
Chapter 1437 Liaoyuan Celebration 3 Deal

Chapter 1437 Liaoyuan Celebration Three Deals
At the celebration banquet, facing the aggressive Yi Tian, ​​who was facing the dark demon monk An Xun, he took out the magic weapon, the ancient treasure, the magic weapon, the magic weapon, the electric urn, and the golden hammer.The atmosphere on the scene was enlivened for a while, not only An Xun was tempted by this treasure, but even the monks from the other clans who were sitting on the side stared at it for a long time.

Immediately, I saw the light in their eyes flickering, and I didn't know what they were thinking about.

After a while, the Shadow Demon cultivator who was sitting at the last seat said in a rare way: "The thunder and lightning contained in this magic weapon complements my Shadow Demon skills. I offer two copies of 'Shadow Crystal Dust' to exchange .”

As soon as these words came out, the attention of everyone on the scene was attracted. Unexpectedly, this unsettled wave would come up again, and the Shadow Demon monk would thrust a bar horizontally and prepare to cut off the barbarian.

An Xun's face changed slightly at this time, but he opened his mouth and said: "Mo Fangtai, don't disturb the situation, this treasure is the first I have set my eyes on."

It turned out that the Shadow Demon cultivator was called Mo Fangtai, and Yi Tian looked at him immediately, only to see that there was an illusory mist surrounding him.It should be caused by the particularity of the Shadow Demon Clan's skills, making it difficult for people to see their true cultivation.

Turning to look at the superior Yan Ligang, I saw that he nodded slightly and cast a peaceful look, and said silently: "Friend Daoist Yi, let's wait and see what happens, and try not to offend both."

After all, Ke Yitian knew in his heart that today's ancient treasure, Moshaji Electric Urn, Golden Hammer, will definitely become the focus.As for sitting on the Diaoyutai and watching their performance now, they are asking for something.

It seems that both parties had scruples and did not directly intensify the conflict. An Xun and Mo Fangtai seemed to discuss secretly through sound transmission, and finally both took out their respective exchange prices.Then An Xun said: "Brother Mo and I each took out the precious materials to be exchanged, and you can choose one of them to exchange if you like it, so it doesn't hurt the peace."

Unexpectedly, the situation he expected did not appear, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged, but he was secretly disappointed in his heart.Turning around and scanning with his divine sense, An Xun took out two palm-sized Moonlight Stones, and what Mo Fangtai had was exactly what he called two copies of 'Shadow Crystal Dust'.

After weighing it up in my heart, it was a very difficult choice, and suddenly Yan Ligang's voice transmission came from my ear: "You Daoist Yi, I don't know if I can give up a share of the 'Moon Night Stone', and I will be very grateful afterwards."

Now that the host has spoken, Yi Tian has a decision in his heart, since Yan Ligang is unwilling to offend others and throw such a hot potato to himself, he can only bite the bullet and take it.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and took the two copies of the 'Moon Night Stone', and sent the ancient treasure, Moshaji Electric Urn, Golden Hammer over.The meaning couldn't be more obvious, but Mo Fangtai's figure trembled slightly, as if he was not very satisfied with the result.

Yi Tian hastily moved the corner of his mouth slightly and said a few words through sound transmission, and Mo Fangtai put away the two copies of 'Shadow Crystal Dust' later and stopped talking.

After getting the ancient treasure, Moshaji Electric Urn Golden Hammer, An Xun had a proud expression on his face, and after looking at everyone present, he generously put away the magic weapon.For him, this trip to Liaoyuan City can be regarded as very fruitful.

After taking the two 'Moon Night Stones', Yi Tian carefully differentiated them, then took out the larger one and gently handed it to Yan Ligang who was seated above.The latter naturally smiled and said thanks and accepted it directly.

Now that everyone present saw it, they would not say anything more. Since it was the master's intention, there was no need to dwell on this issue any longer.

Then the lively scene resumed at the banquet, with Yan Ligang taking the lead to toast one by one, and everyone stood up one after another to return the gifts.

