
Chapter 1450 Journey into the Abyss 7

Chapter 1450 Journey into the Abyss Seven Searches
In the low-lying basin of the abyss of the Demon Realm, Yi Tian met Dugu Yufeng by chance, and the two of them dealt with the red-blooded centipede in the cave together.

Although the strength of this ninth-level centipede is astonishing, it seems that it has not been baptized by the sky thunder and cannot refine the horizontal bone. Otherwise, with the strength of the two, it is absolutely impossible to deal with it so lightly.

At the same time, the kung fu techniques performed by the two just restrained the red-blooded centipede, and after a few moves, it was completely blocked outside the hole and could not be retracted.

Yi Tian's ice marrow flame sealed the entrance of Didong and stuck the body of the red blood centipede in the middle, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of it.

Dugu Yufeng saw the right moment and cast a huge black arc of light after making a series of seals on his hand.Then he said with a cold drink: "The evil beast will die."

The Datian Demon Saber that was sacrificed slashed towards the head of the red-blooded centipede with a trace of cold air. Wherever the light blade went, it split the surrounding air.A little later, it hit the head of the red-blooded centipede, and even one of the three horns on its head was chopped off.

The cold air contained in the black demon knife instantly attached to the head of the red-blooded centipede, freezing the wound even after it was split open.

With a 'bang', the thick and thin head hung down weakly after receiving the frontal blow, and a fist-sized demon pill rolled out from the wound on his forehead.

After Yi Tian saw it, he said with a smile: "This time, Fellow Daoist Dugu is looking for this monster first, so I won't take advantage of this demon pill, so you can take it."

The white armor was slowly retracted and then recovered into a magic bead, which was worn by Dugu Yufeng on his head and neck. After revealing his true face, he quietly flew to the demon queen who reached out to take it from the ground and arched his hands: "Thank you, fellow Daoist Yi!" For assistance, I will give you the remnant of the red-blooded centipede, we each take what we need. If something good happens in the future, don’t forget to support it.”

Yi Tian knew in his heart that these were just polite words, even if he didn't come to Dugu Yufeng, he would just spend more time to deal with this monster insect.But this has just entered the abyss of the devil world, so there is no need to turn your face for a little profit.

In addition, the body of this monster insect is also a treasure, and the centipede shell on this back alone is a valuable top-level weapon refining treasure, so I don't think I will suffer.

After the two of them exchanged pleasantries, Dugu Yufeng hurriedly left, presumably he had other important things to do, and he was just passing by here to play Qiufeng.

After the people left, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to put away the ice marrow flame that had originally sealed off the entrance of the cave, and then dragged out the entire body of the red-blooded centipede.

Looking back, I took a deep breath. This mutated monster was more than three times larger than the normal one. It was more than two feet long. Except for the head that was chopped off, the rest of the body was well preserved.

So Yi Tian didn't hesitate to put his body into the storage ring directly, and suddenly found that there was a flash of light in the cave after cleaning up.Although weak and unattainable, Yi Tian's heart was shocked, it was really aura, not magic light, after thinking about it in his heart, he changed into a figure and rushed in from the hole in a flash.

Fortunately, this red-blooded centipede has been mutated so that the monster's body is several times larger than the normal state, and the cave dug out from the bottom is also more than two feet wide. Yi Tian didn't feel cramped after he got in.

It's just that after falling into the cave, he could only walk forward with his back bent and bent. After stretching out his divine sense, he checked and found that the underground tunnel extended in all directions and almost covered a radius of nearly a hundred miles.

There are four passages in front of him, and only a faint aura emerges from the rightmost passage.Yi didn't care that much, Yi Tian followed the guidance of the aura and got into that passage, and Shaoqing went straight to search for it.

Not long after, the aura in front of him became brighter and brighter, and after turning a few corners, he finally came to a huge grotto.In front of the stone wall in the depths of the grotto, there are sundries more than two feet high, and it is from these sundries that the spiritual light comes out.

Going forward, I reached out and waved the pile of things away, and found that there was a jade scroll inside, but there was no jade box outside.After sweeping his eyes lightly, Yi Tian read out the words of the Buddhist sect on the jade slip, but it was the words "Jingding Biography".

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the abyss of the demon world, he found clues about the master of precepts, and Yi Tian was overjoyed.After taking out the jade slip and spreading it in his palm, he slowly opened it, and then his eyes glanced at the words on it.The first line reads, "This volume is the last words of the poor monk before he escaped into the magic way," Yi Tian frowned. Unexpectedly, Master Jie Ding finally chose this path by himself.

But I think there must be hidden secrets in it. Read on, Yi Tiancai gradually understands that Master Jie Ding came to the Demon Realm for two things. The second is to find the spirit species that fell into the demon world.

I think that if the spirit seed is absorbed and refined by the people of the demon world, its strength will be multiplied, and after that, the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit will surely usher in a bloody storm.And the power of the magic source that they banned in the past and the spirit seed have the same origin, if these two powers fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives, the consequences will be unimaginable.

At the same time, this jade slip also mentioned that the power of the magic source and the spirit seed fell in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit at the same time. It took tens of thousands of years before it was divided into two. Turned into a source of magic.

It took nearly ten thousand years for Master Jie Ding and the others to track down the power of the magic source and suppress it in the depths of the Buddhist sect's snowfield. As for the task of finding the spiritual seed, it fell on Master Jie Ding afterwards.It wasn't until he entered the demon world that he discovered that Master Huiming, who had been one step ahead ten thousand years ago, had been reborn as an evil Buddha in the mixed world.

He has four major disciples who are all in the cultivation base of the fusion stage, and Master Jie has gradually been infected with a large amount of evil spirit after many fights with them.Then, with a damaged mind, he had no choice but to lose his golden body and sacrifice himself to eat demons, becoming the third Mahayana monk in the demon world at that time.

After the battle with the evil Buddha from the mixed world, Master Jie Ding also used his whole life to injure him and force him to fall into an endless sleep.And the resting place of the evil Buddha from the mixed world is in the deepest part of the abyss of the demon world.

Seeing this, Yi Tiancai clarified the relationship between the evil Buddha of the mixed world and the master of precepts. He didn't expect that the place he was going to was such a dangerous place.And the last quarter of the spirit-seeds might be in the place where the evil Buddha from the mixed world was sleeping.

Reaching out his hand to take out the natal oil lamp of the master of precepts and hold it in his hand, Yi Tian found a trace of flame in it suddenly became transparent and bright.Needless to say, the response here is only after sensing the gold body of the Master of Precepts.

I was thinking about it, and suddenly I only heard movement in the passage, as if many people were rushing towards the cave where I was.Yi Tian hastily put away the oil lamp and unfolded his spiritual thoughts and found that it turned out to be three little red-blooded centipedes. He thought in his heart that the other passages below lead to the old nest of the red-blooded centipedes.I just solved the big one and I don't mind making another move.

(End of this chapter)

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