
Chapter 1448 Journey into the Abyss 5 Enter

Chapter 1448 Journey into the Abyss Five Entry
After some close-range melee combat in the air, the icy marrow flame suddenly flashed in Yi Tian's palm, which made the faces of the monks at the fusion stage below show a clear expression when they saw it.Among them, many people knew a thing or two about the ice marrow flame, so they all stared at Tu Ke who was wrapped in ice with a look of regret in their eyes.

Now the outcome has been decided, what's more, Tu Ke's life is at stake, as long as Yi Tian makes a big move, he can understand his opponent.

At this time, Yi Tian was also caught in a dilemma. Although he had restrained his opponent, he didn't really want to put him to death.After all, there are still so many monks in the fusion stage below, and I still have some scruples.

In case the old ghost from the abyss suddenly became violent, his cultivation level might not be able to hold on.Suddenly, Yan Lei's voice came from next to his ear: "What are you still doing in a daze, kill him with your hands, and I'll take care of you if anything happens."

But Yi Tian didn't think so in his heart. He made it clear that his tears wanted to use himself as a weapon. He had offended the old ghost of the abyss last time, and this time he would offend to the end.

But since he had said so, he couldn't be perfunctory, so he stretched out his hand and sealed his seal and shouted at Tu Ke: "Friend Daoist, you and I are just fighting for a spot, there is no need to fight so desperately, as long as you How about exposing this matter if you are willing to succumb to it?"

Unexpectedly, Tu Ke still refused to admit defeat at such a point, the brimstone and fire surged up all around his body, and then a dazzling golden light appeared on the outer layer of his skin.From the look of him, it seems that he wants to forcibly break the ice prison sealed by the Ice Essence Flame.

It's just that before he could keep the brimstone burning for a long time, the blood vessels in his hand burst open, revealing faintly the power of purple thunder and lightning.Under Yi Tian's control, the electric energy that had invaded his body raged again, and in two or three strokes, the brimstone and fire that Tu Ke finally sacrificed were destroyed.

A large amount of blood seeped out from the dark golden body immediately, and the outer ice marrow flame suddenly shot up in the gap where the brimstone and raging fire had slumped, freezing Tu Ke's whole body in ice.There are also a lot of ice marrow flames directly intruding into his body along the damaged meridians in his hands.

As a result, Tu Ke also showed panic on his face, but he didn't mean to give in at all, but a flash of inspiration on his forehead, trying to escape from the magic baby.

At this time, Tu Ke's devil baby was still surrounded by a large amount of brimstone and fire, and with a 'click', a hole the size of a fist was suddenly broken in the thick solid ice.After the blue ice marrow flame in the middle burst out, a yellow light flashed in the middle, and after three breaths, Tu Ke's devil baby broke through it forcibly and rushed out.

The brimstone and raging fire that originally surrounded his devil baby were all gone at this time, leaving only a thin layer after a large amount was consumed.But his magic baby was fixed in the air not long after, and then it seemed to be uncontrollable, bound by an invisible force and flew straight to the side.

It was Yi Tian who was holding a ring-shaped magic weapon in the air and lightly activated it with his hands. After that, it emitted strange rays of light and shone on Tu Ke's magic baby, making him unable to control himself.

"Baby lock ring, why do you have such a magic weapon," a miserable cry came from Tu Ke's mouth.But it was too late, his magic baby turned into a black light and flew towards the biggest groove on the bracelet in an instant. When the magic baby submerged, the whole bracelet gave off a buzzing buzz as if it was full. Ming sound.

Shaking his head, Yi Tian rolled up the baby lock ring in his hand and retracted the ice marrow flame in front of him, and then put the remaining ice cubes together with Tu Ke's body into the storage bag.

After slowly falling from the sky, he bowed his hands to Yan Lei and the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison and said: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my fate, the junior still kept the seat, but the process was a little bumpy and I offended the abyss demons."

Yan Lei pursed his lips and said disdainfully: "What are you afraid of? They were playing tricks in the first place, but you are also ruthless enough to kill the other party directly. I'm afraid the old ghost of the abyss will not let it go."

Yi Tian's face changed slightly when he heard the words, but he was really afraid that this kind of thing would happen, and now there is only one way to go to the dark to offend the other party to death.

Unexpectedly, the Demon King of Flame Prison defended: "Since the invitation to the battle is over, the reward in the hands of the Leng Daoist will be handed over to the old ghost of the abyss. It's getting late and we don't waste time again. It's important to get down to business."

The rest of the people kept their mouths shut after hearing it. Anyway, they didn't have any loss, at most they came to watch one more match. Only the old ghost of the abyss was full of anger, almost on the verge of rage.But he looked at the Demon King of Flame Prison and Yan Lei who held back their anger and accepted the large amount of treasures in Leng Xu's hands.

The scene returned to calm for a while, but Yi Tian found that everyone's gazes passed over him from time to time, and the eyes of those monks in the distraction stage showed deep fear, even the monks on the side of the Demon Race. After taking a closer look, a look of emotion appeared on his face.

I'm afraid that among all the people who are going to go in at this time, only Kudhara seems the most relaxed, and he knows it well based on his experience.But when Yi Tian glanced at Luo Xi, the disciple of the Demon Saint, he found some doubts in his eyes. Although he was staring at himself, his main attention was on Juddara.

It was obvious that the two had known each other early in the morning or were secretly involved, Yi Tian didn't hesitate after seeing it, but walked slowly behind Yan Lei and waited.

Half a moment later, Luo Xi said again: "Since the number of people and quotas have been determined, let's go in quickly." After speaking, he reached out and took out a magic treasure in the shape of a round wheel and gently sacrificed it in the air. There were actually eight vacancies.

And the monks in the integration period of the seven major clans around them took out a simple key to sacrifice, and then flew towards the round wheel.Yi Tian paid attention to seeing that all the people present had only one key except the two from the Heavenly Demon Race. After the eight keys gathered around the disc and embedded in the empty slots, they turned into a huge light door and appeared on the scene. In front of everyone.

On one side of the light gate is a huge black vortex connected to the abyss of the demon world in the distance. It turns out that it is really impossible to enter and exit here at will.

"Go in," Luo Xi said lightly, and after a flash, he was the first to take the lead and flew into the light gate, and then many distracted monks who were standing in the distance also set up their escapism one after another and moved towards the light gate. The light door rushed straight through.Yi Tian looked at the back of his eyes and An Xichen winked. The two followed the light and flew out behind the person, and the figure disappeared after ten breaths.

After the [-] places were used up, the keys on the disc slowly withdrew and then flew back to the hands of the monks in the integration period. As for the disc in the middle, it flew to the monks of the Heavenly Demon Tribe for preservation.

 Thank you Xiangqing for your strong support, and at the same time, I also wish all the friends who support me a happy new year, all wishes come true, and good luck in the Year of the Rat.

(End of this chapter)

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