After drinking for three rounds, a monk from the Flying Raksha clan proposed to speak: "Today's grand ceremony is lacking some entertaining programs. There are many capable people among the descendants of the Demon Clan in Su Wen's Flame Prison, and the monks of our family also admire them. Why don't we take advantage of this?" How about this opportunity for everyone to learn from each other.”

After hearing this, Yan Ligang's face twitched slightly, and then he returned to his smile. After a while, he looked at the other party and said, "Since it was suggested by fellow Daoist Ye Qiang, it's all right, but it's just that it's too noisy if a few of us fight together in today's scene. How about letting the younger generation in the transformation stage do the work for you?"

Obviously Yan Ligang didn't want to make things too big, and at the same time he was afraid of losing the reputation of Liaoyuan City, so he made this proposal.

And the Flying Rakshas have been ashamed of losing the important strategic point of the Devil's Spine Mountain in a hundred years, and they are always trying to provoke the Flame Prison Demons to create some friction or take advantage of it.

This time coincides with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he will naturally find an opportunity to give Yan Ligang eye drops to make him feel uncomfortable.

After Shi Zi replied, Ye Qiang naturally couldn't magnify the matter with arrogance.After three breaths, I saw behind him a mid-stage cultivator standing up and slowly walking forward to Yan Ligang, who was seated above him, bowed his hands and said: "The junior Flying Rakshasa Ye must want to learn from the flame prison demons. , and ask the son to agree."

Yan Ligang nodded, then reached out and took out a disc, which was the imitation of Yan Lei's hand. After the sacrifice, it landed in the middle of the main hall, and then said: "Let's enter the Sumeru Arena for a competition, but today is my Liaoyuan City Daqing Feast, everyone here is a guest, I hope there will be no damage. How do you go so far?"

These words were naturally directed at Ye Qiang, who thought for a while and replied: "Don't worry, my son, the superior strength of my family can naturally achieve supernatural powers. However, it is boring if there is no prize in the competition. Would you like to gamble with the 'Moon Night Stone' in Shizi's hand with a copy of the Flame Crystal?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present showed meaningful expressions. It was obvious that Ye Qiang had come prepared, and what he said was to force Yan Ligang to accept the move.

If there hadn't been the process of exchanging the spirit weapon just now, I'm afraid Ye Qiang would have found other ways to force Yan Ligang to take it.

The cultivator Fang of the Flame Prison Demon Clan who was present turned around and stared at the senior son, wanting to see how he would deal with it.I'm afraid it will be difficult to be good after being provoked by others like this, but I don't know who to send to fight.

According to what Yi Tian thought in his mind, since Ye Qiang of the Flying Rakshasa tribe gambled so much, he would naturally send the strongest person from the Flame Prison Demon Clan.Yan Lifeng is naturally the best candidate after the situation he learned during the last trip to the abyss of the devil world.

But Yan Ligang didn't seem to even look at his brother, but instead sent a demon general behind him to leave the scene.On the other hand, there was no surprise on Yan Lifeng's face, Yi Tian suddenly thought about it, and it was obvious that the relationship between the two brothers was not as close as he imagined.

But this didn't happen to give him a chance to operate from it. Yan Ligang took the moonlight stone from his hand directly, and he was afraid that he would at most use other things to prevaricate himself afterwards.But because of this variable, I am afraid that he will not be able to forcefully ask for it a second time if he makes a move.

Just thinking about the bursts of shouts coming from the banquet, he turned around and looked, and it seemed that the winner had already been decided in the Sumeru Arena.A monk like the Flame Prison Demon Clan flew out first, which was considered a defeat, but Ye Qiang laughed and said, "This is how the prince will accept this round."

Yan Ligang, who was sitting on the main seat, slightly trembled his lips and stretched out his hand to send out the Moonlight Stone that he just got. The thing changed owner without warming it up in his hands.

Ye Qiang said again, "Why don't we gamble again?"

(End of this chapter)

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