
Chapter 1440 Liaoyuan Celebration 6 Winning

Chapter 1440 Liaoyuan Celebration VI Victory
All the people sitting in the front row on the celebration banquet were famous monks in the distraction period, and their spiritual thoughts swept over the Sumeru ring to see clearly what happened there.

The soaring strength of Yan Lifeng after his sudden violent rise was naturally seen in his eyes, but the phantom rising faintly behind his stiletto armor was somewhat interesting.It seemed to contain a trace of the talent of the true spirit of Wuwu, which shocked the opponent on the spot.

Ye Tao visibly trembled after being solidified by the sudden 梼杌 phantom, and his body also trembled.

There is no room for the slightest mistake in the duel between masters, Yan Lifeng knew that this opportunity was due to the blessing of the magic armor on his body, and the opponent was hit because he did not pay more attention to it.Don't come again when the opportunity is too late, and there will be no such good opportunity next time.

The two Wu hooks on both hands suddenly flashed with magic light and turned into two black and red fire dragons, striking Ye Tao from left to right. The two loud bangs of 'bang bang' also buzzed the barrier outside the Sumeru Arena.

Seeing this, Yan Lifeng, who was seated above, had no choice but to make a seal and type out a magic formula to stabilize the Nasumi ring in the middle in front of him.Just now, the power of the moves of the two of them was so powerful that it could affect the barriers around the Sumeru Arena, so that the faces of the monks in the distraction stage were all thinking.

Especially Dugu Yufeng raised his head and stared at Yi Tian who was opposite, his eyes flickering as if he had made up his mind.

Later, when the smoke above the ring dissipated, a black magic light circled in the air and finally flew out reluctantly.After falling to the ground, Ye Tao's figure appeared.At this time, his face was a little pale, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body seemed a little unstable, obviously he had suffered a bit after the fight in the ring.

Afterwards, Yan Lifeng's escaping light also jumped out of it to the top of the hall, and then it appeared like a fire armor. The armor and a pair of Wu hooks on Sanxijian's body shone with magic light, and then slowly shrank into a ball of light.Finally, after it fell on his hand and the halo faded, the armor turned back into a fist-sized magic bead.

At this moment, Yan Lifeng looked at Ye Tao with a slight smile and said, "Fellow Daoist, let me take the lead this time."

Ye Tao just curled his lips and didn't answer. He just walked back to the seat of the Feitian Raksha clan and sat down slowly.As for Ye Qiang in front of him, his complexion was not good at this time, and he did not expect the situation in front of him.

"It seems that we have won this game. If you think about it, fellow Daoist Ye Qiang will not deny it," Yi Tian said suddenly, reaching out and waved the 'Moon Night Stone' and 'Shadow Crystal Dust' that he had taken out originally. They were all put away.

Then Ye Qiang didn't seem to send the treasure in his hand, but only looked at Yan Lifeng's appearance before saying: "You Daoist Yi is really powerful, I didn't expect you to be a high-level craftsman, why don't you use the mid-stage of Huashen to surpass you?" A late-stage cultivator won't win easily."

Hearing his tone of voice, he seemed to put all the reasons for his victory in this duel on the armor he had given him, but in a blink of an eye, he saw the angry look on Yan Lifeng's face, as if he was a little resentful about it.

As for Yan Ligang, who was in the right position, he didn't make a clear statement. It is estimated that the relationship between the two brothers is tense, so it is inconvenient to speak directly.In the end, the situation was still pushed to his own head, and Yi Tian continued with a wry smile: "My fellow Daoist's words are wrong, a person is alive, and if the magic weapon is not used, the person is not a dead thing. Since Yan Li Feng's victory shows that he has correctly used the true power of the magic armor, which is beyond doubt."

"But if it weren't for you to insert a bar horizontally, I'm afraid our side might not lose," Ye Qiang said forcefully with a domineering appearance.

Yi Tian didn't think much of it when he heard it, first he said to Yan Lifeng through voice transmission in a low voice: "This magic armor is a gift for the prince, thank you very much this time."

After hearing this, Yan Lifeng showed a slight smile on his face, stretched out his hand to Yi Tian as a thank you, and then swaggered back to his seat and sat down slowly.

At this time, many monks around him showed smiles on their faces and came forward to congratulate him. Naturally, many of them focused their eyes on the magic armor bead.After a while, Yan Lifeng put it away slowly to stop everyone's eyes.

As for Yi Tian, ​​his face sank, he glanced at the other party and said: "I'm afraid that the two magic weapons in Ye Tao's hands are not low-level, at least as high as the earth level. And I The magic armor that was taken out did not reach the category of a heaven-level magic weapon, so it can be considered fair. Is it because you are afraid that you can’t afford to lose with such arrogance from fellow Daoist Ye Qiang?”

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became a little tense, and everyone immediately turned their attention to the seat of the Flying Raksha clan opposite.Everyone knows that the two races have fought in the Devil's Spine Mountains for more than a hundred years. Everyone is polite on the surface, but secretly considers each other as a deadly enemy.

At the celebration banquet, the Flaming Prison Demon Clan and the Flying Rakshasa Clan faced off against each other. Although it seemed calm on the surface, in fact, the underground tide was surging.The bet on such a heaven-level treasure alone has already caused anger, and I am afraid that the two clans will have a second move in the future.

Dugu Yufeng, who was on the side unexpectedly, said: "If you lose, you win or if you lose, there are so many reasons. Fellow Daoist Ye Qiang's words seem to be losing his temper."

Seeing that the people of the Tianmo clan jumped out to help, the monks of the other clans also showed uncertain expressions on their faces.Although 500 million magic spar seems to be a lot of wealth, it is nothing in the eyes of the monks in the distraction period.It's just that Dugu Yufeng seems to have some idea to help Yi Tian with his words.

Yi Tian responded to Dugu Yufeng's overtures with a smile and nodded, and then turned his gaze to the crown prince Yan Ligang.At this time, I saw that he couldn't sit still anymore, although he didn't want his younger brother to show off, but he could still hold on to the big picture, now that Dugu Yufeng from the Heavenly Demon Clan spoke up to defend nature, he also had to make a statement.

Then he smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye Qiang, it's a coincidence that our side won this game by chance. If you don't have it handy, you can use magic spar to discount it. I don't think Fellow Daoist Yi will have anything to do with it." Objection."

Having said all this, if Ye Qiang was pushing back and forth, there would be no place for him to save his face. He snorted coldly and stretched out his hand to send the two precious materials over.Then he took out three storage bags and put them into 2000 million magic crystals, and sent them to Yi Tian, ​​Yan Lifeng and Dugu Yufeng from the air.

After scanning the things in front of him with his divine sense, Yi Tian smiled and put them away, and at the end he didn't forget to say to Ye Qiang: "Thank you very much."

Later, I heard the other party's voice transmission: "Don't be too complacent, kid, I will write down this account."

Yi Tian didn't care about this at all, he raised the wine glass in front of him and poured himself a drink, completely ignoring Ye Qiang's threats.

But after three breaths, Dugu Yufeng's voice came again: "Yi Daoyou is really amazing, if you have time, please stay and talk about it after the banquet."

Faced with such an invitation, Yi Tian knew it well, and then nodded to show his response.

(End of this chapter)

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