
Chapter 1456 A Journey into the Abyss 3 - Seizing the Corpse

Chapter 1456 Journey to the Abyss Thirteen Corpses
The sudden appearance on the scene made Yi Tian also unexpected. He didn't expect that the iron-eating beast would rush directly towards the cultivator who seized the house.And it was obvious that he wanted to point at the other party to death, but he could see the power of those palms, so it would be mysterious enough for him to fight with all his strength if he continued to shoot like this.

With a 'coax' sound, the halo shield and the people inside were shot by the iron-eating beast, and then fell vertically to the ground like a cannonball.At the same time, a crater with a radius of ten feet was smashed out, but a faint light flashed in the very center.

Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that the protective cover was not broken, but the halo on it flickered rapidly, as if barely supporting it.

At the same time, the aura of the Flying Rakshasa cultivator in the protective cover has almost completely changed.A burst of red fire rose, and with a 'click' sound, the protective light barrier broke from the inside, and a flying Rakshasa monk flew out of it, the skin on his body was already slightly red.

It's just that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were extremely unstable from the late stage of transformation to the late stage of distraction. After ten breaths, the manic spiritual power slowly converged and finally stabilized his cultivation base at the early stage of distraction.

Obviously, this is because the race that seized the body does not match the original strength to drop three realms. If the monks of the same race are afraid, they will be able to retain the original cultivation to the maximum extent.In this way, Yi Tian couldn't help but think of Jiutuoluo in his heart, and he also tried every means to find a monk of the same clan to take the house, even if he was of different gender.

At this moment, the man settled down in the air, and after sweeping his mind, he sneered and said, "I didn't expect my two younger nephews to still miss me so much, and even sent you to steal my body."

After hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't help showing a little horror on his face, he didn't expect the other party to say everything here.It's just that I don't know what to do next. Obviously, the iron-eating beast doesn't seem to be with the opponent, and there are three people on my side who may not be powerless to fight.

Just thinking about it, suddenly the Ice Demon Clan said sadly: "Since it's all the family disputes of the Flame Prison Demon Clan, I won't get involved. I will resign first and come to ask seniors for advice when I have a chance in the future." After finishing speaking After a flash of white light all over his body, he fled to one side.From her point of view, she didn't want to continue entanglement anymore. The situation here is so complicated that she might as well get out of it.

Seeing the miserable leaving Yi Tian felt anxious, but his face was still pretending to be calm.It seems that the opponent has no intention of blocking it, and there is an unstable factor of the iron-eating beast here.After thinking about it, he bowed his hands and asked: "I don't know the name of the senior, and the junior flame prison demon clan demon emperor sat down and made an offering to Yi Tian."

"You young man with a glib tongue is not a good person at first glance. Now you just see that the situation is not good and want to make some words. I am Yan Rui from the flame prison demon clan. The flame prison demon emperor you are talking about is just my younger nephew, right? "The Flying Rakshasa clansman said.

It's just that the person in front of him can only be regarded as half a monk of the flame prison demon clan, even if he returns to the flame prison dynasty, it is impossible to be recognized by everyone.

But the iron-eating beast still seemed to be staring at Yan Rui closely at this moment, and the pupils of those eyes were full of contempt.The figure turned into a flash of red and moved again, but its target was Yan Rui who had just taken away.

Although he didn't know what happened to them directly, Yi Tian faintly sensed that there was still an opportunity for this matter, as long as he could deal with it, he might not be unable to reap benefits.

He lowered his head and spoke to An Xichen via voice transmission: "After a while, you see the opportunity to put away the corpse, and then find the way out directly. I will create an opportunity for you."

An Xichen was startled when he heard the words, and then understood what he meant.He just hesitated and replied via voice transmission: "Then Daoist Yi, you have offended Yan Rui in front of you to death, if he doesn't cut you into pieces after he goes out."

"Then he has to go out first, and do you think the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison will recognize this nondescript senior in front of him? If this matter is taken care of, it might be in their favor," Yi Tian explained.

After hearing this, An Xichen's face softened, and then he took out the magic sword and became vigilant.

At this time, the iron-eating beast seemed to circle around in the air to stabilize its figure, then opened its mouth and said, "Yan Rui, you will not be able to get away today no matter what."

"You are my seat's mount, and you murdered your master. Don't see me taking care of you," Yan Rui said, tying his hands together and chanting a long series of mantras to surround the iron-eating beast.

The mantra sank into its forehead, but there was no change after three breaths.Yan Rui looked at the mount in front of him in surprise and said in disbelief: "How is it possible, we signed the master-servant contract, yet you can block this spell."

"The master-servant contract has long since dissipated with the death of your physical body, and your soul is still there, but it doesn't match the physical body, so it can't be effectively driven at all," Yi Tian said sharply after seeing it.

After hearing that, the iron-eating beast turned its head and looked at it meaningfully, saying, "Boy, you don't think it's bad, why don't you join forces with me. After you kill Yan Rui, you go on your own way, and I go." My single-plank bridge, everyone does not interfere with each other."

These words entered Yi Tian's heart, and he was worried that there would be no chance. Even the iron-eating beasts in front of him would lend a helping hand.

After a bunch of flames shot up on his body, he cast his body of flame prison demon, and Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice: "Do it," after flying in the air, he flashed to Yan Rui's side and swung his fists fiercely. He slammed the door down on his face.

"Slippery boy," Yan Rui didn't say much, he waved his wings behind his back, trying to dodge at super fast speed with the innate characteristics of the flying Rakshasa body.

It's just that he just finished taking the house for a while, and the spiritual power in his body has not yet recovered much, and the degree of compatibility between the soul and the body is not high, and it is inevitable that there will be a feeling of unfamiliarity in the movements.

After one move, he didn't completely dodge. After the protective cover was hit hard, his whole body hurriedly retreated more than 20 feet away.Before he could slow down, Yi Tian's second wave of offensive had arrived, and he took this opportunity to fly in front of him again, transforming his hands into fists and sacrificing the black flame hell demon fire on the defensive cover.

At the same time, An Xichen, who was below, didn't stop, and after a few flashes, he came to the side of the corpse, took out a black jade bottle, and put the corpse into it.

Then he said from a distance: "Friend Daoist Yi, I'm leaving first, and you take care of it." After saying that, he raised up the light and flew straight towards the direction when he came.

The whole process was done in one go, and the iron-eating beast in the air just snored a few times in its nostrils and just watched An Xichen snatch the corpse away.

The most annoyed person on the field was Yan Rui. His body was taken away because he knew that he would be taken out to extract the aura and refine it into Flame Tears. However, he was entangled in front of him and couldn't get away. He could only watch Anxi Chenli go.

(End of this chapter)

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