
Chapter 1454 Journey into the Abyss 1 Disruption

Chapter 1454 Journey to the Abyss Eleven Spoilers
In the abyss of the demon world, Yi Tian and An Xichen walked together. This time, both of them made up their minds to find the remains of the first-generation monks of the Flame Prison Demon Clan and collect the tears of the Balrog.

The two of them were also afraid of disturbing the monsters hiding nearby as they sneaked all the way, so they were very careful in every gesture.After fighting against the abyss fire ants before, Yi Tian realized that the monsters hidden in the abyss of the demon world were hundreds of times stronger than those outside.

If you don't deal with it carefully, you may fall here. Fortunately, most of these monsters have similar weaknesses.It just so happens that the Ice Essence Flame in my hand is their nemesis, and only when their attributes match each other can they save themselves from danger several times.

But Yi Tian didn't relax his vigilance because of this, who knows what weird things will be encountered below. For example, the most troublesome thing is the chaotic beast. He has never encountered it now, but he can't guarantee his luck in the future Still so good.

After flying thousands of miles, I saw several red fireworks flashing in a mountain range in front of me. Judging from the attribute of the fire source, it was very similar to the flame of the flame prison.

The two people in the air looked at each other and announced each other's intentions, then turned around and flew towards there in a hurry.Not long after coming to the outside of the valley, he found that there was a layer of strong fire magic power covering the sky. If he forcibly invaded himself from the air, it would be no problem, but it would be a pain for An Xichen.

After discussing through sound transmission, the two still descended from the clouds to the low sky, and slowly explored and entered from outside the valley.

After crossing the cliff half a moment later, the two of them finally stood on the inner hillside. Looking down, they saw that the whole valley was full of cracked ground.There are many magma fires faintly seeping out of the gap, and it is surrounded by cliffs in a radius of about a hundred feet.In the middle of the valley, there seemed to be a charred corpse lying on its stomach, and the corpse was covered with red spells.

Yi Tian looked at his face with joy and said: "From the style of the mantra, it should be the first-generation monk of the fusion period of the flame prison demon clan, and what he practiced is also the flame prison demon body technique."

"So our luck is not bad, let's go directly to get the Flame Demon Tears," An Xichen said with great joy.

"Not busy, let's take it easy," Yi Tian shook his head and stretched out his hand to stop An Xichen and said, "I have a hunch that this place is not as simple as it looks on the surface, and there is magma on the entire ground, it should be a The crater."

After An Xichen heard the words, he looked again, and then his face changed slightly: "Then how should we deal with Fellow Daoist Yi?"

"Don't be impatient, I think there must be mutant monsters here, and there seems to be some strange smell in the air that makes me feel uneasy," Yi Tian said sullenly.

After speaking, he reached out and took out a puppet beast in the shape of a hunting dog and slowly manipulated it to let it run down the hill first to check the surrounding environment.He didn't encounter any major troubles along the way, and then Yi Tian formed three different printing methods with his hands and tapped the puppet beast three times.The puppet hound suddenly swelled into the size of a horse, and ran straight to where the corpse was.

After approaching, he opened his mouth and bit the shoulder of the corpse, trying to drag it onto his back.

Suddenly several streams of magma flames sprang up on the ground of the entire valley, and then there was a deep howling sound from below the ground, the momentum had already reached the level of a monk in the integrated stage.

After hearing this, Yi Tian and An Xichen's expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly retreated to the top of the cliff.There is no doubt that there is a warcraft in the fusion stage hidden below, and the actions just now have offended it.

I saw an area of ​​more than ten feet suddenly collapsed somewhere on the ground in the valley, and there was a magma swamp in it.Lava continued to overflow from it, and with a bang, a red figure jumped out of it, circled in the air, and then slammed into the puppet beast.

After the sound of 'crash', the puppet beast couldn't withstand such a violent impact and was directly pushed out twenty feet away.As for the puppet beast itself, under this blow, its skeleton was instantly disintegrated and broken into two pieces.

After getting all the magma on the red figure, Yi Tian looked at it intently, his pupils froze and his face showed surprise.Then he turned his head and said to An Xichen: "We are in trouble. This is an iron-eating beast in the fusion stage. It goes without saying that it should be the mount of the flame prison demon clan fusion monk. We have provoked it this time." gone."

An Xichen looked at the naked eyes in his eyes, but after three breaths, he shook his head helplessly and said: "What should we do with a beast of this strength guarding that corpse, grabbing it hard is already Impossible."

"That's true, but the Balrog Tears need to be extracted from the corpses of the ancestors of the flame prison demons," Yi Tian pouted and said, "I'll lure it away, you take the opportunity to collect the corpses, and you leave me first after the matter is done." Find your way out."

An inconceivable expression appeared on An Xichen's face as soon as this remark came out, and after three breaths he calmed down and said: "I will remember the kindness of fellow Daoist Yi in my heart, and after this incident, I will definitely report to the Demon Emperor to share the credit."

"Okay, I'm going to do it, you wait for the opportunity to grab the corpse later," Yi Tian said, after the flames flashed all over his body, he cast the flame prison demon body.After that, the figure flashed and moved towards the iron-eating beast in the middle, and at the same time, he sacrificed the Heavenly Curse Bell in his hand and shook it rapidly.

The sound waves of the Seven Absolute Devil Sounds were uttered from the mouth, ready to cover the iron-eating beast.At this moment, two flashes of light suddenly appeared in the sky and flew towards this valley.Seeing this, Yi Tian secretly screamed that it was not good. Originally, the two of them had a chance to snatch the corpse and leave, but now that someone comes to disturb the situation, there will definitely be more side effects.After thinking about it, he put away the prepared sound wave bombs first, and then he stepped aside to check the situation.

An Xichen, who was on the cliff, also discovered the situation immediately, and then he didn't do anything directly, but said via voice transmission: "What should I do, fellow Daoist Yi?"

The iron-eating beast obviously noticed the situation, and immediately a flash of fire flashed all over its body, covering the body of the monk at the stage of integration.Later, he turned around to look at Yi Tian and An Xichen, and then looked at the distant light, and then stood there in the middle without any intention of making a move.

"Respond to all changes with the same, let's talk about those who want to see clearly who is out to disrupt the situation," Yi Tian replied helplessly, but there was a thoughtful look on his face.

After two sounds of "嗖嗖", I saw the two accompanying lights rushing to the top of the cliff one after the other, standing on the left and right respectively.The figure that appeared after the light faded was the sadness of the Ice Demon Clan.The other person was the Flying Rakshasa cultivator who was forced away by him before, and he was obviously being targeted because he didn't expect to meet him at this time.

Fortunately, if he stopped at the last moment, he would not face the enemy, Yi Tian thought about it, but said: "Since the two fellow Taoists are here, we will have a share in meeting those who have seen it. After the siege, we will only take the corpses of the ancestors of the flame prison demons." That's it."

(End of this chapter)

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