
Chapter 1452 Journey into the Abyss 9 Fire Ants

Chapter 1452 Journey to the Abyss Nine Fire Ants
After the Flying Rakshasa cultivator left, there were only three people left on the scene.Yi Tian was also polite and directly introduced An Xichen and Dugu Yaoxiang, so that everyone understood each other and the atmosphere on the scene was relieved.

Turning his head, Yi Tian glanced at the huge skeleton behind him, and there were some red spots on the white skeleton of this man and beast.It looked as if it had been gnawed by some kind of magical beast, and at the same time, there was a faint power of fire oozing from the bones.

After looking at it, Dugu Yaoxiang said: "Judging from the shape of this skeleton, it should be a monk of the fusion period of the abyssal demon race. As for the skeleton of a monster, it is probably a high-level monster chaos monster in the abyss of the demon world."

"Chaos Beast," Yi Tian quickly searched for information about such a monster in his mind, but he couldn't find a detailed description of this monster after a while.He turned his head and asked, "I don't know how powerful this monster is?"

"Very strong. The Chaos Beast is a unique monster in the abyss of the Demon Realm. It usually devours everything it encounters. This beast has only a mouth among its five sense organs, and only two short tentacles on its body. The entire body is usually about two feet long. It is five feet thick, and ordinary attacks are completely ineffective against it," Dugu Yaoxiang explained.

An Xichen went forward and took out the flying sword to scrape off the red spots from the bone, looked at it, and then asked: "Since this kind of monster is so powerful, why did it fall here? What is the explanation for the red spot? It is visually estimated that this abyssal demon monk and the chaotic beast died here at the same time."

Dugu Yaoxiang also showed a puzzled look on his face, but his face became more and more dignified after his divine sense swept over the red spot on the flying sword.After three breaths, he replied: "It seems to be the excrement of some kind of spirit insect. It contains a strong fire source. It should be a fire attribute spirit insect. Does Chaos Beast still have a weakness?"

"I don't think it may be a weakness, it's just because of the large number that we still win by quantity," Yi Tian said.

"We win by quantity, does Yi Daoyou mean that they encountered a lot of monsters," Dugu Yaoxiang puzzled.

Going forward, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed at the bones of the Chaos Beast, saying: "Obviously, this Chaos Beast is not invincible. It should have been inextricably beaten after encountering the Abyssal Demon Race monk next to him, and then he was beaten again. A large number of demonic insects besieged to death. Another point is that the innate supernatural power of this Chaos Beast is devouring, but these demonic insects cannot be digested after being sucked into the stomach, and finally they are broken from the inside."

Although this analysis was just speculation, Dugu Yaoxiang and An Xichen who were present couldn't help but nodded after listening to it, and they quite agreed with it.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound of 'rustling' from the surrounding wasteland, and the three of them looked at each other, and their expressions changed drastically.Now it seems that they are really in trouble. If it is the monster attack, it may not be easy for the three of them to deal with it together.

After the three sounds of "嗖嗖嗖", Yi Tian's figure jumped into the air, and the other two people around him hurriedly followed.Looking around in the air, Yi Tian saw thousands of torrents coming out of the gaps in the ground below.The color is fiery red, and if you carefully use your spiritual sense to distinguish it, it is actually formed by the gathering of millions of red fire ants.

"This is the 'carrion-eating ants' in the abyss of the demon world, also known as 'abyss fire ants'. I didn't expect that the Chaos Beast would be eaten clean only after provoking this kind of insects," Dugu Yaoxiang said with a slightly changed face.

Yi Tian found that after he recognized these fire ants, his tone of speech changed, and he hurriedly asked: "Can these abyss fire ants fly, and do they have any weaknesses?"

Dugu Yaoxiang replied with a wry smile: "Not all abyssal fire ants can fly, but we must be in a bad situation now. Most of the monsters in the abyss of the demon world have the characteristics of loving heat and fearing cold. We can only try if we think about it." Only then can we break through."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly noticed tens of thousands of fire ants flying in the air around them, forming an encirclement circle around the three of them and then slowly closing them together.

According to the visual inspection, these fire ants should not be spiritually enlightened to such a degree, and in terms of strength, they are only at the level of the magic infant stage, at most they are at the cultivation base of the transformation god stage.But the trouble is that there are too many of them, and they seem to be controlled, otherwise there would be no such siege posture.

"Should we disperse to break through, or what?" Dugu Yaoxiang asked impatiently first.

"What do you think, Fellow Daoist Yi?" An Xichen asked with a rare look of anxiety on his face.It's perfectly reasonable for an ascended monk like him to leave if he can't beat him. Seeing such a scene at this time makes his scalp tingle, but due to Yi Tian's power, he can only ask first.

At this time, Yi Tian swept his divine sense over the numerous 'Abyssal Fire Ants' in front of him, and finally locked on a crack in the ground somewhere in the distance, where an inconspicuous red flame shone.

"There is no need to break out, I found the ant queen controlling behind the scenes, as long as I kill her, I can naturally break out of the siege," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice, and pointed to the place where the fire was shining.

"Okay, I'll help you open the channel, you can do it quickly, or you will change later," Dugu Yaoxiang said in a deep voice.After speaking, he reached out and took out two shuttles to control them and hit the flying ants gathered in the distance.

Where the flying shuttle went, hundreds of fire ants fell vertically after being defeated in an instant, and many nearby rushed forward to fill the gap later.An Xichen also made a move immediately, and after sacrificing the flying sword in his hand, it turned into a magic light and followed closely to open the passage in front of him again.

Several streaks of black mist rose, and at some point Yi Tian had already taken out the Demon Soul Banner, held it in his hand and waved the black mist to protect the three of them within a radius of ten feet.After those fire ants attacked the front end and loaded it into the black mist, they were directly swallowed by the living souls in it.

The characteristics of such demonic insects are indeed miraculous against physical creatures, such as the powerful Chaos Beast in the abyss of the demon world.But there is no threat to those spirit spells that have no entity, especially Yi Tian's mobilization of the beast soul in the demon soul streamer that constantly devours its fire ant spirit.

The fire ant, which was originally lacking in spirit power, completely became a living target under the attack of the fierce spirit's spirit.The fire ants that kept pouring into the black mist defense couldn't last for three breaths before falling down powerlessly. These were suicide attacks like moths plunging into the flames, but the demon soul banner easily took over them.

When he came to the sky above where the ant queen was, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and flicked out an ice marrow flame from his hand to hit directly below.The icy marrow flame seemed to be only one inch in size, and after flying quietly, it directly hit the queen of the abyss fire ant and froze her within a radius of three feet.

(End of this chapter)

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