
Chapter 1441

Chapter 1441 Return Visit
After the Liaoyuan City celebration, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to return to his cave, but instead walked around the city.Later, after finding out where the monks of the Heavenly Demon tribe stayed, they searched all the way. The guards of the Heavenly Demon tribe at the gate of the station where the foreigners visited had already received the order, and they let them go all the way after seeing Yi Tian's visit.

After walking into this post station, I saw that there were formations and barriers gathered all around, isolating this place with a radius of one mile in front and back from the outside world.Obviously, these foreign monks have also raised their awareness of self-protection. Although they are like paper in front of the monks of the integration period, they can be regarded as a gesture.At least monks below the integration stage cannot break through easily.

Not long after, he followed the waiter leading the way to the last courtyard in the depths of the inn, and then he heard a voice inside saying: "You Daoist Yi is here, please come in quickly and wait for a long time."

The person who listened to the voice was undoubtedly Dugu Yufeng, but Yi Tian found out that there seemed to be another person in the courtyard under the investigation of Yi Tian's divine sense. His breath was slightly lower and he should be a cultivator in the transformation stage.And from the spiritual pressure fluctuations, he noticed that he seemed to have known each other, and when he thought about it, he thought it was Dugu Yuchen.

From this point of view, it seems that Dugu Yufeng invited himself here today is also a bit of an idea, and he walked in with big strides.At this time, it was these two people who were sitting around the stone table in the courtyard and waiting.

Seeing him coming in, the two stood up and clapped their hands in salute. Dugu Yufeng, who was the leader, said: "Friend Daoist Yi, please take your seat."

Looking at Dugu Yuchen on the next side, Yi Tian walked forward slowly and found an empty seat in front of Dugu Yufeng to sit down.Later, the two also joined the table, and after the three of them drank a cup, Dugu Yuchen said, "I've heard about Senior Yi's level of crafting for a long time, but what I saw today is really extraordinary."

It stands to reason that when the monks in the distraction stage talk, the juniors in the transformation stage speak first, taking into account that his identity is the young patriarch Yi Tian of the Tianmo clan, but he smiled slightly and replied: "Young patriarch is ridiculously praised, I It’s still the same sentence that this weapon refining is just a side door, the key is to see how you control it to be true.”

Dugu Yuchen was taken aback when he heard this, and turned to look at Dugu Yufeng next to him.The latter knew that he still needed to speak up for some things, and then said, "You must have guessed my intentions by inviting fellow Daoist Yi here this time, right?"

"It's nothing more than wanting to obtain a magic armor like that of Yan Lifeng for the young patriarch?" Yi Tian said lightly after a pause.

"Exactly. I don't know if Daoyou Yi has something ready-made on hand. If it doesn't help, we can wait," Dugu Yufeng said softly.

Although I still have a copy in my hand, I can't just sell it casually so as not to drop the price.Besides, everyone at the banquet today saw the 梼杌 armor that he took out. Naturally, there will be a steady stream of people coming to make trouble in the future.

At this point, it is necessary to increase the price of this item to let others retreat in order to leave a quiet space for themselves.After thinking about it, Yi Tian's face changed into a serious expression, and he said: "Of course I have another copy of this thing, but it's not easy to refine. Back then, I promised Dugu Yaoxiang to refine a pair of Frost Armor for him, and now I It's inconvenient to go out in Liaoyuan City, so I wonder if you can ask fellow Taoist Dugu to collect it for you?"

After finishing speaking, he took out two magic beads, one black and one white, and put them on the table. A trace of crystal clear freezing air flashed on the white magic beads, and when they were placed on the table, the surrounding temperature dropped a lot.At the same time, a layer of water vapor faintly leaked from the stone platform on the tabletop, and then formed a thin layer of ice crystals to cover it.

This time even Dugu Yufeng's face was moved when he saw it, and after he looked at it, a black magic light slowly appeared from his body to protect Dugu Yuchen beside him.This kind of magic weapon has obviously reached the level of the heavens, which is the result of Yi Tian melting the bones of the frost-ridden dragon into the armor.

A glint of envy flashed across the pupils of Dugu Yufeng's eyes, and then he coughed lightly and replied: "Since Daoist Yi has asked me to do so, I can do my best to fulfill it, and please rest assured that I will take care of this thing." Hand it over to Dugu Yaoxiang personally."

After all, but in the end, Yi Tian didn't need to worry too much, anyway, after these things were settled, he could save a lot of things.After hearing this, he stretched out his hand and gently pushed the frost armor over, saying: "I will go to the abyss of the demon world soon, and I think there will be Daoist Dugu in addition to brother Yaoxiang in the Tianmo clan, please come and join me at that time." With help."

Dugu Yufeng put away the demon clan in the frost armor, nodded slightly and replied: "That's natural, you and I are relatively close, after we enter, we can join hands to deal with the changing environment. This is a matter for you, Daoist Yi. rest assured."

Then he turned his eyes to the other magic weapon and paused on it before saying: "I don't know what this one is, can you give up your love, fellow Daoist Yi?"

Reaching out to pick up the black magic bead and playing with it for a while, Yi Tiancai said with a smile: "Since I took it out, I naturally want to make a deal with a fellow daoist. It was smelted from the wreckage of a monster. It’s just that we didn’t make enough supplementary materials in a hurry, and the wreckage was lacking, so the final shape was only a half-step heaven-level magic weapon.”

"The power of a half-step heaven-level magic weapon is not too weak. If you think about it, it will be able to stand up to monks in the upper distraction stage," Dugu Yufeng said.

Yi Tian smiled and nodded and replied: "That's natural. The special attribute hidden in this round spirit armor is tenacity, which inherits the super defensive talent of the devil turtle, and can also strengthen the original defensive body of cultivation. Power."

Dugu Yuchen, who was on the side, had a bright light in his eyes after hearing this. For him, this attribute can just enhance his skills, and he will be able to fight even if he meets a high-ranking monk in the future.

It's just that Dugu Yufeng showed a look of disbelief on his face, after thinking about it, he asked: "I wonder if I can test it?"

Seeing his appearance like this, Yi Tian thought to himself, "Probably he still can't trust himself, or he is too confident in his own strength." '

Immediately replied: "It's okay, fellow daoist, feel free."

So Dugu Yufeng didn't hesitate, he reached out to pick up the round spirit armor and activated it, then threw it ten feet in front of him to reveal his true face.

From the appearance, this round spirit armor exudes the coercion of high-level magical beasts, and at the same time, it is mixed with a lot of ancient aura.A black whirlwind gathered in Dugu Yufeng's hands and was compressed into the size of a fist.Then he yelled in a low voice: "Go," the wind ball in his hand gathered into a small vortex and hit the round spirit armor directly.

With a "bang", the wind group touched the round spirit armor and knocked it back for more than a foot. After the wind force dissipated, Dugu Yufeng's divine sense swept over his face, showing surprise.

It was completely undamaged, not even a single scratch was left.Dugu Yufeng was very clear about the power of his own moves, he was able to resist like this, he thought he was better than what Yi Tian said, he smiled and said: "You Daoist Yi, I admire your accomplishments in refining weapons, please come here Drink from this cup."

(End of this chapter)

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