
Chapter 1430 Competition

Chapter 1430 Competition
Unexpectedly, the stone statue in the middle is the gate of life of Master Yuanling. From Jiu Tuoluo's mouth, he learned that the body of Master Yuanling should be a turtle-like monster.And this whole castle is formed by his body, but Yi Tian remembered that when he first came, he found a strong dead energy outside the castle, obviously this body has been baptized for more than 2 years It's overwhelmed and can no longer be used.

As for Master Yuanling, he couldn't give up his original body to take away the bodies of other monsters.After all, the souls of monsters are different in their own way, even if they are of the same race, it is difficult to achieve a high degree of compatibility, let alone a cross-race.

Presumably, Master Yuanling also had this scruple, so he sent three monsters under his command to spread the wind in the demon world to lure the demons to come and explore.

At the same time, he can also secretly wait for an opportunity to capture these people one by one, and then extract the power of the magic source to replenish the exhausted body.

It's just that this time he was unlucky and provoked himself, Yi Tian thought about it and looked around and found that the cocoon in front of him seemed to have changed a bit.The shell around the cocoon began to peel off in large pieces.

After ten breaths, a figure appeared on the ground, which was the gecko demon from before. At this time, his eyes were lifeless, his whole body was motionless, and there was no spiritual pressure fluctuation at all. The two of them took a closer look and found that he had already died. The power of the magic source is afraid that all the coefficients have been extracted.

And a strange figure appeared not far behind his corpse, and after the bloody mist dissipated, Yi Tian could clearly see that it was a five-foot-tall fat man.The whole body is no different from ordinary people, except that the skin is dark green, with deep wrinkles on it.

Yuan Ling looks like an old man who has been dying for a long time. Although his aura has not diminished, it is almost as if he has reached the initial stage of fusion, but the strong death energy in it cannot be concealed at all.

Seeing this, Juddara said, "Yuan Ling, you have finally appeared, but how much strength can your old body show? I'm afraid that now you are already a strong outsider, and it's not a good thing for you to use your supernatural powers forcibly." .”

Yuan Ling glanced coldly at the two people in front of him, and then said angrily, "I never thought that I would meet the nemesis of the two of you when I was reborn ten thousand years later. It seems that only after passing this test can I have a chance to be reborn. go down."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and closed it in front of his chest, and then chanted the Buddha's name in his mouth, and at the same time, he waved two dark gold maces in the air.After the dark golden mace passed through the void, it left ripples of spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air, and suddenly the spiritual pressure fluctuations aroused a strong wind and scattered in all directions.

Yi Tian was suddenly pushed ten feet away by the strong wind before he stabilized his figure.At the same time, he found that hundreds of tentacles stretched out from the wall behind him and rolled towards him. Seeing this, he hastily sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword to cut off these tentacles, and then escaped quickly.

Looking back at Judhara, it wasn't much better, there were more tentacles attacking his position.However, his Blood Explosion Technique was also so good that after he sacrificed it, he detonated one after another behind him, breaking all these tentacles.

After the strong wind faded, Yi Tiancai had experienced the strength of a monk in the fusion stage, even if he was just an old demon cultivator, he should not be underestimated.At this time, Immortal Yuanling's aura rose rapidly, a little dark gold appeared on his skin, and his face appeared like a baby face after rejuvenation.

It's just that the death aura on his body didn't necessarily weaken in any way, but became a little stronger.

Seeing this, Jiu Tuoluo smiled and said: "Yuan Ling, the price for you to forcibly use your supernatural powers is to speed up the passage of life energy. I'm afraid that your few remaining life energy will be exhausted in a short time."

"That's right, but don't be too happy too early. Even if I use my supernatural powers to speed up the passage of life essence, this is also the supernatural power of a real monk in the fusion stage. Whether you can catch it or not is still a problem. It needs to be resolved." I'm just going to take one of you two away," Yuan Ling said with a stern look on his face, and at the same time the dark golden mace on his hands quickly danced and turned into two dark golden auras in the air towards The two came head-on.

Seeing this, Juddara's face darkened and he said sharply: "In his current state, he can at most display the strength of this move, and he won't be afraid after taking it."

"It's nothing to be afraid of," Yi Tian looked at the dark golden mace in front of him with a serious face, his mouth was full of bitterness, and he didn't know if he could accept this move.Yuan Ling at this time is no worse than when he faced Patriarch Houtian or the old ghost with a green hat back then, and he still must have enough strength to strike with hatred.

After thinking about it, he waved the demon soul banner in his hand again and again to cover his figure, and then gently pushed the cursing sky demon bell to the side, and then urged Qijue magic sound to set up a second sonic defense.

After doing all this, Yi Tian still felt that it was not enough, and at the same time, his skin was glowing dark red, so he used the Scorching Flame Demon Body Technique and used all the defensive moves he could use.

In order to see the dark golden mace in the golden light clearly, Yi Tian's eyes focused and used the magic pupil technique, and he caught the trajectory of the spell in an instant.

He secretly took out the sixth-grade lotus platform in the black mist and blocked it in front of him. Now this is the only high-level spiritual weapon he can get.

With a "whoosh", the dark golden mace only slowed down slightly after breaking through the sonic barrier, and then it was loaded into the black mist.At the same time, Yi Tian retreated sharply in the black mist and at the same time poured all his spiritual power into the sixth-grade lotus platform.Suddenly, the sixth-grade lotus platform opened with a bang, covering Yi Tian's entire body.

Then Yi Tian only felt that a strong wave of spiritual pressure flew towards him and slammed into the lotus platform fiercely, shaking the lotus platform back twenty feet away and almost escaped from the black mist defense.

After performing several spells at the same time, Yi Tian only felt that the spiritual power in his body was exhausted, and after the lotus platform stabilized, he hurriedly took out the elixir and knocked it down.After swallowing it into the belly, it melted and felt a warm current slowly flow out from the lower dantian to recover the consumed spiritual power.

A little later, Yi Tian exerted his strength and his figure rushed out, and saw a three-foot-long dark gold mace stuck on the sixth-grade lotus platform.It's just that the auras on the two spiritual weapons are both dull and dull, obviously overdrawn with spiritual power.

After Yi Tian put away the sixth-grade lotus platform, he waved the demon soul flag to summon the 梼杌 beast, and stepped forward to insert the dark gold mace directly into its stomach.

Walking out of the black mist later, Yi Tiancai found that the outside was a mess, and Juddara on the other side didn't need to be much better at this time.

I saw several damages on his body, even the internal organs flowed out, and the dark gold mace directly penetrated his body.But even so, he showed no signs of falling, the blood plasma in the wound was wrapped with a dark golden mace to restrict the spiritual power above it.

After ten breaths, he made seals on his hands and pulled out the dark gold mace stuck on his body. His chest heaved rapidly and his mouth was panting heavily. A stream of blood gushed out from the wound and blocked it.

(End of this chapter)

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