
Chapter 1432

Chapter 1432
After the collapse of the ancient castle manor in the depths of Mizong Ridge, many people who explored around it came by chance.After all, it was under the banner of the secret collection of evil Buddhas from the mixed world, and some people even unearthed a lot of good things from the ruins.

What's more, they even found the way to the underground cave, and after a while, many casual repair teams went down to explore.

As for how many valuable things they can find, it is not Yi Tian's concern now.

Flying high above the sky and stabilizing his figure, Juddara's face in front of him still looked a little pale.After restraining his breath, he saw his divine thoughts swept across his mouth and said disdainfully: "This time, I really did a trick for Yuan Ling. Although this guy has some valuable treasures on him as a spiritual pet, but for us Its existence is already insignificant.”

This made Yi Tian nod his head in agreement frequently, after all he even took the most valuable demon pill, so the rest can only be regarded as leftovers.

Turning his head to look at the appearance of Jiuduoluo, it seems that his cultivation base has slowly recovered to the middle stage of distraction, but the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body seems to be not very stable yet.It is inevitable to retreat for a while after going back, but thinking about the trip to the abyss of the demon world, Yi Tian is also a little worried.

After thinking about it, he said bluntly: "What do you think of the upcoming trip to the abyss of the demon world? After all, this is the major premise of your cooperation. I don't want to make any mistakes at the last minute."

Judhara twitched when he heard the words, and he hit the point.If he misses this opportunity, he will have to wait for thousands of years before his next turn.After a stern look flashed in his eyes, Jiuduoluo arched his hands and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Yi, this trip to the abyss of the demon world is imperative. I will definitely win a place for the demon clan to go there. Please watch over and help me at that time." I am very grateful.”

"It's easy to say," Yi Tian replied with a smile on his face: "I have a hunch that the golden body skeleton I'm looking for should be related to your last quarter of the spirit seed, maybe they are still together. "

"Then I don't know how much fellow Yi Daoyou knows about the people on this trip?" Jiu Tuoluo asked.

"The Flame Prison Demon Clan has three places here. I don't know how many other Demon Clans have, but I heard that the disciple of the Demon Sage will also go there. I guess this person is the most difficult person," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

Hearing the words, Juddara's complexion also changed suddenly, showing an unprecedented solemnity.After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "I know something about the disciple of the Demon Saint. It is said that his strength has reached the early stage of fusion, and it is only for this trip to the abyss of the devil world that he will forcibly suppress his cultivation to the peak of the late stage of distraction." look."

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian couldn't help being moved when he heard it. If it was according to what Jiu Tuoluo said, maybe only two people could work together to deal with the disciple of the Demon Sage this time.Thinking of the original relaxed look here, replaced by a serious look, he thought for a while and asked: "Have you ever known this person before, Fellow Daoist Jiu?"

After shaking his head, Kudara replied helplessly: "To be honest, this person is elusive and does not belong to the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Demon Clan, so I don't know his true identity. It is said that people in the Heavenly Demon Clan have seen his true face. There are very few, and even I don’t even know his name. It’s just that E Baichuan mentioned to me that he will definitely be there for the Demon Realm Abyss party.”

"This is really a big trouble, but this person should be considered to be from the Heavenly Demon Clan, and at least he will take care of the personnel sent by the same Heavenly Demon Clan. As for the monks of the other clans, it is not the case," Yi Tian analyzed.

"I don't think that's necessarily the case," Judhara waved his hand and said, "I'm afraid that when it comes to his cultivation base, all he is staring at is chance, and any resistance that wants to disturb his advancement will be erased. I hope we will try our best at that time." Don't be caught by him."

"I hope so," Yi Tian replied with a wry smile.Immediately, in his divine sense, he noticed that there were a few spiritual pressure fluctuations flying towards him in the distance, and it seemed that the old acquaintance Dugu Yaoxiang led the team.

So he turned his head and briefly described the situation when he came to Mizong Ridge where the demon tribe resided with Jiuduoluo.Later, he ordered them to withdraw from the mist area of ​​Mizong Ridge and set up camp outside, and then told those who stayed behind to contact Dugu Yaoxiang in Sunset City to ask him to bring people to come for reinforcements.

After hearing this, Kudala naturally had no objection to this. Anyway, the rightful master has been killed now, and the leftover treasures depend on personal fortune.

Twenty breaths later, the group of people from far away also arrived just in time, and Youdao Dunguang, the leader, flew straight up and stabilized his figure not far in front of the two of them.When the light faded, it was Dugu Yaoxiang himself. At this time, he was carrying behind him the cultivator who had been rescued by Yi Tian before. Presumably he was the one who led the way and led the team to Mizong Ridge. The location of the castle.

Dugu Yao Xiangfei stepped forward to look at the expressions of the two, especially the look of Jiu Tuoluo, then his face changed and he cupped his hands: "How is the situation of the two investigations?"

Yi Tian didn't want to get too entangled in this issue and stepped aside to remain silent. Anyway, this time it was Jiuduoluo who took the lead, so it's better for him to deal with the cause and effect.

And based on his current state, it can indirectly explain the problem of the hidden treasures of the evil Buddhas in the world.I saw that he slowly flew forward to explain to Dugu Yaoxiang, among which he selectively talked about the Great Immortal Yuanling.

After hearing this, the latter's eyes naturally lit up, and he also knew the clues of the evil Buddha in the chaos.Now that they came across the grave of his spiritual pet, they had to search it carefully, and then called the monks at the transformation stage behind him to divide into teams to seal up the remains of the Great Immortal Yuanling.

At this time, there were quite a few casual cultivators, most of whom wanted to get a share of the pie.But on the territory of the Tianmozu, the master didn't say anything, so how could someone else meddle.

After Jiutuo Luo finished explaining, he proposed to return to the camp of the Heavenly Demon Clan to sit in command first, and let Dugu Yaoxiang take over the whole process here.

A few days later, Dugu Yaoxiang returned to the Tianmo tribe's camp with a large team after the exploration in Mizong Ridge was completed.This time the Heavenly Demons seemed to be the final big winners, and judging from the looks of everyone, there were not a few treasures confiscated.

Later, Yi Tian found an excuse to say goodbye to Jiu Tuola and Dugu Yaoxiang, and then left.After all, I am still following the invitation from Liaoyuan City Lord Yan Lei to go to him.

Thinking of this invitation, Yi Tian felt uncertain, probably his performance outside the Boneyard was far beyond Yan Lei's expectations.After that, under the troubled waters, he was able to sneak into the interior under the noses of the two fusion stage monks without knowing it. This performance must make Yan Lei look at him with admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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