
Chapter 1455 Journey into the Abyss 2 Surprise Change

Chapter 1455: Journey to the Abyss Twelve Shocking Changes
Seeing that they found the body of the ancestors of the Primordial Demon Clan, they didn't expect that there was an iron-eating beast in the fusion stage.This is the first time Yi Tian has seen the true appearance of the iron-eating beast, and the strength of growing in the abyss of the demon world is much stronger than that of the outside world.

Even his spiritual pet Mengxin was only at the peak of the eighth level at the beginning, and it was estimated that it was at the peak of the distraction period at most.

But the iron-eating beast in front of him is completely different, the ninth-level monster is already at the initial stage of fusion.At the same time, his innate supernatural powers, fear and coercion were unscrupulously revealed, and anyone would be more or less suppressed in front of it.

Originally planning to lure away the nightmare beast by himself so that An Xichen could take the opportunity to snatch the corpse, but when the sky failed, people from other tribes unexpectedly joined in.

At this time, Yi Tian looked at the sadness of the Ice Demon Clan and the monks of the Flying Rakshasa Clan, but felt a little bitter in his mouth, and didn't know what to do.

Logically speaking, it was easy to deal with the misery and himself without any grievances, but the monk of the Flying Raksha clan made it clear before that he had suffered a secret loss.Now they come together and don't know what it means.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian asked: "The two fellow daoists came to see us uninvited, and they also want to share the pie. Why don't we subdue that monster together. After that, we only need the corpse. As for the monster, I will leave it up to you." How to deal with it?"

It was reasonable to say this, but after listening to the sad feeling, he nodded and replied: "Okay, since Yi Daoyou is also a believer from this point of view, then let's do it."

Seeing that the other party agreed in such pain, Yi Tian was overjoyed. He didn't expect things to go smoothly.In a blink of an eye, the monk of the Flying Raksha clan also nodded, as if he didn't want to pay more attention to himself.

Later, he communicated with An Xichen through voice transmission: "So let's do it, you can help me sweep the formation at the side, pay attention to the monk of the Flying Rakshasa tribe, I am still a little worried about him."

"I know what Fellow Daoist Yi means," An Xichen replied in a deep voice.

Immediately, Yi Tian reached out and took out the demon soul banner and waved it in his hand. Several black mist flew out of it and condensed into the beast soul avatar in the air, then quietly disappeared into the black mist and swept towards the iron-eating beast .

The black mist swirled around the iron-eating beast in the air, and then fell headfirst.At this time, I saw a red fire burst out from the iron-eating beast in the middle, and the original black and white skin was instantly covered with a layer of red magic fire.

After being surrounded by the black mist of the demon soul banner, he was forced away by the demon fire and couldn't get close.On the other side, Qiqing also made a move, and two bright white blade lights flashed and then passed through the gap in the black mist and slashed towards the iron-eating beast.

This time, the red magic fire was only slightly blocked, and then the bright light broke through it and slashed fiercely at the body. 'Kaka' two sounds, the light blade brushed against its skin, leaving two white marks on its black bristles, and it was difficult to get an inch in.

At the same time, the magic sword in An Xichen's hand also waited for an opportunity to stab the iron-eating beast's abdomen, but it was a pity that it was blocked by its fire armor.

In this way, the attack of the three seemed to have angered the iron-eater, and after a high-pitched howl came out of his mouth, the iron-eater also started to move.The monster, which was already known for its speed, was speechless. A black and white figure flitted past and flew directly in front of Qiqing like a teleportation. Then the front half of its body was raised up and its palms were slapped down fiercely.

The sad speed is not too slow, and she has been prepared for a long time. She used the escape technique to dodge to the side, leaving only an afterimage on the spot.

'Deng Deng' two palm-sized palms slapped down, and immediately punched a ten-foot-large and ten-foot-deep pit on the top of the mountain.

Yi Tianjian also felt weak in the center of his eyes. You must know that there is no need for the outside world here, and the rocks on the ground have been specially strengthened to be several times harder than the outside world.

The iron-eating beast felt like it was being slapped on tofu with its palm, so if it was hit on the body, it would definitely be slapped into a meat paste.

Immediately, Yi Tian took out the Curse Sky Demon Bell and shook it rapidly, and the sound wave swept over the iron-eating beast and directly restricted his movements.

An Xichen saw the opportunity and manipulated the flying sword to slash at the iron-eating beast's feet.

At the same time, the Flying Rakshasa cultivator also started to move, took out a long spear with both hands and manipulated it, gathered four wind dragons in the air, surrounded the iron-eating beast on the left, right, back and abdomen respectively.

What surprised Yi Tian was that after the shot, this person flew to the side of the body of the monk in the fit period in a flash, and then rolled up the body and fled away as soon as he stretched out his hand.

It was really unexpected, the monk of the Flying Raksha clan tried to steal the corpse at this time, so that Yi Tian and others had no time to free up their hands to stop it.

Seeing that the iron-eating beast was attacking powerfully, Yi Tian had no choice but to dodge the sharp edge first, watching the other party's lively manipulation of the corpse and preparing to take it away from the corner of his eyes.

Yi Tian also secretly regretted that he didn't expect that he was still careless and let people get the first move. If he missed this time, he really didn't know where he could go to find the corpse of the monk in the fusion stage of the flame prison demon clan.

After thinking about it, black magic fire sprang up all over his body, and he directly cast out the flame prison demon, and used the fire escape technique to forcefully chase after him.

It is expected that the monks of the Flying Rakshasa tribe are good at the speed of escape, and it is difficult for him to catch up in this state.But as long as he recovers in a place where there is no one, he can catch up with Zi Lei Dun and then kill him directly.

But in fact, the scene as I imagined did not appear. I saw the Flying Rakshasa cultivator rushed over and grabbed the corpse to put it in the storage ring.Suddenly, a vast and majestic aura emerged from the corpse, and then a red magic light flew out from the forehead of the corpse and directly invaded the brows of the Flying Rakshasa cultivator.

"Seize the house and revive the soul," Yi Tian hurriedly stopped in the air and then popped out four words with difficulty.

An Xichen behind him and Qiqing on the other side were also dumbfounded at this moment, they didn't expect that there was a ten-thousand-year-old monster hidden in the body of this body-fit monk.

But even knowing that that person was a cultivator from the Prison Demon Clan, Yi Tian felt a little apprehensive.It stands to reason that the most important thing for those monks in the fusion stage to seize the house is to be of the same family, so that they can retain their original strength to the greatest extent.

Now I am the only one who is a cultivator of the Infernal Prison Demon Clan. Fortunately, I didn't take the first step, otherwise I would have to fight against the devil baby of the cultivator at the fusion stage.

After three breaths, the magic light flashed and a gray aura protected the seizing body, so that Yi Tian would not be able to attack the opponent again.

At the same time, there was a howling sound from behind, and the iron-eating beast seemed to have gone mad, rushed past Yi Tian and the other three towards the magic light shield, and slapped it down fiercely with both palms side by side.

(End of this chapter)

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