. You, a junior like you, dare to yell at me. See if I don't take it for a while. You have to refine your soul and draw out the marrow to drain your whole body of spiritual energy before you stop."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and made a move, and a black ten thousand-character Buddha seal hit Yi Tian.Faintly feeling the power of the Buddha sect, Yi Tian's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly raised the demon soul banner to block in front of him, and then quickly shook the magic bell in his hand.

After the sound wave in the mouth spread out, it spread to the ten thousand-character Buddha seal, causing it to delay falling immediately. With a 'bang' sound, the ten-thousand-character Buddha seal slammed onto the black mist, and immediately dispersed the mist, revealing Yi Tian's true self.

With force under his feet, he flashed back, Yi Tian controlled the demon soul banner to retreat, the black Buddha seal actually contained traces of golden Buddha power, and easily restrained Yi Tian's spell after using it.

Back up to the side of the stone wall, before Yi Tian had time to stand firm, suddenly the color of the wall stretched out dozens of thumb-thick tentacles from one side, entangled his body, turned into a cocoon of flesh and blood, hung him upside down with Jiutuo Luo side by side.

(End of this chapter)

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