
Chapter 1451 Journey into the Abyss 8 Avoid

Chapter 1451 Journey to the Abyss Eight Avoidances
After flying out of the cave, there were three red-blooded centipede corpses in his storage ring. This time, when he encountered in the narrow cave passage, Yi Tian took advantage of the geography and used the characteristics of the ice marrow flame to illuminate the passage. After several sacrifices, three small red-blooded centipedes were frozen in the passage.

According to the description I have seen of the red-blooded centipede, this kind of monster is naturally afraid of freezing, and it froze immediately when it encountered the ice marrow flame.After the Taiyuan sword was sacrificed in his hand, the inner alchemy was dug out after the three red-blooded centipedes passed through their foreheads.

After cleaning up the three red-blooded centipedes, Yi Tian searched the underground cave again, and found several red-blooded centipede eggs.Although this kind of monster is despised by himself, it is a good spiritual pet if it is taken out and kept by monks at the Nascent Soul stage or even the monks at the Incarnation stage.

What's more, it has been infiltrated by strong evil spirit in this abyss of the devil world. If it is hatched, its strength will definitely be much stronger than the normal ones of the same level.

After getting out of the crypt, Yi Tian turned on his spiritual sense and searched around for a while, as if no one else passed by for a while.Afterwards, Yi Tian hastily used the evasion technique and flew into the mid-air toward the road in front of him, continuing to explore further.

According to Yan Lei and himself mentioned before, somewhere in the abyss of the demon world, there is a place where the ancestors of the flame prison demon clan fell.There may be 'Blaze Demon Tears' found there, and the purpose of my trip is to find such a top-notch treasure.

Although Yi Tian himself didn't catch a cold, if he went out empty-handed, it would be difficult to explain to Yan Lei and the Demon Emperor.

After thinking about it, I can only bite the bullet and search. Now that the spiritual sense is blocked, many places cannot be explored in detail by myself, so I have to keep searching while expanding the spiritual sense.

After Shaoqing flew thousands of miles, he suddenly found a powerful spiritual pressure fluctuation in front of him in his spiritual thoughts.And with him are the other two spiritual pressures, but they are much weaker than them.

Yi Tian was hesitating whether to fly over to find out what happened, when suddenly the three spiritual pressure fluctuations started to move.The direction is flying straight towards the position where he is, and there is no doubt that the other party has discovered his existence.

Yi Tian stopped in the air and looked carefully. After [-] breaths, he saw only two escaping lights flying in front of him, and not far behind them was a powerful black magic light closely following them. Together.

After they flew in, Yi Tian realized that the two monks in front were the Dark Demon Clan and the Flying Rakshasa Clan, and the person behind him turned out to be Luo Xi, the disciple of the Demon Sage.

The three escape lights flew not far from him and stopped before confronting each other in the air. After seeing it, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "I don't want to cause unnecessary troubles, the things between you have nothing to do with me , and I won't interfere."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the two people in front froze and held back what they originally wanted to say.As for Luo Xi who was chasing behind, he looked at the situation in front of him, and after listening to Yi Tian's words, he replied lightly: "It's so so, fellow daoist, you should go first."

After hearing this, Yi Tian slowly kept a distance from it and then chose a direction to fly in a hurry. To be honest, he didn't know what to do when facing this Luo Xi.If he can improve his cultivation to the late stage of distraction, he may still be able to fight, but given his current situation, he may not be his opponent.

Although I still have a lot of back moves, the opponent must also have back moves, and I am still weaker in comparison.For now, the only way to face this person is to endure it for the time being and find a companion to join hands with him.

After staying away from the three of them, Yi Tian suddenly found a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation behind him, and the two of them combined could not overwhelm the strength of the spiritual pressure fluctuation from Luo Xi's body.

It is estimated that the two of them are in bad luck even with their hands, but Yi Tian shook his head and accelerated his escape speed, and soon he could not detect their aura in his divine sense.

Calculated, it should be out of the range of their divine sense detection, Yi Tian was relieved, and after slowly returning to normal escape speed, a strange feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.

The moment I met Luo Xi at close range just now, I suddenly had a feeling of déjà vu, not someone who knew him, but a faint feeling that his exercises echoed some kind of supernatural powers in my body.

Even after leaving, Yuanyuan felt this way when he used his divine sense to detect the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body.I couldn't tell for a while, but what I can be sure of is that it must be some kind of supernatural power that I am familiar with.

After thinking about it, I couldn't find the reason, so I had to put it aside and ask carefully after I found Kudala.

After leaving this area, Yi Tian continued to fly deep. This time, he flew for a long time before detecting the subtle spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from the front, and there were three breaths sticking together.And there is an aura that is familiar to him, and it should be An Xichen himself, and the other is Dugu Yaoxiang from the Sky Demon Clan.

As for the weakest remaining group, it should be monks from other races. Since these three people got together, they must have discovered something good.After thinking about it, he changed direction and flew straight there, and after three breaths, he saw three people standing in the open space in the valley.

And behind them are two huge skeletons, which should be one human and one beast judging from the appearance of the weathered skeletons.There is also a quaint atmosphere on it, and it should have fallen for thousands to tens of thousands of years.

Seeing someone rushing to the scene, the three of them were taken aback for a moment, and then An Xichen showed ecstasy on his face and shouted: "Friend Daoist Yi."

Dugu Yaoxiang on the side showed a wry smile on his face, and the situation where the three were facing each other now became two against two.Fortunately, he also knew the person who came, so he immediately approached him and said, "Fellow Daoist Yi, don't come here unharmed. Since you're here, why don't the three of us join hands to deal with the person in front of us first, and then distribute the things behind us later."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian understood what he meant in an instant. Instead of fighting against himself, it would be better for the three of them to join forces to drive away one.Afterwards, based on Dugu Yaoxiang's understanding of himself, he would not do anything to bully others, and he can also get a share without bloodshed, so why not do such a business.

Sure enough, the Flying Rakshasa cultivator in front of him suddenly had a look of embarrassment on his face. With his strength, he couldn't win a pair, and he had to rely on sowing dissension to get a share of the pie.Now meeting someone who is more powerful, naturally there is no gain at all, and when he scanned his divine sense and found that the person who came was the person who had previously fought against the monks of the abyssal demon race in the outside world, his expression became even uglier.

After thinking about it for a while, he simply gritted his teeth and jumped into the air and fled towards the distance. Since he couldn't beat him, it was better to save his life. The people in front of him obviously knew each other, and he couldn't afford to fight the three of them at the same time.I saw this person jumped up, opened the wings behind his back, flapped eagerly a few times, and then flew towards the distance without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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