
Chapter 1457 Journey into the Abyss 4 Teaming Up

Chapter 1457 Journey to the Abyss Fourteen Join Forces
On the scene, with the departure of Qiqing and An Xichen, the situation has become clear. Although Yi Tian is not used to Qiqing's behavior, there is nothing he can do about it.

As for Yan Rui in front of him is indeed a huge trouble, letting him escape will definitely have an extremely adverse impact on his next exploration in the abyss of the demon world.The best plan for now is to keep him here, and the iron-eating beast on the side is still staring at it.

Although I don't know what it has in mind and plans, but the visual inspection is still reliable.It's just that Yan Rui in front of him is obviously strong, and he can't help but feel anxious for a while.

After a few tricks, Yi Tian broke through the opponent's defense with all his strength, but it seemed that the spiritual pressure fluctuation on Yan Rui's body became abnormally stable.

Under the sudden change of the situation in front of him, Yi Tian hurriedly drew back and stepped aside to look at it again.I saw that Yan Rui's cultivation base at this time seemed to be still in the early stage of distraction, but Yi Tian saw that his forehead was deeply wrinkled.Needless to say, this is a sign that his soul and body are beginning to fuse. The reason why he couldn't exert his power before was because he was not familiar with this new body, but with the improvement of the compatibility of soul and soul, the flow of true energy in his body became smoother.

This matter is not good news for me, I may not be able to suppress the opponent in the first place, but I didn't expect this attack to become a training partner.

The iron-eating beast on the side also saw the clues, raised its head and hissed loudly: "Hurry up, or we may not be able to suppress him with our hands when the compatibility between his soul and body reaches more than [-]%."

"Aren't you a monster in the fusion stage? Why are you still afraid of the magic cultivator in the distraction stage?" Yi Tian said in a puzzled way.

"Although my strength is not bad, I have never been baptized by Lei Jie to refine my bones. I have a whole body of mana but no matching magical powers and secret arts. Even the means of attack can only rely on natural instinct, so my strength is at best a balance It’s all about the level of demon cultivation in the late stage of God.” The iron-eating beast was also anxious at this time, and opened its mouth to tell its full situation: “And when Yan Rui’s strength recovers to the late stage of distraction, he can suppress me again and sign a new contract. Under the master-servant contract, I have been restrained by him for nearly ten thousand years, although as a monster, my lifespan is longer than that of a demon, but if I continue to waste it like this, one day it will be exhausted."

It turned out that it was the Iron Beast who rejected Yan Rui so much, but now it seems that he is fighting for himself.

The red flames on its body surged fiercely, and the iron-eating beast turned into flames and attacked Yan Rui. This time, the speed and power of the attack were much stronger than before. There was a loud "coaxing" sound, and under the shining fire, the iron-eating beast stepped forward and turned into a red halo this time, and ran towards Yan Rui.

Obviously what it said before was correct, it used the instinct of the iron-eating beast to fight from beginning to end.Although the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body are not weak, the tricks he can use back and forth are just these few tricks.

On the other hand, Yan Rui sneered, and said lightly: "As far as your tricks can pose a threat to me, the mount should do its job well, and your tricks are just a joke in front of my eyes. .”

Before he finished speaking, suddenly a sound wave came down from his head, Yan Rui only felt that the mobilization of the true energy in his body was not so smooth.He looked up and saw that it was Yi Tian who was shaking the curse sky magic bell in his hand rapidly in the air. Although the sound waves of the Qijue magic sound had an impact on the iron-eating beast and Yan Rui, it seemed that it had a greater impact on the magic tricks.

The two flames attacked each other again in the air, but this time it was obvious that Yan Rui had suffered a bit of a dark loss.With one blow, he was knocked thirty feet away, turned his head and looked at Yi Tian angrily, and said, "The brat is obviously a cultivator of the Demon Clan of the Flame Hell, but he secretly learned the skills of the Demon Clan of the Flame Prison Have you lost all dignity that you should have?"

"The times have changed," Yi Tian said disdainfully, and at the same time the curse bell in his hand rang even more urgently.Seeing that this trick was effective, he simply grabbed hold of it and read out the Qijue Demon Voice again, then teased: "Don't say it's the Qijue Demon Voice of the Heavenly Demon Race, I can even know the Heavenly Demon Eye. You have been banned here for too long, It is impossible to know the situation of the outside world at all, although the seven clans in the Dao Demon Realm are still doing their own thing on the surface, but they are not in the closed and hostile state they were in ten thousand years ago when they communicate with each other in secret."

Hearing this, Yan Rui's face changed drastically, but this time his face showed horror.The news I told him just now may be too shocking for him to believe that the current world will turn into such a state.

At the same time, the iron-eating beast waved its palms towards Yan Rui one after another, but said in its mouth: "What are you doing with him so long-winded, let's make a quick decision. He is just delaying the time to integrate the spirit and soul as soon as possible and fight a protracted battle." We're still at a disadvantage."

Hearing this, Yi Tian didn't hesitate anymore, took out the Taiyuan sword, stretched out his hand, tapped it a few times, and then muttered words, sacrificed the spirit sword and turned it into thousands of filaments, and greeted Yan Rui.In his mouth, he said: "You step back first."

Hearing the words, the iron-eating beast hugged its body tightly and rolled into a ball, rolling backward rapidly, like a black and white meat ball.

Si Si Jian Guang immediately surrounded Yan Rui after passing by, and then stabbed straight at him.After a red flame was lit, Yan Rui hid his body in the flame shield.

As soon as those sword wires came into contact, they were blocked by the flames, but there were too many sword wires around them, and after three breaths, the flames on the protective cover were exhausted.

After breaking through the protective cover, Yan Rui's face changed suddenly, and he gathered his wings behind his back to wrap his real body.It's just that the strength of the sword wire far exceeded his expectations and it hit his wings in an instant.

But what is unexpected is that the wings of the Flying Rakshasa can forcibly withstand most of the attacks. Many sword threads are exhausted just by leaving a scratch on the wings. The defense was broken.

And the pair of wings are also covered with bruises, and there are many scars showing deep visible bones.The spiritual pressure fluctuations on Yan Rui's body were also depressed, and later he hurriedly repaired the scars on the wings first.

But under the luck, his face showed a look of shock, and he said to Yi Tian: "Who are you, and why do you have the power of Buddhism in your exercises?"

At this time, the Rakshasa's wings were covered with golden light, and there was a constant "Zi Zi" sound from the wound. It was the power of the Buddha that invaded the meridians that was constantly purifying the evil spirit in Yan Rui's body.

After seeing this, the iron-eating beast shook its head and rushed forward again. With both palms out, it accurately hit Yan Rui's back and slapped him into the valley.

This time there was no protective cover to resist for a while, Yan Rui took a solid blow and spewed blood from his mouth, but there were two palm-sized blood holes on his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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