
Chapter 1458 Journey into the Abyss 5 Accident

Chapter 1458 Journey to the Abyss Fifteen Accidents
With the cooperation of Yi Tian and the iron-eating beast, Yan Rui was finally overwhelmed, not only wounding his wings, but also piercing his chest.

With such an injury, Yanrui's spiritual pressure fluctuated suddenly and became decadent. Seeing that his cultivation level had dropped, he was almost unable to maintain his initial distraction level.

And the power of Buddha sect that Yi Tian left on him couldn't be completely expelled from his body for a while, so the wounds left on his wings still couldn't heal.

With a seriously injured body, Yan Rui showed unwillingness on his face, but his mouth was spitting out blood.The two palms of the Iron-eating Beast also struck with hatred, and under one blow, two blood holes the size of fists were pierced in his chest.

Although its moves are powerful, they only rely on the power of talent to use them, it's just a brute force.Without the power of the Buddhist sect to purify the power of evil spirits on his body, Yan Rui could recover from his injuries only by relying on the remaining true energy.

It's just that in this way, he didn't have much original magic power left, and it seemed that he couldn't maintain his cultivation.

Such Yi Tian was relieved, now that the overall situation has been settled, Yan Rui has become meat on the cutting board, as long as he hits him casually, he can be dealt with.

The iron-eating beast in the distance looked down at Yan Rui, and his face was relieved for a while, then he turned his head and stared at himself for a while before saying: "I think your strength is not bad, and you can also use the skill of restraining demon monks. It is enough to prove that there is a problem with your identity."

Yi Tian replied without changing his face when he heard the words: "In any case, we have solved the serious problem in front of us. I am not interested in you. There are other purposes for entering the abyss of the devil world this time. Let's go our separate ways after we deal with it. .”

"That's great," the iron-eating beast replied shaking its head.

Later, as soon as his palms crossed in front of his chest, he was ready to kill Yan Rui with the killer.

But at this moment, there was a thunderous rumbling sound from all around below, Yi Tian checked carefully and found that the sound came from the bottom of the valley.

Immediately, the entire valley began to vibrate violently, and the ground within a radius of three miles suddenly seemed to shake.Cracks appeared in many places on the valley floor, and hot magma water gushed up from them.

Up to now, Yi Tian still doesn't know what happened. This valley was originally a crater.The gushing magma erupted from the depths of the volcano below here. I didn't expect that my group of people fighting here would indirectly activate the volcanic eruption.

After the sound of "crash" came from under the ground, a soaring magma column spewed out from the cracks in the ground and passed not far from Yi Tian.

Then the cracks on the ground became bigger and bigger, and several magma columns spewed out from other places and sprayed into the air.

At this time, Yan Rui's position was full of overflowing magma, which soon submerged his entire body.It's just that Yi Tian hurriedly saw Yan Rui's face was not surprised but happy at the end. Those magmas are the holy medicine for healing, which can firmly suppress the injuries on his body, and at the same time help him get rid of the golden light of the Buddha's power out of his body .

Seeing that he had nothing to do, Yi Tian still avoided the edge for the time being, but in the end he still didn't forget to make up for it.A sonic bomb spewed out from the mouth and hit the submerged position of Yan Rui, and then quickly flew thirty miles away to avoid the central area of ​​the volcanic eruption.

Looking back, a soaring pillar of fire erupted from the valley and formed a fire cloud of a hundred miles in size in the sky.A little later, the fire cloud turned dark red and then disintegrated into fire rain that fell rapidly.

The area around the volcano with a radius of fifty miles was covered by fire and rain, and Yi Tian had to withdraw again to push the paper or out of the range to stabilize his figure.

Spiritual thoughts swept across Huo Yu in front of him. At this time, he felt extremely regretful that he didn't deal with Yan Rui in the first place, which left a huge hidden danger.

But until now, there is no other way but to take one step at a time. Although Yan Molei was not found, finding Yan Rui's body can be regarded as completing the task in disguise.The next step is the highlight of this trip, going deep into the abyss of the devil world to find the golden body of Buddha's fate shed by Master Jie Ding.

However, after scanning his eyes, he found that the iron-eating beast did not leave, but flew not far from him and stopped in the air to look at him.

Yi Tian's heart suddenly tightened and he wondered if there was still some trouble. After he calmed down, he asked, "I don't know why you blocked the way? Although Yan Rui didn't die this time, his vitality was seriously injured. Considering his strength It will take at least 3000 years to return to the initial stage of fusion, fellow daoists can rest assured."

Unexpectedly, the iron-eating beast suddenly said violently: "Don't worry, I don't know this guy's virtue. He is a villain who will revenge with an eye for an eye. I can't find it again if I run away this time." He, he will recover when his strength recovers to the late stage of distraction, and I will not be the first one to be liquidated by him."

After hearing this, Yi Tian frowned slightly, and after looking at the other party, he didn't know what kind of medicine it was selling in the gourd.After thinking for a while, he said: "That fellow Taoist has at least a thousand years to deal with him. Even if he can't be found, he can go out to take refuge. I don't believe that the entire demon world is so big that there is no place for you."

"You are so naive," the iron-eating beast replied, shaking its head, "but all monsters in the abyss of the demon world are shielded from the thunder disaster by the unique environment here. Once I leave here, I will definitely attack the disaster as soon as possible. That's the last thing I want to face."

"There is such a thing", several thoughts flashed in Yi Tianwenyan's mind, no wonder he would feel troubled, if he leaves here, he will cross the catastrophe immediately.If you don't leave here, you will definitely be found by Yan Rui, so you are caught in a dilemma.

After thinking about it, he asked in a deep voice: "Then what do you think, did you think of a countermeasure to stop me?"

The iron-eating beast thought for a while before saying: "I see that you are also a person of great background, and you are able to display the supernatural powers of Buddhist esoteric techniques. Naturally, you have extraordinary strength. The most important thing for a person like you who is a fellow practitioner of gods and demons must be the state of mind." I am a hundred times tougher than ordinary people, so if I follow you as your spiritual pet, you will definitely not stand idly by when you cross the catastrophe."

Yi Tian's pupils stared at the iron-eating beast for a long time, but he was actually shocked.My skill of cultivating gods and demons is the most important secret. After I came to the devil world, I almost hid it from everyone, and even those monks in the fusion period couldn't see the slightest flaw.

But the iron-eating beast in front of him could say it easily, and the shock in Yi Tian's heart at this moment is beyond words.Fortunately, I am used to seeing big winds and waves, so I put aside the topic and asked: "You are stronger than me. If you sign the master-servant contract, I will be the one who is restrained. Could it be that you are framing me?"

"Then sign an equal contract, and then you can take me out of the abyss of the demon world and send me to the demon world," the iron-eating beast thought for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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