
Chapter 1431 Resolved

Chapter 1431 Resolved
Forcibly accepting Master Yuanling's ultimate move, Yi Tian felt that his whole body was falling apart, and the spiritual power in his body was exhausted.If it weren't for the protection of the sixth-grade lotus platform, I'm afraid that at most he would only be able to survive half of his life.

If it was changed to a state of spiritual cultivation, he could still take it under the full exertion, but in terms of time, he was not allowed to switch his spiritual power back and forth.

In a blink of an eye, he saw that the state of Kudara on the side was much worse than his own. The skin on his whole body was cracked and blood slowly precipitated from the wound.Although he stretched out his hand to pull out the dark golden mace, his aura dropped a lot, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body dropped directly to the level of the early stage of distraction.

It was obvious that his cultivation could not be stabilized at the previous level even after suffering a heavy blow. In his current state, he might be able to win with just one move of Qijue Magic Sound.

He turned his head to look at Yi Tian, ​​and then looked at the Great Immortal Yuanling in front of him, his mouth trembling and he couldn't speak.

On the other hand, the spiritual pressure fluctuations of Yuan Ling in front of him have dropped sharply at this time. Just as Kudhara said, this is the last spiritual power accumulated in his body. Now that it is released, it may accelerate the loss of life. Look at him. Not far from thawing.

Yi Tian just shook his head when he saw it. Although he still had some sympathy for Yuan Ling in his heart, he couldn't maintain it anymore for this sake.

After seeing it, he turned to Jiutuoluo and said: "Fellow Taoist, rest on the side first, and stabilize your cultivation. If you fall into the realm, it will take a lot of trouble to cultivate back."

Hearing the words, Jiuduoluo showed a nervous look on his face, nodded and replied: "Okay, fellow Daoist Yi, you can deal with him, and the old man will fix it first."

After speaking, he drew back and flew to the side, raised a protective cover to cover his whole body, and then sat down cross-legged to exercise his energy and adjust his breath.

Such a talented person turned his head and said to Immortal Yuanling: "Senior is really powerful, if any one of us came alone today, we would not be able to take your sure-kill move."

Immortal Yuanling also showed a look of loneliness on his face at this time, and after sweeping his eyes, he weighed the situation in front of him, which was exactly as Yi Tian said.His moves were indeed extremely fierce and suppressed the two of them to the point where they could only defend with all their strength. Unfortunately, the moves of the monks in the fusion stage were divided into two and their natural power was greatly reduced.It's not that he is not strong enough, but that even God is not on his side this time.

Now the face of Great Immortal Yuanling is rapidly aging due to excessive spiritual power overdraft, and deep lines appear on the delicate skin.In less than a moment, his figure shrank by half a foot, becoming a rickety old man with his neck shrunk to the old age.

After opening his mouth, he said weakly: "You have won, I don't even have the spiritual power to reveal myself to the Nascent Soul. But even so, don't expect me to escape from the Nascent Soul and be imprisoned by the Nascent Soul Ring."

It turned out that he was still obsessed with this matter, although the baby lock ring in the air was still there, but it seemed that he didn't need it at this time.With a slight smile at the corner of Yi Tian's mouth, he stretched out his hand and tapped the baby lock ring to take it back.

Then he said in a deep voice: "Senior Yuan Ling wants to come. You have followed Master Huiming to the Demon Realm for more than 3 years. I don't want to ask more about all kinds of incidents that happened during the period. But I think I can agree for Master Huiming's sake." One thing for you, let’s talk about it after you think about it.”

"I haven't heard the name Huiming mentioned for a long time. It seems that your identity has a lot of background." Yuanling Daxian looked at Yi Tian with a relaxed expression at this time, and then continued: "I have People who know the Buddhist sect will not let Huiming enter the demon world, the last time it was the monk Jieding, this time it is you."

Yi Tian's eyes flashed brightly when he heard the name of Master Jie Ding, and then he asked: "I'm from Dalei Guang Temple, I have heard a little about Master Jie Ding and Master Huiming. It is also for the golden bodies and bones of the two."

"No wonder, it seems that you have already found the skeleton of one of them. I can tell from your moves that Huiming's relic should be in your hands," Yuan Ling said with a wry smile, "It's a pity that we are on this road We have gone too far, and we are determined to never turn back."

"Good and evil are nothing more than a thought. As for the exercises, it depends on whether the person who uses him has good intentions or evil intentions. If the monks of the demon race cultivate good intentions, even if they are demonic exercises, they can do Buddhist things. "Yi Tian replied like this.

After hearing this, Yuan Ling showed a rare smile on his old face, then shook his head feebly and said: "You really have obtained the essence of the Zen method of Daleiguang Temple, and it is God's favor to those of us who have fallen into the devil's way to be defeated by you. The last love of the beloved."

"Senior, I have another question." Yi Tianyi bowed his hands and said with the ritual of Buddhism: "Is the place where Master Jie Ding finally turned demons in the demon world is the bottom of the abyss?"

"At this time, you shouldn't ask me, but you should find the answer yourself, but I think your understanding of Zen may take a completely different path from Master Jie Ding," said Yuan Ling Daxian The time became short, and it seemed that he could no longer maintain his state.

"I have something to ask," Yuan Ling panted and said hurriedly.

"Senior, please tell me, as long as it is not murder and arson, I can accept it," Yi Tian nodded and replied.

"My body is too big. Unfortunately, I have reached the state of exhaustion for 3 years, and my soul is still unstable. I am afraid that I will fall into reincarnation soon. So I want you to send the demon core in my body back to the demon world. Go to Xuanwu Lake, and hand it over to the descendants of our clan there," Daxian Yuanling said without waiting for Yi Tian to reply, a black magic light appeared in his whole body, and there was a blue spiritual power coming out of it.

After those magic lights dispersed, only a blue halo was left behind slowly rising from its body, and then condensed into a ball in the air.

Yi Tian glanced over and saw that there was a fist-sized inner alchemy in the middle, and this was probably what Yuan Ling entrusted to him.

After stretching out his hand to retrieve the huge demon pill, his divine sense swept over it, only to see an extremely strong aura remaining on it.The demon pills left by monsters at the level of fusion stage are really different. If this thing is left outside, people will fight for it.

Maybe even the old monster in the fusion period would be moved by it, and Yi Tian's heart trembled when he thought about it.

Everyone knows the truth that everyone is innocent and pregnant with guilt. After thinking about it, he hurriedly collected it.

Later, it was discovered that the body of Yuanling Daxian in front of him had completely disappeared, and the surrounding walls were petrified again. There were several 'puff puff' sounds, and the meat cocoons that were hanging above the head fell weakly and scattered on the ground at this time.

The demon cultivators who were originally trapped inside fell into a coma even though they escaped from the bushes.

(End of this chapter)

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