
Chapter 1439 Liaoyuan Celebration 5 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1439 Liaoyuan Celebration Five Fierce Battles

Although this time Yan Ligang left the right to choose the battle to Yi Tian in order to shirk his responsibility, but he never expected Yan Lifeng to make a move.In addition, Yi Tian actually took out a set of magic armor as an auxiliary to make up for the gap in cultivation. At this time, Yan Ligang really hoped that his side could win this game. After all, he shouldn't express his feelings Show any look of wanting to lose.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he didn't want to lose even more, and he took part in the gamble with the materials exchanged for two heaven-level magic weapons.To put it bluntly, three of the four materials for the bet now belong to him, and such an unfair transaction can only be encountered in Liaoyuan City.

In addition, I gave Yan Lifeng an extra set of earth-level top-level magical treasures. If he loses, it will be a big loss.Fortunately, after careful analysis of the combat power of both sides before, the flame prison demon clan is also good enough, and there is not a single late-stage monk participating in the meeting.

And I don't know much about other cultivators at the stage of transforming gods. Only when I met Yan Lifeng in the Boneyard last time and saw the strength of his attack did I make such a decision in my heart.

At this moment, Li Feng was wearing a set of red and black 梼杌 armor with one shoulder, and suddenly his wings spread out from behind and stretched to the left and right, about Zhang Xu away.This appearance is very similar to the appearance of Ye Tao offering the wings of the Flying Rakshasa on the opposite side.And after Yan Lifeng's spiritual pressure fluctuations increased rapidly, his aura even faintly surpassed the opponent.

The many distracted monks who were watching from the outside were all surprised when they saw this scene, while Yan Ligang, who was sitting above him, showed an unusually tangled look. It seems that at this time, there is some anticipation for his younger brother's performance in his heart. With a look of fear.

Although I don't know how delicate the relationship between the two of them is, Yi Tian's goal is very simple, that is to try to make Yan Lifeng win with all his strength.

There was a sudden change in the Xumi arena in the scene, and the two sides fought directly after gaining momentum.Ye Tao took the lead, and after waving his wings behind his back, he suddenly accelerated, leaving a series of afterimages in the air, and then rushed towards his opponent.

At the same time, two sharp knives were taken out from both hands, and then turned into two black magic lights, which were struck forward on the left and right.

On the other hand, Yan Lifeng seemed a little hesitant in his movements, he pulled out the two Wu hooks from his waist and gestured.Immediately after injecting the evil spirit power, the opponent's two magic lights flew in front of him, so it was worth rushing to fight and forcibly raised the Wu hook in his hand to meet the opponent.

But there was no one-sided situation on the scene, only a golden magic light flashed in the air after the two 'choke' and the four tacitly attacked each other.

Yan Lifeng clenched his right hand tightly, but Wu Gou left his left hand.Fortunately, there was a slender chain at the end of the weapon that was connected to the armor. Yan Lifeng tried to flap his wings behind his back, and his whole body flew a hundred feet away.

Taking advantage of the momentum, the left hand retracted the Wu hook and regained momentum, raising its spiritual power again.At this time, Ye Tao's second round of attack had arrived, and he rushed straight after quickly using evasion techniques.

Yan Lifeng gave a cold shout, and then he turned around and flew in the opposite direction. In the Sumeru Arena, there was a situation of chasing and fleeing.

At this time, Ye Qiang, a monk in the distraction period, said jokingly: "I have heard that the monks of the flame prison demon race have always been known for their bravery and diligence. Why do they become cowards and only run away after going into battle? If so, how about It would be easier to admit defeat directly."

It was rare for Yan Ligang to show a little resentment on his face when he heard the words. Although he and his younger brother didn't have a good relationship, being bullied like this was tolerable and unbearable.

When Yi Tian saw it, he chuckled and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye Qiang's words are wrong. I think Yan Lifeng has a [-] to [-]% chance of winning in this battle. He took my 梼杌 armor and started to use it. Naturally, he didn't realize it. Seeing the wonderful use of it, it must be time for him to fight back after he is familiar with the magic weapon, so let's be patient and calm, and I believe the result will come soon."

"Since fellow Daoist Yi is so confident, why don't we reraise temporarily?" Ye Qiang laughed.

"That's fine, but treasures and the like will be avoided, and I will drag another 1000 million magic crystals," Yi Tian said.

"This work also adds 500 million yuan," Yan Ligang interjected, as the master, he was provoked by Ye Qiang repeatedly, but he still couldn't help but get angry.

"Okay, let's drag another 500 million magic spar," Ye Qiang said disdainfully.

Suddenly, Dugu Yufeng, who was sitting in the first position on the right, said: "You guys are having fun, why don't you let me join in too. I'll add 500 million to bet on Yan Li Feng's victory. This small sum must be Ye Qiang Daoist friends should be nothing to worry about."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was stunned. Although the Flame Prison Demon Clan and the Sky Demon Clan had always been on good terms, Dugu Yufeng made it clear that he was very supportive and Li Feng couldn't tell if there would be any interest in it.

It's just that as soon as the words are spoken, Ye Qiang is on the bar, and he is in a situation of riding a tiger, so he can't help but refuse.

It is said that small gambling is fun, but recently several monks in the distraction period have obviously become angry with gambling.A strange look flashed across Ye Qiang's eyes, then he nodded and said: "Since fellow Taoist Dugu said that he should accompany you, I agree."

After the four of them finished speaking, they saw that the situation on the Xumi Ring changed again. Yan Lifeng, who had been running away blindly, suddenly turned around and held Wu hooks with both hands in front of him, sparks criss-crossed.Then he displayed the fiery prison demon body with raging fire to wrap his whole body in a connected 梼杌 armor.

At this time, he had completely overwhelmed his opponent in terms of spiritual pressure fluctuations, and then several dark red hokages flashed in the air, Li Feng actually took the lead and started to fight back.

As for Ye Tao, he was not to be outdone, and after shaking his wings behind his back, he increased his speed to the limit.In the Sumeru arena, only two lights and shadows, one red and one black, intertwined back and forth.Every time there is a collision, there will be a deafening attack sound, and vortices of space distortion will be turned around.

At this moment, Yan Lifeng felt that under the blessing of the magic armor, he let go and suppressed the opponent again and again.This powerful feeling is definitely stronger than ever.

After three breaths, a voice came from the ear of the helmet and said: "Try to use the strongest esoteric technique of the 梼杌装 to help you secure the victory in one fell swoop."

Naturally, this point was passed into Yan Lifeng's ears by Yi Tian through secret techniques and supernatural powers. After the latter understood it, he first pulled away and moved aside, then quickly swept his divine sense across the entire armor and found that there was a Tao on his forehead. The traces of the array patterns are the key to performing the secret technique.

A little later, he gathered his spiritual power to reach the forehead rune, and in an instant, he saw an extremely domineering light flashing on the forehead on the entire suit of battle armor.At the same time, a phantom of the armor rose from Yan Lifeng's back, turning into an appearance of more than three feet high.

After Ye Tao in front of him was stared at by the phantom, his arrogance suddenly faded, and his moves also slowed down.

See you, Yan Lifeng knew that the opportunity must be missed and hurriedly took advantage of the momentum, he also knew that with his real strength he was still half behind the opponent, so he was fighting urgently.After the raging flames ignited on the two Wu hooks, the whole person flashed again to Ye Tao in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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