
Chapter 1463 Journey into the Abyss 2 Deep

Chapter 1463 Journey to the Abyss Twenty Depths
After tidying up the scene, the monks who came in from the Ice Demon Clan were wiped out this time. I didn't expect that all three of them would sneak into the deepest part of the abyss of the Demon Realm.However, Yi Tian was in a good mood at this time. The biggest change in this trip to the demon world was that Leng Xu disrupted the situation, and let himself confront the monks of the abyss demon clan for no reason from the outside world.

As for the fact that he has received a lot of miserable care after he came in, after learning about this woman's methods, he will naturally not let her go easily.But as she said, Leng Xu would definitely leave a mark on her, and if she killed her directly, Leng Xu would definitely notice it.

It's not a good thing to be remembered by such a monk in the fit period, at least I don't have full confidence that I can slip away from the opponent in a one-on-one situation.

So the sad devil baby was left behind to trap it first, and then find a way to solve it later.

As for the strength of the other two merged demon monks, they were obviously much weaker, and they couldn't get the slightest advantage in front of Jiuduoluo under the joint efforts of the two.What's more, when Yi Tianteng made a move and Jiuduoluo shot separately, the confrontation between the two sides became a one-sided state.

After cleaning up the scene, Yi Tian looked deep into the depths of his mind again and still didn't find anyone approaching. In a blink of an eye, he saw that the seriousness on Jiuduoluo's face not only did not slow down, but showed deep worry.Then he asked, "Friend Taoist Jiu, how did you know that a powerful enemy is approaching?"

Kudala took out a glass bottle, which contained three spirit seeds.At this time, these spiritual species seemed to be extremely active, as if they had sensed the location of the last share.Then I only heard him say: "This time it is my rival in love, that Luo Xi must have a close relationship with my second junior brother Luo Chen, but he was able to hide it from my divine sense identification."

"Did Fellow Daoist Jiu feel the existence of Luo Chen after entering the abyss of the Demon Realm?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"No," Jiu Tuoluo wrinkled his forehead deeply at this time: "It is reasonable to say that my three juniors were all sensed by me with my secret method before, but Luo Chen seemed to have disappeared from this world. No matter how I cast spells, I can't find any trace of him in the Demon Realm, as if he disappeared without a trace."

He was also deeply puzzled to hear such a description of Yi Tian from his mouth. Logically speaking, fellow monks like Jiudala would have some similarities and connections in their exercises.He also mostly looked for this clue to sense the existence of his senior brother, but since he said that Luo Chen's sense had completely disappeared, he would definitely not be lying, and there was no need to talk nonsense.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian couldn't help lowering his head and meditating. After ten breaths, he seemed to think of the situation of the devil prince Qiu Yu in the spirit world, and his eyes immediately brightened.Then he raised his head and asked: "In addition to the magic skills, you should have learned a lot of Buddhist sect secrets from the evil Buddha in the mixed world, right?"

"You Daoist Yi, do you mean that Luo Chen used the Buddha sect's exercises to conceal his whereabouts?" Jiu Tuoluo was puzzled: "I guess not, although we have all been exposed to many Buddha sect's exercises, But many of them need to be motivated by spiritual power, and some of them can only be cultivated by the way of Buddhist sect's penance."

"Isn't there still some mystical powers that ignore race and spiritual power? As far as I know, the most likely method is the method of reincarnation," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

"The method of reincarnation and psychic psychic communication," Jiu Tuoluo sighed after hearing this, with an uncertain expression on his face, "Maybe Daoist Yi is just like what you said, maybe Luo Chen is no longer in this world What remains is his reincarnation."

"Not only that, I have also seen this reincarnation psychic method in the Buddhist scripture pavilion of Daleiguang Temple. Usually, the reincarnated person will lose part of the memory of the previous life, unless the secret technique is used to seal up part of the memory before reincarnation. ,” Yi Tian said.

"It should be," Jiu Tuo Luo said sharply: "So Luo Xi is the reincarnation of my second junior brother Luo Chen, I didn't expect him to take the risk to perform this technique in the devil world, and he successfully cultivated it back to this state. Realm. If you let him get back the memory of his previous life, you and I may not be his opponent together."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was quite moved, and then asked: "Then what should we do now, we can't wait here for him to come. And what I want should be deep in here," he said, pointing to the sky The boundary corresponding to the black vortex.

"It's not too late, let's go in and have a look first, maybe we will find something," Judhara said politely, and then the figure leaped into the air and flew forward.

Yi Tian also urged the magic light on his body to follow and probe towards the dark land in front of him.

After flying in the air for half an hour, I only felt that the gravity in the mountains here was getting stronger and stronger, and it was already impossible to maintain the state of flying in midair.The two then descended from the clouds and continued to fly at a height of one foot above the ground. After a while, they arrived at the foot of the mountain. In front of them was a huge stone gate covered with strange spells.

Looking up, Yi Tian found that the stone gate in front of him was a bit like the entrance of the Dark Demon Temple back then, but it was a little different.The stone gate seemed to be embedded in the hillside in front of it, and there was no trace of it that could be opened.

After seeing it, Juddara relaxed and said: "It's the end, I think the origin behind this gate should be the origin of this world."

"I didn't expect there to be such a place in the abyss of the demon world. It's just why the Mahayana monks in the demon world don't practice here. Absorbing the power of the source is also quite beneficial for their existence," Yi Tian said.

"Maybe Mahayana monks have other concerns, let's go in and talk about it first," Judhara gestured after finishing speaking.The two walked to both sides of the stone door respectively, then stretched out their hands and pressed on the door at the same time, trying to open it.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and found that the stone door was weird, as if there was a force behind the door.The power of the true essence in the body circulated rapidly, and after struggling to move his feet, he managed to push Shimen up.

As for Juddara's appearance at this time, he was not much better than himself, his face was flushed red, and his hands were frequently trying to push the stone door open.

Half a moment later, there was only an uninterrupted 'clicking' sound, and a gap of two feet was pushed open between the two stone doors.Jiu Tuo Luo said with a happy face: "Go in and have a look." After speaking, he took a step forward and rushed in through the gap, and Yi Tian also accepted his move unambiguously and followed him into the stone gate.

When the two came to Neizhong, they found that there were five passages in front of them, and the one in the middle seemed to lead straight to the distance.There are signs at every passageway, and Yi Tian's divine sense scanned and found that the road in front of him read 'Land of Magic Source'. '

 Thanks to Daoist Xiangqing, BJ Zhongtong Express, and book lovers for their strong support

(End of this chapter)

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