
Chapter 1453 Assignment of Journey to the Abyss

Chapter 1453 The trip to the abyss is very suitable
After finding the ant queen who controlled the abyssal fire ants, Yi Tian made a decisive move and joined forces with Dugu Yaoxiang and An Xichen to forcibly open the encirclement.Arriving at the position where the Queen Ant was, Yi Tian was unambiguous, and directly shot out the Ice Essence Flame in his hand, and then covered the Queen Ant.

After the blue ice marrow flame fell, the three feet around the queen ant were frozen into ice cubes.Then the blue flame in the ice cube suddenly lit up, igniting the frozen abyss fire ants.

When it was young, the blue fire burned the surrounding area violently. At this time, the army of fire ants all around found that the situation was not good, and frantically flocked towards this side.The blue icy marrow flame also burned more and more vigorously, and those fire ants were busy rescuing the queen, but they turned into adding fuel to the fire, making the icy marrow flame more and more intense.

After burning for nearly half an hour, about one-third of the army of 'Abyssal Fire Ants' within a radius of a hundred miles had been burned.Most of the remaining fire ants were immature soldier ants. Later, the sound of "rustling" came from the ground again, and the remaining army of fire ants quickly evacuated towards the ground along the original path.

The flying fire ants in the air also fell down one after another as if they had received a call, and then quickly evacuated with the army.

After all the fire ants on the ground were withdrawn, Yi Tian glanced across the ground and there were dark red spots everywhere.Carefully check with the divine sense that it is the formic acid venom left by the fire ants. If this thing is handled properly, it is also a good high-level treasure.

After Dugu Yaoxiang fell down, he hurriedly took out several jade bottles and grandiosely collected the venom of Qi formic acid.As for An Xichen, he flew to the skeleton of the abyssal demon monk and began to search.

It stands to reason that there should be a lot of valuable good things left on the wreckage of the monks in the fit period.As for Yi Tian, ​​he looked at the skeleton of the chaotic beast, and he became very interested in this beast. It stands to reason that such an existence is almost comparable to that of a monk in the fusion period.

I believe that if I continue to explore in the abyss of the demon world, I may encounter such an existence, and then I have to think about how to deal with it.

Not long after, Dugu Yaoxiang collected all the formic acid left on the ground and filled ten bottles, then stepped forward and said: "This time we can work together to tide over the difficulties, so the spoils will naturally be shared equally. A total of ten bottles, how about three bottles for each of you."

An Xichen said casually: "There is nothing I can do."

Yi Tian thought for a while before replying: "I think it's the formic acid in the abyssal fire ants that really restrains the chaotic beast. If you have this formic acid, you can deal with it if you want, but fellow Taoist Dugu has a heart."

After putting away the jade bottle, Yi Tian finally had a good idea, even if he met the Chaos Beast next time, he would be able to deal with it calmly.

Just as he was thinking about it, An Xichen suddenly called out: "Take a look, I seem to have found some good things."

Yi Tian and the two walked over after hearing the words, and saw An Xichen take out two ores the size of a baby's head from a pile of broken spiritual weapons.Dugu Yaoxiang glanced at it with sharp eyes and exclaimed: "It is the golden sulfur that is a special product of the abyssal demons. It looks like this head is worth thousands of years."

It's just that although the things in front of me are good, there are only two yuan, and it is quite troublesome to distribute among the three.It is impossible to cut this thing into three parts forcibly, Yi Tian saw the embarrassment on the faces of the other two in the blink of an eye, smiled in his heart and said straightforwardly: "If that's the case, then you two should divide it, After being refined by the Ice Essence Flame, the Ant Queen left a lot of Abyss Thorium that is unique to this place, if you two don't mind, I will accept them all."

This is also a way, Dugu Yaoxiang thought for a while and nodded in agreement. As for An Xichen, he didn't have any objections, anyway, he wasn't a craftsman and he was holding this thing for exchange.

So Yi Tian was also polite and quickly flew there to put away the Ice Essence Flame, then scooped up the remaining layer of abyss thorium on the ground and put it into the storage ring.

Although these abyssal fire ants are extremely poisonous, only this abyssal thorium can't be digested, so it can be seen that the purified thorium must have its unique uses.

After packing up these treasures, Yi Tian returned to where the two were. At this moment, they seemed to be arguing about something.He went up and listened carefully, only to realize that a broken magic ax was found under the gold and brimstone.

This is a good thing, presumably it is also an incomplete magic weapon left by the monk in the fusion period, but even this is a rare thing for the two of them.

It's just that although there is only one good thing, how to distribute it in the current state of the three is indeed a troublesome matter.After Yi Tianshen read it, he lost interest. This thing looks good, but there are many damaged places on it, even if it is repaired, it will cost a lot of money.He immediately stated that he directly gave up.

As for An Xichen and Dugu Yaoxiang, they discussed privately, and in the end Dugu Yaoxiang took out a storage bag and put a lot of things in it for An Xichen, so he bought it.

After the two had decided, Yi Tian said: "The most valuable thing now is the two skeletons in front of me. I want the Chaos Beast. If you two have any objections, how about I can pay the price with precious materials?"

Before Yi Tian stated that he would give up the magic treasure, now the two of them are also voting for it. Li Baoxiao replied one after another and gave up the skeleton to himself.

As for the bones of the body-fit monks, they were also covered with fire formic acid. It was useless for the two of them to take it, so they simply gave it to Yi Tian as a favor.

In this way, all three of them are happy and finally they have uncovered the matter.After the matter was known, Dugu Yaoxiang claimed that he still had something important to do and left first. Naturally, Yi Tian didn't want to do much to keep him. Everyone in the abyss of the demon world had a mission in mind.

After he left, Yi Tian turned around and said, "Friends of the Dark Daoist, whether we will go together next time, you must be looking for the 'Blaze Demon Tears' after receiving the mission."

"Since that's the case, it's better for the two of us to act together than to wander alone, and among the people who came in, I'm still a little worried about meeting the successor of the Demon Saint," An Xichen said with a slightly changed face.

"I've already met that Luo Xi face to face. To be honest, even if the two of us meet, we can only escape," Yi Tian replied with a dark face.

"Is this person really as powerful as Daoist Yi said?" An Xichen was not calm at this time, and his face changed slightly when he asked.

"It's only strong but not weak, unless it's me and Kudara of the Sky Demon Race who may be able to suppress him, but it's extremely difficult to take his life," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

"Then let's take it easy and try not to provoke him," An Xichen said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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