
Chapter 1429

Chapter 1429
When facing the Great Immortal Yuanling, Yi Tian ingeniously used a clever plan to rescue Jiuduoluo by the way, and now the two of them joined hands to press forward step by step and wanted to directly solve the Great Immortal Yuanling in front of him.

Kudala also revealed the real situation. It turned out that it was the spirit of a monk in the Taoist body stage descending.It's a pity that the gecko beast's strength is too weak to display its true skill.

There were two reasons why Jiu Tuo Luo followed him before, his skills were obviously restrained, and he accidentally fell into a trap after being attacked by Yuan Ling Daxian.At this time, Juduoluo's face was full of ferociousness, and the lesson of capsizing the boat in the gutter made him lose face, so he was eager to find his place in front of Yi Tian.

The baby lock ring is not a serious magic weapon. After Yi Tian glanced over it, he saw that there was a strong evil spirit on it. It is estimated that there are not a few monks who fell into the hands of this magic weapon.

With Juddara's personality, even the monks would not accompany him to use this magical weapon. It seems that he was forced to do this action.

Immortal Yuanling just glanced coldly and then said disdainfully: "Since it's a fake, there's nothing you can do to get me. You should be someone in my generation who can take out my master's magic weapon, but my memory has never Have you met?"

"It's close. You were still in a deep sleep when I came to the demon world with the evil Buddha from the mixed world. I was expelled from the teacher's school before you woke up. At most, you remember those four boys." said angrily.

It is not difficult to see from his tone that Yi Tian realized that there must have been some ulterior secret that happened between Kudala and the evil Buddha in the mixed world.It's just that he doesn't want to say that he can't ask, but this Yuanling's bottom fine Kudhara knows it clearly, and there should be a targeted strategy to deal with him.

On the scene, Juddara was standing in the air and suddenly a red light flashed through his mouth, and he spit out a cloud of blood-colored devilish energy from his mouth, quickly formed seals with his hands, and then tapped on it a few times.

After the blood energy was compressed in the air, it turned into tiny blood droplets and fell towards Master Yuanling.Dazzling magic light erupted again in the grotto, and two one-foot-sized black swastika Buddha seals flew out from Master Yuanling's palms to meet the falling blood rain.

Seeing the situation, Yi Tian hurriedly dodged to the side, then shook the magic bell in his hand quickly, and then uttered the magic sound mantra in his mouth, and then gathered into a three-foot-sized sound wave, which fell behind the blood rain of Juddara.

The sound wave directly passed through the blood drop and attacked with the Wanzi Buddha Seal first.I saw that the rising momentum of the two Buddhist seals was forcibly suppressed under the shroud of sound waves.After the sound of intense burning all around rang out, it consumed [-]% to [-]% of its power.

"It's now, Fellow Daoist Jiu, it's up to you," Yi Tian's figure hurriedly retreated after finishing these tasks, but reminded him.I am also very clear in my heart about the supernatural powers that Kudhara may perform next, so I avoid it first to avoid being affected.

Judhara's face changed again when he heard the words, and he replied in a low voice: "Okay, I can almost ask Yuan Ling to understand what happened this time." After saying that, he dropped his right hand suddenly and controlled the blood rain to shine on the opponent's head Cover and go.

Only the sound of 'crackling' was heard, which was the crisp sound of blood rain falling on the black swastika Buddha seal and detonating by itself.Not less than a third of the blood raindrops took advantage of the situation and passed through, and when they fell around Master Yuanling's body, bloody sparks burst out.

Only now did Juddara show a little joy on his face, and said in his mouth: "It's a pity for you old turtle, let go of the indestructible vajra deity, and a soul of the fusion stage will definitely not be able to defeat us .”

After the red blood burst, blood was scattered all over the scene, but in the center was Yuan Ling whose whole body was dyed red.At this time, he no longer had the arrogance he had just now, and looked at the baby lock ring hanging high above his head with a look of determination on his face.

Later, his figure moved towards the stone wall on one side, and when Yi Tian was puzzled, he suddenly saw a flesh-colored light flashing on the stone wall there.

Then hundreds of tentacles sprang out from the wall, directly entangled Master Yuanling's body, turned it into a huge cocoon, and dragged it into the wall.After ten breaths, the huge cocoon submerged into the stone wall and disappeared before Yi Tian's eyes.

I don't know what's going on, Yi Tian turned to Jiuduoluo and asked: "Have you let him escape? What should I do now?"

"No, he won't run away," Kudhara said with a full face, "We entered Yuan Ling's body. This body was honed by him and he will never give up easily. And I guess in the Demon Realm Among them, there is no high-level magical beast that can carry his divine soul in the fusion stage."

"In his stomach?" Yi Tian looked around for a while before realizing, no wonder Master Yuan Ling was able to sink into the stone wall, so it turned out that the surrounding area was his body.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian cried out: "Trouble, if he escapes in, then we won't be able to find his exact location."

"No," Judhara said, stretched out his hand and flew the baby lock ring directly to the head of the stone statue in the center under direct control.Then he laughed and said: "This is the life gate of Yuan Ling's tempered body. He will never give up. And the victory or defeat depends on him. As long as we catch him, we will win. Do you think he will catch these demon cultivators?" What did you come here for, but you want to absorb a large amount of magic energy to replenish yourself and temper your body again."

Just as he was speaking, the originally dark scene around him suddenly changed, and after a red light flashed, the originally dark walls around him gradually showed some vitality.Soon Yi Tian saw that the stone walls here had turned into a flesh-colored appearance, and those meat cocoons that were hanging high in the air were forcibly pulled closer to the flesh wall at this time.

"He is quickly absorbing the spiritual power of Moxiu, and it seems that he is going to do his best," Judhara said in a deep voice.

"Then how do we deal with it?" Yi Tian asked after scanning his eyes for four weeks.

"Hit him at the door of life," Kudhara replied without hesitation, and after speaking, separated his fingers and aimed at the stone statue in the middle.

But before Mo Sha Flash could fly, he saw hundreds of tentacles appearing on the ground, gathering in front of the stone statue and forming a thick wall of flesh.The Mosha electric shock made a 'zzzz' sound on it and showed scorched flesh holes one by one.

Yi Tian naturally knew that Master Yuanling was protecting the gate of life at this time, and it seemed that the stone statue was the key.In this way, after waving the demon soul banner in his hand, several black mist flew out of it, circling the fleshy wall, trying to go around to the back.

After the ground cracked to a hole, a figure flew out of it, it was Master Yuanling who hid in the wall just now.After glancing at the two of them, he didn't hesitate anymore, and ran directly to the stone statue, recalling the wall of flesh in front of him again, and wrapped both the man and the stone statue.

"What is this for?" Yi Tian stopped and asked when he saw that the black mist could not break through the defense of the cocoon.

"It's all for the god to return to his place, and he will face him in a while," Judhara said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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