
Chapter 1442 Recommendations

Chapter 1442 Recommendations
After coming out of the post station of the Heavenly Demon Clan, Yi Tian had a good complexion and was secretly grateful for his wise decision in his heart.It's just two pieces of magic armor and spiritual weapons that have attracted the monks of the Heavenly Demon Race to form an offensive and defensive alliance. After entering the abyss of the demon world, it can be regarded as an extra friend.

Although I know that I have offended the Flying Rakshasa, Abyssal Demons, and Dark Demons, I can only form a faction as soon as possible and find someone to help me. Only in this way will I not be isolated after arriving in the abyss of the Demon Realm.

From Dugu Yufeng's mouth, I learned that there are about four places in the Sky Demon Clan, which is the largest number among its organizations in the Demon Realm.There are three flame prison demons on my side, and there are only two other demons.

Therefore, they are bound to join forces first, but as long as they identify the Heavenly Demon Clan and cooperate, Dugu Yufeng, Dugu Yaoxiang, and Jiuduoluo have already clearly formed an alliance.

In this way, I have formed a small group, and I am not afraid of the three tribes of monks joining forces. As for the shadow demons, they are eccentric and withdrawn, and they are not good at colluding with others. I can put it aside for now. The most mysterious one is the monks of the ice demons. I have never seen it myself.And from the existing records handed down from the Demon Realm, these Ice Demon Clan members can be regarded as aliens in the Demon Realm.The problem of talent attributes makes them all live in the depths of the ice field in the devil world and rarely go outside.

Coupled with the fact that it is incompatible with other demons, it has always been difficult to be accepted as a real demon.

After returning to the cave mansion, Yi Tian simply put up a sign outside the cave mansion in order to avoid trouble, with the words "Cultivate in seclusion, don't disturb idlers," in eight big characters.

I thought this would shield all the outsiders, but I didn't expect that after returning to the cave to retreat for less than a year, several jade talismans of communication would be sent.Most of them are monks who come here especially in the city and want to visit them.

After seeing this, Yi Tian just curled his lips, turned his head and stretched out his hand, and crushed all these communication symbols.As for them, they didn't have time to take time to deal with them, and these people were summoned only after they learned of their superiority at the Liaoyuan Celebration Banquet.

However, one of them gave Yi Tian some ideas, holding a white jade talisman, Yi Tian couldn't make up his mind for a long time.The signature on this jade slip is Yan Lifeng, the second prince of Liaoyuan City, and what it said was very sincere. Last time at the banquet, I took care of myself and took a top-level magic armor for no reason. For this reason, the other party wanted to design After the banquet, please go to the restaurant 'Yuan Xingshun' in the east of the city.

But Yi Tiansi still didn't make a decision after thinking about it, after all, Shizi's attitude is there.The relationship between him and the second prince was worse than he imagined, and he didn't stand up for his younger brother at the celebration last time, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that there was a reason for it.

And I don't want to have a bad relationship with the prince of Liaoyuan City at this time, so going to the banquet will definitely cause more problems.Why don't you go? I feel uncomfortable in my heart. Ever since I entered Liaoyuan City and was framed by Yan Lei, I have been placed under house arrest.

If he hadn't tripped him in the dark, he would definitely not be able to vomit in his heart.Seeing that the time for the line in the abyss of the demon world is approaching, if you don't move at this time, there is really no chance.

After thinking about it, he used the Thousand Faces Technique to change his face, and then the figure in the cave became fainter and weaker until he completely realized the void.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian changed his appearance and became a cultivator in the early stage of Huashen, walking out of a corner of a street in Liaoyuan City out of thin air, and then walked quickly towards the restaurant 'Yuan Xingshun'.

It was only when I got there that I realized that this was the property of Yanli Peak, and it was dedicated to receiving high-ranking monks of various ethnic groups who came and went.In his Jade Talisman message, he invited himself to the top floor, where monks in the distraction period haunted, and he would not lose his worth if he thought about it.

It's just that Yi Tian secretly thought, "This Yan Lifeng really likes to show off, so it's not clear that he wants to tell his elder brother that he wants to win him over." '

But since Yi Tian is going to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, he has to test whether Yan Lifeng has such eyes.Immediately after entering the restaurant, he asked for an upper room on the fourth floor exclusively for monks in the stage of transforming gods. After entering it, he ordered the most expensive spirit food and spirit wine here, and then claimed that he didn't have enough magic crystals in his hand and wanted to pay for it with something. price.

The waiter who was in charge of the reception took a piece of magic soldier he refined and left, and then went straight to the shopkeeper on the floor to add up.Yi Tian, ​​on the other hand, sat in the room with a determined face and waited while drinking after opening the sound-proof barrier.

After drinking for three rounds, he drank all the spiritual wine in front of him and did not see Yan Lifeng coming. Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, cleaned up and was about to get up and leave.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door and said, "Senior, your order is here."

So Yi Tian sat down slowly with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then stretched out his hand to point to the forbidden barrier at the door to open a gap seven feet high and two feet wide.Then I saw a devil-infant cultivator wearing the costume of a restaurant waiter walking in slowly with a tray in both hands.

After serving the food and wine, he said in a low voice: "Senior, please take your time."

Yi Tianshen read a faint smile, and after closing the banning barrier, he said slowly: "It's a grievance for you to condescend to come here, so sit down."

The waiter replied respectfully: "You have caused trouble to senior, Li Feng is ashamed," the tone of the person who spoke was the second prince Yan Lifeng.

After looking at it, Yi Tian didn't take it seriously and said: "I think you are also a cautious person, it seems that the one who stays on the top floor should be your substitute. In this case, you are willing to condescend to kneel down to find me, it must be for the sake of that son-in-law. It's a matter of position, why don't you take a seat first and talk about it in detail to see if there is anything that can be of use."

"Senior is really powerful, he deserves to be the key person who can support Concubine Yan and Huang Jie to seize the throne. If I can get to know senior earlier, I don't think I will be in this situation," Yan Lifeng bowed with his hands together, Then slowly walked forward and sat down opposite Yi Tian.

"Things are different, people are different, your situation is far worse than Concubine Yan's." Yi Tian opened his eyes and looked at the other party and sighed, "You should know what I mean."

"Your junior understands, it's my elder brother Yan Ligang," Yan Lifeng said angrily.

"Yes or no," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "I understand what you think, but it's a pity that fate doesn't depend on you. If you are also a monk in the distraction stage, you still have a three-point chance. It's a pity that the son is now under the care of the city lord." With the power in your hands, you are doomed to do nothing in Liaoyuan City."

After hearing this, Yan Lifeng's face darkened, and he asked respectfully: "I also ask Senior Yi to give me some guidance, I am unwilling to be oppressed for the rest of my life."

"Just now I have put the method everywhere, it's just for you to understand," Yi Tian smiled, picked up the wine glass on the table and filled it up, and drank it alone.

Then Yan Lifeng's expression changed a few times, and he sighed: "Senior, do you mean to ask me to jump out of the circle of Liaoyuan City and find another way out?"

"That's right, the current layout of Liaoyuan City is a dead end for you. There is a city lord who can't do anything even if your life is saved. After jumping out, it is natural that the sky is high and the birds are flying. Dragon or snake depends entirely on your own good fortune," Yi Tian said in a persuasive way: "As for where to go, I don't need to say more."

"Sister Huang's place is at the time of employing people, and I can naturally be reused if I vote for her. In this way, I asked Senior Yi to write a letter of recommendation for me. I'm afraid that my relationship in front of Sister Huang has not yet come from a letter from Senior." It works," Yan Lifeng said with determination.

(End of this chapter)

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