
Chapter 1436 Liaoyuan Celebration 2 Redemption

Chapter 1436 Liaoyuan Celebration Second Redemption
At the celebration banquet in Liaoyuan City, there were many monks from other races visiting. As the host, Yan Ligang, the son of the lord of Liaoyuan City, seemed to be good at coping with such a scene.From time to time at the banquet, he had a drink and chat with the visiting guests, and at the same time, he brought along the monks of his clan and introduced them to everyone one by one.

At this point, Yi Tiancai knew that today Yan Ligang had invited almost all the respectable people in Liaoyuan City who he could invite to Liaoyuan City.Sitting next to him are the best in refining weapons, alchemy, and talismans in Liaoyuan City.

The seats behind the accompanying guests are also the leaders of Liaoyuan City's transformation into gods. Among these people, Yi Tian also found Yan Lifeng, whom he saw in the Boneyard last time.

His position happened to be the first in the list of monks in the transformation stage, just behind him.For this person, Yi Tian knew his details and naturally wanted to give enough face, when the son introduced him, he turned around and gave him a light salute as a way of saying hello.Yan Lifeng naturally knew the details of the person in front of him, he had already seen the methods in the Boneyard last time, and he didn't dare to be negligent and returned the gift with the courtesy of a junior.

Compared with his eldest son Yan Ligang who was as tactful in dealing with things, Yi Tian naturally had a better impression of Yan Lifeng in his heart.And from the way he looked at Yan Ligang, Yi Tian found that their relationship was a little delicate, maybe they could just be used by him.

After drinking for three rounds, the decorations in the row behind him jumped out and began to offer treasures, which were nothing more than pills, magic weapons, and talismans.Yi Tianshen scanned and found that some of them were also meticulously crafted, but compared with the ones made by himself, they were still a lot worse.

On the other hand, the foreign monks on the opposite side communicated with them with great interest, and Yan Ligang, who was in the seat above, even brokered them to reach a transaction agreement on the spot.

Doing this way can win over these alchemists and give them enough respect, and at the same time, it can show the strength of Liaoyuan City.Although it is not a necessary transaction for the foreign monks, it is always a good deal to befriend this future son of Liaoyuan City.

Among the foreign monks present here, except for the monks of the Dark Demon Race, everyone else has more or less made a move.Sitting in the upper position, Yan Ligang didn't change his face, but his eyes flicked past the Dark Demons from time to time to size them up.

Shaoqing saw a dark demon monk stand up and said: "In recent years, I have been passing through the demon world and want to buy a high-level offensive magic weapon. If His Royal Highness can take it out, I am willing to pay a lot of money to buy it."

I knew that this banquet would not be so simple, it seems that the main event has just begun.Yi Tian looked at Yan Ligang and saw that he was also slightly startled, as if he was a little hesitant in his heart.

Yan Ligang, who was sitting on the throne of Shaoqing, said, "It turns out that you are Daoist Anxun from the Dark Demon Clan. The high-level offensive magic weapon you mentioned is also hard to come by. There is one in my hands. If you say If you feel that you don't like it, you can ask all of you here." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out a long silver spear to sacrifice in the air.

Yi Tian glanced at the silver gun for a while, twitching the corner of his mouth and laughing secretly.It seems that Yan Ligang also had plans long ago, how can these heavenly magic weapons be found at will.

In addition to grades, attributes are also very important. Obviously, it is better for the flame prison demon monks to use yang attribute weapons.As for the dark demon cultivator's kung fu skills, even if they use this silver spear to contradict the kung fu skills, they still can't exert their due strength.

Sure enough, after the dark demon clan's gloomy divine sense swept over, he also showed disappointment on his face, sighed and bowed his hands to Yan Ligang and said: "Thank you, my son, but unfortunately this thing does not match my attributes. Missed."

After putting away the silver gun, Yan Ligang sighed and said, "Heaven-level magic weapons are rare, so this son is helpless. But there are many masters of my flame prison demon clan who are present here, fellow Taoists. Try to ask, maybe there will be gains.”

As soon as the words came out and they sat down, the three of them each took out a magic weapon and sacrificed it lightly. Needless to say, they were all weapon refiners in Liaoyuan City.The dark demon monks are nothing but since Shi Zi asked, they naturally want to cheer, so they took out all the works at the bottom of the box in their hands.

It's just that An Xun still showed hesitation on his face after seeing it, as if the magic weapons in the hands of these three people had not reached the ideal state in his heart.

The scene became silent for a while, and it seemed a bit cold. Suddenly, a sentence came out: "I don't know what kind of thing is in the hands of Daoist An Xun? You all know the value of the heavenly magic weapon. If it is the same Grade-level treasure materials are okay, or they will be exchanged for some incomplete ancient treasures."

This remark broke the silence on the scene, but at the same time, it also made An Xun's face not very good-looking.The person who speaks according to the prestige of words is Yi Tian who sits first on the left.

"This seat has the unique treasure material 'Moon Night Stone' exchanged for the price of the dark demons, so it is enough," An Xun said, reaching out to take out a package and opening it, revealing a smooth and dark stone.The stone was five inches long, three inches wide, and two inches thick, and when held in the hand, a faint cold light appeared.

All the people sitting around started talking about this 'Moon Night Stone' one after another. Needless to say, some experts should have recognized the value of this thing. It is definitely a treasure.Even Yan Ligang, who was able to do it, showed a little admiration on his face. Needless to say, he must be able to use this thing, but he has no matching Yin attribute Heavenly Tribulation Magic Tool to exchange for it.

Now everyone on the field turned their attention to Yi Tian again. Since the topic was raised and An Xun accepted the move again, they didn't know how Yi Tian would respond.

"Good thing, the unique treasures of the Dark Demon Race are really extraordinary," Yi Tian praised first, then took out a magic weapon from the storage ring and slowly sacrificed it for everyone present to see clearly.

If Juddara was present, he would definitely be able to detect something strange from this magic weapon. After the magic light faded, it would appear that it was a golden hammer beating a drum.There are streaks of thunder and lightning left on the surface of the magic weapon, which were re-forged from the dark gold mace in the hands of Great Immortal Yuanling.

"The Ancient Treasure Demon Shaji Electric Urn Golden Hammer is the ultimate heaven-level magic weapon I found in a certain ruin," Yi Tian said lightly: "In terms of attributes, it can't be compared with the skills of my flame prison demon clan." Matching, it is cheaper for you. But in terms of value, the 'Moon Night Stone' in your hand is probably not enough, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone on the scene turned their attention to An Xun of the Dark Demon Race to see how he responded.To be honest, this magic weapon complements the skills of the dark demon monks in terms of attributes and structure, but the asking price is indeed not low, which really scared everyone present.

Even Yan Ligang, who was in the right position, sighed after seeing it: "Sure enough, it's the best product. I'm afraid this thing can be used in front of a monk at the fusion stage." One sentence can be regarded as a sure thing about this treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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