
Chapter 1438 Liaoyuan Celebration 4 Big Gamble

Chapter 1438 Liaoyuan Celebration Four Big Gambles
The sudden gamble forced Shizi Yan Ligang to deal with it calmly, but in the first game, he was caught off guard by a monk of the Flying Raksha clan when he was forced to fight.Fortunately, Yan Ligang is also a person who has seen big scenes before the battle. Although he lost the treasure of Moonlight Night Stone, it is just a trivial matter to him.

But then Ye Qiang became so powerful that he proposed to continue gambling, which delayed the whole scene.Yan Ligang's promise at this time does not mean that it is not impossible to not agree, and if the so-called situation of losing is not losing, if it is spread, it may have a little impact on his prestige as the son of the world.

After contemplating for a while, he asked, "Then what kind of prize is Daoist Ye planning to recite this time?"

"It's still the same this time. How about getting a part of the Moonlight Night Stone?" Ye Qiang looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, he had already won a game and was invincible. Now It is natural to feel more relaxed when you win a share to gamble.

On the contrary, Yan Ligang's complexion changed slightly, it seemed that this bet was a bit troublesome.The other party opened his mouth to confirm the gambling money, but he didn't have it in his hands, and Ye Qiang seemed to be clearly trying to provoke the relationship between the flame prison demons.

Facing such Yangmou Yan Li Gang smiled, then turned around and asked, "What do you think, Fellow Daoist Yi?"

Seeing that he didn't directly forcefully agree but instead pushed the matter to himself, Yi Tian looked at the other party and said: "Since all the Taoist friends of the Flying Rakshasa clan have come down, I will be a member of the flame prison demon clan." It is to support the world."

After speaking, he reached out and took out the other moon night stone and handed it to Yan Ligang, "My lord, forgive me if we block the way like this, even if we win, it will only be a draw."

"Oh, fellow Daoist Yi, do you mean to increase the stakes?" Yan Ligang frowned slightly.

"How about betting on the flame crystal in the hands of fellow Daoist Ye Qiang with the magic weapon, the Devil-eating Hinge?" Yi Tian said lightly.

"I don't know what kind of magical weapon the Demon-Eating Hinge is. I'll explain in advance that the idle Demon Soldiers should not use it to make up for it," Ye Qiang said with a sneer.

On the contrary, Mo Fangtai, a cultivator from the Shadow Demon Race, said coldly, "You Daoist Yi, don't go back on your word. You just promised to exchange this item for me in private."

As soon as this remark came out, the scene became silent, and everyone understood the meaning of this remark.

On the contrary, Yi Tian pretended to be stunned, patted his forehead and said: "I almost forgot that I promised you Mo Daoist first, so why don't you exchange the 'Shadow Crystal Dust' with you first, and then I will use this treasure to Take it as a bet."

After speaking, he reached out and took out a dark green scissors-shaped magic weapon, and after lightly holding it up, he saw the magic scissors turning into black air and flying in the air, and two black dragon prototypes faintly appeared in the black air.

"The body of this magic weapon is made of demon-eating flower vines, and two black flood dragon souls are suppressed inside. If it can be warmed in the body, its power can be continuously enhanced. It belongs to the growth-type sky-level magic weapon," Yi Tian said. Explain the usefulness of the power of the magic dragon scissors.

When Mo Fangtai saw it, his eyes lit up and he said: "Good thing, it's really no worse than the ancient treasure Moshaji Electric Urn Golden Hammer, then we will change it." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took the two copies of 'Shadow Crystal Dust' that he had prepared in his hand. sent over.

Ye Qiang couldn't forcefully stop this meeting, even if the treasure material was good, it had to be refined into a weapon before it could be used.Under the same state, the finished magic weapon is naturally more advantageous, but at this time, Yi Tian and Mo Fangtai completed the transaction on the spot and he could not allow him to disrupt the situation.

After putting away the 'Shadow Crystal Dust', Yi Tian gently handed it forward to put it together with his 'Moon Night Stone': "Fellow Daoist Ye Qiang, now it's two against two, what do you think? "

Facing the two heavenly treasures in front of him, the naked greed in Ye Qiang's eyes was fully revealed, he licked his lips and said in a deep voice: "Okay, since Yi Daoyou likes such a big gamble, it seems too much for me not to take it." I don’t know how to be flattering. Ye Tao, go down and play, and be careful not to hurt the comrades of the flame prison demons, "These words are arrogant, as if this competition is already doomed."

Behind him came out a late-stage cultivator of the Flying Raksha clan, and with a flick of wings behind his back, his figure turned into a dao afterimage and flew directly into the Sumeru ring and waited.Obviously this person is stronger than the previous Ye Ding. It seems that Ye Qiang of the Flying Raksha clan has met Yan Li Gangmao this time, and he has seen that there are no late-stage monks among the flame-prison demon monks present. Overwhelming people once.

So Yan Ligang is in a difficult situation, he has already lost a game just now, if he loses again this time, I am afraid that he will be disgraced and even his subordinates will have opinions on him.After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "Since it is funded by Fellow Daoist Yi, it's up to you to choose someone to fight. All the cultivators who have transformed themselves into gods are welcome."

After hearing this, Yi Tian murmured in his heart and said with a secret smile, "This Yan Ligang is also an old fox, but he let himself handle things that he is not sure about."Winning is all due to his wise decision, and losing can't be attributed to him. He is really two-faced. '

But it's about gambling and there is no room for sloppy, Yi Tian took out a fist-sized bead, turned around and handed it to Yan Lifeng who was in the back seat, and said: "This time, if you have trouble, you can do it, this flame armor is a thank you gift."

Yan Lifeng was taken aback when he heard this, turned his gaze to the bead and said, "It's a big taboo in military strategists to change weapons before battle, so senior Yi can guarantee that I can make good use of this thing."

"Earth-level top-level 梼杌 armor I think you can make good use of it in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, but it can also be powerful in the late stage of the transformation of the gods," Yi Tian said indifferently: "Besides, the magic armor is just a dead thing, that's all. The key is how to make good use of it.”

After hearing this, Yan Lifeng's eyes lit up, but he looked at the bead in front of him again, stretched out his hand to hold it lightly, and poured the evil force into it with all his heart.After a while, the magic bead was activated by spiritual power and turned into several black lights that disintegrated. In an instant, the black lights flew to Yan Lifeng's body and covered the whole body, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

After the black mist dissipated, I saw Yan Lifeng wearing a black and red armor with two Wu hooks pinned to his waist, his figure flashed suddenly, and then he raised his spirit pressure violently. The category directly enters the later stage.

"This kind of magic weapon can make up for the gap in strength. If the outcome is between five and five, fellow Daoist Ye Qiang has no objection," Yi Tian said with a determined face.

"Forcibly relying on magical weapons to improve strength may not be applicable. Everything depends on comparisons. I have no objection and can start," Ye Qiang replied disdainfully after reading it.

Yan Lifeng let out a cold snort, and later on the back of his whole body opened a pair of wings, which were the Raksha wings of the Flying Raksha tribe, and flew directly into the ring after drawing an arc in the air.

But his actions really surprised all the monks in the distraction stage present. Originally, the flying Raksha clan was most proud of speed.Now that Yan Lifeng is wearing the 梼杌 armor and has Raksha wings, he is not at a disadvantage in terms of speed, but this battle is worth seeing.

(End of this chapter)

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