
Chapter 1447 Journey into the Abyss 4 Suppression

Chapter 1447 Journey to the Abyss Four Repressions
After fighting Tu Ke, Yi Tiancai realized that the opponent seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and that horizontal posture was completely impenetrable with needles and water.

Put away the contempt, Yi Tian burst out a red flame and wrapped himself up. After casting the flame prison demon, his whole body looked like a burning man surrounded by flames.

But at this time, on the hillside below, the demon emperor of Yan Prison frowned slightly after sweeping his mind, turned around and whispered to Yan Lei: "Why is it a bit different from my clan's orthodox exercises?"

"It's a bit strange, it seems to have merged with the Heavenly Demon Transformation of the Heavenly Demon Clan," Yan Lei replied hastily with a bright light in his eyes: "But that's fine, the other party has miscalculated and we have at least a [-]% chance of winning."

As soon as the words were finished, the situation in the sky changed drastically, and two lights and shadows, one red and one black, collided fiercely in the air.There will be piercing noises after each attack, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations generated after the two fight against each other create fierce winds in the air.

After a few fights, Yi Tian had a detailed judgment on the strength of Tu Ke in front of him.This person is a monk who is good at physical skills and body skills. Although he is not weaker than him in terms of body skills, if he continues to fight to the death, even if he wins, it will be a remnant situation.

It is definitely not a good thing for the next trip to the abyss of the demon world. After trying to stagger the move, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and shook the Curse Sky Demon Bell quickly, and then chanted words in his mouth, and then gathered the sound waves into a bunch and swept towards the opponent.

At this time, Tu Ke's offensive momentum suddenly faded, but was stopped by the sound waves of Qijue Demon Sound, and several sound waves detonated around him, pushing him away three feet away.

The aroused sound wave formed a huge wind in the air to separate the two, and then Yi Tian stretched out his hand and formed a seal to control the wind dragon to sweep away from the position where Tu Ke was.

Faced with such a move, all the monks in the integration period below began to criticize it.Obviously such a powerful move is also relatively rare among monks in the distraction stage, especially the monks of the Heavenly Demon Race have raised their understanding of the Seven Absolute Demon Sounds to a new height.

Although this can be regarded as one of the esoteric supernatural powers of the Heavenly Demon Clan, none of the people present can refine it to such a degree.However, the most important thing among them is the blessing effect of the Cursing Sky Demon Bell to make this supernatural power show such power.

Tu Ke, who was in the air, had also matured under tremendous pressure at this time. He naturally knew that the wind dragon in front of him was powerful, and there were seven magic sounds and sonic bullets inside. If he wanted to win, he had to avoid the attack and reach Yi Tian's body. .

After ten breaths, Tu Ke's figure in the air moved, and the golden light mountain was directly divided into two, and Chao Yitian attacked around Fenglong on both sides.Obviously, he also thought of a way to deal with it. These two figures are definitely not spells such as afterimages, but a real clone technique.

It's just that after dividing his own strength into two, can he really be able to deal with himself? Yi Tian was taken aback for a while when he saw it, and his pupils froze and used the demon pupil to see the opponent's two clones clearly.It is obvious that Tu Ke has performed the avatar technique, one of which is that the strength of his magic baby avatar should be similar to that of the main body.

It seems that the other party wants to spend a magic baby clone to secure the victory in one fell swoop, but I will not let him succeed easily. After thinking about it, the corner of the mouth smiled slightly, and then his body moved, turning into a red flame, and then he plunged into it. Into the Gangfengfenglong.

In this way, Tu Ke lost his target in an instant, and he had to get into the wind dragon if he wanted to fight in close quarters.

After the two lights and shadows bypassed the wind dragon, they merged into one again, and Tu Ke faced Yi Tian who was protected by the wind dragon in front of him, and there was nothing he could do for a while.After thinking about it for a while, under the great magic light all over his body, he stretched out his hand to break through the wind layer in front of him and rushed in fiercely.

Now the faces of everyone on the hillside changed slightly, especially those monks in the integration period seemed to have noticed the change in the wind dragon.Obviously, Yitian occupies a favorable situation at home and has a certain advantage in terms of victory.

But Abyss Old Ghost seemed to still have confidence, with a deep expression on his face and no words, just quietly watching the scene of the two fighting in the sky.

Suddenly, two sparks flashed out of the wind dragon, colliding violently.The spiritual pressure fluctuations in it were absorbed by the surrounding hurricane, and then the hurricane blew more violently.

At this time, Yi Tian was in a position to occupy the prestige and was not in a hurry to decide the outcome with the opponent, but relied on the continuous harassment of sound waves.The explosive aftermath continuously squeezed the movable space, gradually forcing the opponent within a radius of ten feet.

Seeing that it was almost done, Yi Tianmeng raised his spiritual power and opened his mouth to see several sonic runes, which turned into a series of sonic bombs and attacked Tu Ke after circling in the air.

I saw that the opponent suddenly shrank his body and put into a state of complete defense. After the sonic bombs exploded around him, the aftermath swept over him and produced a series of bursting sounds.

I saw that his body was shaken five feet away before he stabilized, but Tu Ke's eyes flashed and he yelled: "I've locked you," after saying that the whole body was divided into two, and the real body took advantage of it. The gap in the move flew out quickly like a cannonball, and it accurately locked on Yi Tianzhen's body behind him, and swung his fists fiercely.

The abyss old ghost standing below heaved a sigh of relief at this moment, and then said with a smile: "An avatar in exchange for a quota is a good deal no matter what."

"Old Ghost of Abyss, don't be too happy, the victory is not yet decided, don't think that you can definitely win in close combat," Yan Lei said disdainfully.

Just as the situation in the sky changed again, the wind dragon formed by the strong wind was cut in half in the middle.Then two figures appeared in the sky, it was Tu Ke and Yi Tian who were fighting hand to hand.

The two of them also used their physical skills and used the most direct method to attack each other directly by punching with both hands.It's just that the surprise in Tu Ke's heart at this time is not weaker than the change on his face. Even if he hits the opponent with his fists, he can feel the faint electric current on the fists invading the meridians.

These currents seem to have a restraining effect on the evil spirit, and they cannot be fully forced out for a while.

As for Yi Tian's face, he still had a calm expression, and the other party thought that he was cultivating the Demon Body of the Flame Prison.It's a pity that I have already integrated the power of Lei Yan and Ziyan into it, and I am not afraid at all even in close combat.The two sides shot with all their strength at close range, and the fists rained down on each other. After a hundred moves, Yi Tian gradually gained the upper hand.

Suddenly a blue halo flashed above the red fist, and Tu Ke knew that the situation was different and hurriedly wanted to back away.But when the blue fist came into contact, the spiritual power of his entire body became extremely sluggish, and he saw a thick layer of solid ice forming on his body, sealing his entire body.

 Thanks to friends 20190110112501389 and Xiangqing for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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