
Chapter 1443 Departure

Chapter 1443 Departure
After chatting with Yan Lifeng, Yi Tian swaggered out of the restaurant, then approached a few unremarkable alleys in Liaoyuan City, circled around a few times, and then disappeared.

Afterwards, he went back to the cave to set up the cave gate ban and closed it up quietly inside. All the jade talismans for communication from outside were blocked.This also shows that Xinji doesn't want to waste time to deal with all kinds of trivial matters in Liaoyuan City, and concentrates all his attention on retreat and cultivation so as to cope with the upcoming trip to the abyss of the devil world.

During these days of Yi Tian's retreat, several major events happened in Liaoyuan City. The second prince Yan Lifeng took the opportunity of going out on a hunting trip to directly connect with Yan Fei, the commander of the Yan Prison Demon Clan Expeditionary Army.

Immediately after that, Concubine Yan went to Liaoyuan City to visit the city lord in person, after which Yan Lifeng was promoted to the post of deputy commander of the expeditionary army to take charge of a partial division.As for the expeditionary force, it is now divided into three, with Yan Lifeng and the Seventh Prince each leading a team of [-] people.

As for the commander-in-chief, the third princess, Concubine Yan, led the Chinese army to command [-] elite divisions, plus a group of monks and elders in the distraction period to enshrine nine people, becoming a backbone force that should not be underestimated.

Of course, all of this can only be formed logically with the acquiescence of the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison.As for Liaoyuan City Lord Emperor Yanlei, he neither agrees nor disagrees with this, but in the eyes of outsiders, since he sent his son to the expeditionary army as the deputy commander, he just made his position clear.

In this way, the form of seizing the heirloom in the Yan Prison Dynasty became clear. Although the fourth prince had the support of the mother clan's influence, he could only struggle against the fledgling third princess' line.

Coupled with the lack of achievements on the battlefield for so many years, the forces in North Korea and China have been disappointed.On one side is a rising super newcomer, holding a heavy army and laying down nearly ten thousand miles of territory for the Demon Emperor within a hundred years, those courtiers and veterans will naturally understand how to choose.

Since then, the lineage of the three princesses has also formed an alliance in many ways to stabilize its power in the Yan Prison Dynasty. Coupled with the acquiescence of the Yan Prison Demon Emperor, the forces surrounding her now account for one-third of the dynasty.

In addition, the once-in-a-thousand-year Grand Competition will also be held immediately. As we all know, the two selected by this time will get the quota for the trip to the abyss of the devil world.

That is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so all forces will not give up. Naturally, all the monks in the distraction period broke their scalps and wanted to participate.

Although there are a lot of people, there are only two people in the final quota. In order to prevent the demon monks from the flames from killing each other and wasting their strength, this time the demon emperor was not selected in a one-on-one duel.Instead, they used their supernatural powers to let the candidates pass through the Hell of Fire, and only the two who came out first would prevail.

Afterwards, An Xichen, a monk in the distraction period under the command of the third princess, won the first place, and the other place was given to the guards of the seventh prince.

As a result, the four princes had no choice but to gradually shrink their strength to hold on to their existing authority after successive defeats. Up to now, they could only protect themselves.

After more than 20 years, Yi Tian, ​​who was retreating in the cave mansion, carefully looked at the communication jade slip in front of him, and basically had a comprehensive understanding of what happened in the Yan Prison Dynasty.

After calculating the time, it is almost time to go to the abyss of the demon world. Yi Tian put away the jade slip in his hand and happened to hear a voice coming from outside the main entrance: "It's almost time, little friend Yi, we are ready to go," after speaking The person is Yan Lei, the lord of Liaoyuan City.

After hearing this, Yi Tian packed up the things around him, then slowly stood up from the ground, stretched his shins and walked towards the gate of the cave.

After opening the cave door of the forbidden barrier, they found a dragon tooth warship moored above the cave. With a light leap, they flew up into the sky and then lightly landed on the deck of the dragon tooth warship.

Someone had already been waiting at the side, and after seeing Yi Tian's face clearly, he hurried forward to salute, and then led the way to the main cabin of the Longya warship.

After entering, I saw Yan Lei sitting firmly on the upright seat at this time. After entering, he waved his hand and said: "Let's go, the target is the thunderstorm belt on the edge of the abyss in the demon world."

Afterwards, he only felt that the Longya warship was moving, and looked carefully at the scenery outside the window, and found that the warship was gradually speeding up and leaving Liaoyuan City.

After walking up, Yi Tian saluted Yan Lei lightly before saying: "See the city lord."

I saw Yan Lei looked at him squarely, and Yi Tian felt flustered wherever his eyes went, as if the other party was using a secret technique to spy on him.Yi Tiancai felt calm after the seal in Niwan Palace suddenly sacrificed Zilei Dianguang to help Yuanying, and Yan Lei's gaze could no longer make him feel uncomfortable.

After three breaths, Yan Lei pointed to the seat next to him and said, "Young friend Yi, please sit down."

Yi Tian walked up slowly to the position he set, sat down, and then asked: "I wonder how many people are there for this trip to the abyss demon world?"

"The situation has changed slightly," Yan Lei said seriously: "In the past, we used the number of fit monks of each race to determine the number of people who entered, but in the past thousand years, another fit monk has emerged from the Ice Demon Race, so it is bound to be crowded. A spot was suppressed."

"Oh, what consequences will it cause?" Yi Tian asked, but an ominous premonition emerged in his heart.

"Originally, each clan patriarch has two places, and other monks in the fusion stage have one recommended place. For example, my flame prison demon clan has always occupied three positions, and as for the sky demon clan, there are four places," Yan Lei explained.

"I also know about this matter. The other major clans only have one monk at the fusion stage, so they occupy a total of ten places. Now that there is one more member of the Ice Demon Clan, it will definitely make the rest of the forces have scruples," Yi Tian said.

"That's true. The total of eighteen places from the seven major clans plus the disciples of the Demon Sage has not changed. It is not a big problem to add one more now, but I am afraid that this time I will be instigated by someone who wants to go in. I am afraid that there will be more before entering." It's time for something to happen," Yan Lei said worriedly.

Now that he has said this, Shang Yitian naturally understands the meaning of his words, maybe there will be some variables for this quota before entering the abyss of the devil world.

However, with his own strength, he is naturally not afraid. After thinking about it, he said calmly: "There is no need to worry about this matter. It is nothing more than soldiers coming to cover up the water and soil. At most, the other clans jointly exerted pressure to fight at the entrance. My principle is that people don’t offend me, and I don’t offend others, if it offends me and goes in and cleans up the monks of those clans, it won’t be a problem.”

After hearing this, Yan Lei showed a smile on his face, stroking his beard and said: "Okay, since you have such confidence, then I don't need to worry too much. But speaking of it, I still want to thank you for giving my son Li Feng a good idea." .”

Hearing this, Yi Tian's face changed and he knew that Yan Lei couldn't hide this matter, so he smiled embarrassedly and said: "That's because the second prince has his own ideas. I'm just doing things along the way. I hope the city lord won't be offended."

(End of this chapter)

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