
Chapter 1428

Chapter 1428
After Yi Tian went deep into the underground of the ancient castle in the depths of Mizong Ridge, he discovered the existence of demonized monsters.Unexpectedly, the gecko orc that he had encountered outside was also among them.

Seeing a ray of aura light flying out of the stone statue and directly falling into his body, he immediately exploded with incomparably powerful strength.After Yi Tian fought with him, he was shocked by his black swastika Buddha seal.

This is obviously the trick of Master Huiming of Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain. Although it is demonized, it still has the effect of purifying the demons. Needless to say, it must have an inseparable relationship with the Buddhist sect.

The black ten thousand-character Buddha seal is the nemesis of all demon races, Yi Tian confronted it in a demonized form and fell into a disadvantage as soon as he made a move.

After hiding back, the wall behind him suddenly turned into a living thing and stretched out hundreds of tentacles to trap Yi Tian directly.After some entanglement, Yi Tian was locked and turned into a ten-foot-sized cocoon, and then he was directly hoisted up and lined up in the air with the cocoon that Kudhara was trapped in.

The monster that claimed to be the Great Immortal Yuanling showed a complacent expression on its face at this time, looked up at the hanging cocoon and said disdainfully: "The brat dared to go deep into my lair with this little ability, it's a pity in the end It's not turning into my nourishment."

Less than three breaths after the words were finished, the cocoon was suddenly covered with a layer of white frost from the inside to the outside.Then a blue spark flashed inside, and drops of water condensed in the surrounding air.In less than ten breaths, the entire cocoon was frozen into a thick block of solid ice.

There was only a "click" sound, and a crack opened in the middle of the ice cube, and then the crack extended outward, and the thick solid ice immediately split into several pieces.

'咚咚咚' was the sound of the falling ice cubes hitting the ground, and a blue flame flashed in the air and burned the cocoon that had surrounded Yi Tian directly.

This is not to mention that the blue spark circled in the air for a while and then flew towards the meat cocoon that trapped Juddara. When the ice marrow flame passed through the meat cocoon, it immediately froze it.On the contrary, Jiu Tuoluo, who was trapped in public, seemed to have a little reaction at this time, only to hear Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice: "If Jiu Tuo Luo wakes up now, when will it be?"

After speaking, the ice marrow flame drew a few marks around the cocoon and broke the cocoon directly, and Juddara's body fell out of it.

But before Kudhara fell to the ground, the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body advanced instantly, opened his eyes suddenly, adjusted his figure and stabilized in midair.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Jiuduo Luo cupped his hands towards Yi Tianyi and said, "This escape is all thanks to the help of Daoist Yi, thank you for your kindness, let's join hands to solve Yuan Ling's soul first."

"Do you recognize it?" Yi Tian took out the demon soul banner and sacrificed it after seeing Jiudara out of trouble, and said: "He should have a deep connection with the evil Buddha of the mixed world, and his attack methods contain the power of the Buddha sect, which cannot be underestimated. "

Jiu Tuoluo replied with an embarrassing look on his face: "I knew that I suddenly fell into his way before, and Yuan Ling was originally my master's pet. Clan monks have restrained, we should be careful to deal with it."

After finishing speaking, the two of them exchanged winks and landed towards Immortal Yuanling one after another. The two of them were attacking back and forth, putting him in the middle.

Unexpectedly, Great Immortal Yuanling didn't show timidity at all when he saw it, instead, he stretched out his hands together in front of him, chanted the Buddha's name, and then spread his palms out to attack Yi Tian and Jiuduoluo at the same time.But he said in his mouth: "You two juniors really don't know what's good and what's wrong, so why don't you let the Lord Buddha save you today."

Two black ten thousand-character Buddha seals appeared in his palm, and then hit the two of them head-on.With a thought, Yi Tianshen knew that the demon soul banner in his hand would definitely be unstoppable. He took out the magic bell with his left hand and uttered the magic sound motto in his mouth.

Later, I saw a series of light waves gathering in front of me and turning into swirling sound waves flying towards the Wanzi Buddha Seal. The sound of 'bang bang bang' was endless, it was the sound of the sonic boom of the Qijue magic sound, which caught the black ten thousand-character Buddha seal and consumed it out of thin air.

As for Juddara on the other side, he was not to be outdone. His Mosha Lightning was firmly restrained by the Wanzi Buddha Seal, but it also played a delaying role.The subsequent Blood Explosion Technique was not a magical skill, two streaks of red blood splashed out and then made a continuous crackling sound, blocking the black Buddha seal back.

Immortal Yuanling, who was in the middle of the grotto, saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly shot again, and after making seals, he pointed to the ground.The black magic light in his hand turned into a series of rune characters and disappeared after drilling into the ground.

Ke Yitian really felt that something was wrong, so he jumped into the air in a hurry and dared not stand on the ground anymore.

As soon as his front foot left, dozens of flesh and blood tentacles suddenly protruded from the place where he was standing.After one move, those flesh and blood tentacles spread out and rolled towards Yi Tian who was in the air in order to come up from all directions.

Yi Tian naturally didn't dare to be negligent after having suffered so much, and the same situation happened when he glanced at Jiuduoluo.Obviously Yuanling Daxian had guessed the intention of the two of them and acted first to separate the two of them to prevent them from attacking together.

Kudhara was tricked by this trick before, and obviously he wouldn't fall twice in the same place.The ten-finger bomb sacrifice blood explosion technique blew up all the tentacles surrounding him.At this time, he stared at Great Immortal Yuanling with an angry look on his face and shouted sharply: "Your limit has almost been reached, the body of this beast in the transformation stage cannot bear the power of the soul in the fusion stage."

"Fart, this work is about an evil Buddha from the mixed world sitting down on a divine beast, how can you underestimate it," said the Great Immortal Yuanling disdainfully.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and popped out a few blue lights to freeze the tentacles under his feet. After his divine sense passed by slightly, he manipulated the ice marrow flame to burn these tentacles directly.

Slowly turned around and looked at the state of Yuanling Great Immortal, and then said to Jiuduoluo: "Based on your knowledge, how to deal with him next."

"Huh, he just used the original god's possession. I want to let him come and can't go back. Otherwise, the hatred in my heart will be hard to get rid of," Judhara said sharply, and took out a ring from the storage ring. The pitch-black bracelet came, and there was an empty depression in the middle of it, facing the position occupied by the Great Immortal Yuanling, and then he sacrificed Dao Mosha electricity from his hand and hit him head-on.

Immortal Yuanling stared at the ring and then cried out: "Dark baby lock ring, I didn't expect you to have my master's magic weapon."

"This is just a fake, not the one in the hands of the evil Buddha from the mixed world," Judhara denied.

However, his face was full of satisfaction, and he looked at the Great Immortal Yuanling and said with deep meaning: "Master expelled me from the sect, but unfortunately he didn't expect that I copied his magic treasure early in the morning. Although the magic weapon is a little higher It's a bit low, but it's more than enough to deal with you."

After speaking, muttering words, he raised the baby-locking ring and put it on the top of Yuanling Daxian's head, then said with a smile: "I don't believe that your soul will hide in this body after the magic force in your body is exhausted."

(End of this chapter)

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