
Chapter 1464 Journey into the Abyss 21 Strange

Chapter 1464 Journey into the Abyss 21 Strange

Yi Tian and Jiu Tuoluo walked down along the sign of the place of magic source. The passage in front of them seemed not long, but the two walked for more than an hour without reaching the end.

And in the surrounding passages, it seems that the evil spirit is getting stronger and stronger, at least ten times higher than the outside world.At the same time, Yi Tian found that the gravity on his body was two or three times that of the outside world.

The figure of Kudala who was walking suddenly in front of him paused for a moment and seemed a little unnatural.Knowing that something must have happened, Yi Tian asked, "Why is that Luo Xi already here?"

"In this land of the source of magic, our divine sense is restricted everywhere, but I found that there seems to be some changes in the split spiritual seeds," said Judhara, "That Luo Xi must have come in, but I'm not sure why these spiritual seeds There will be different reactions."

"What's the different reaction?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Juddara did not answer, but took out the glass bottle containing the spirit seeds and held it in his hand. At this time, two of the three spirit seeds were jumping rapidly towards the back, while the other was chaotically moving forward. jumped up.

"What does this mean?" Yi Tian said thoughtfully after seeing it: "Could it be that the spirit seed was divided into five shares, and Luo Chen took two shares in the end?"

"It must be four," said Judara decisively: "Although I was expelled from the sect afterwards, I also heard a little bit about the master smashing the spirit seed back then, so I decided not to set aside one more." .”

"Then the appearance of the spirit species in your glass bottle will only appear when you meet the same kind. Could it be that the remaining part is automatically split into two halves," Yi Tian said with a smile.

After hearing this, Judhara's eyes lit up, he turned around and nodded and said, "That's true, but it didn't split automatically, but Luo Chen cast a spell to forcibly cut it open."

"Could it be that Luo Chen's strength is really so strong that he can cut off the spirit seed?"

"It's not that he is strong, but that the power of the spirit seed has been weakened." Juddara's face seemed to be thinking of something, and then he smiled: "It must be like this. He used the method of reincarnation and psychic communication. After leaving behind, the last spiritual seed was divided into two. In this way, the reincarnated body under the double traction will definitely be able to recover the cultivation base of the original real body by this method. It seems that we have to Speed ​​up, if you get ahead of him, I'm afraid you and I will confess here," After finishing speaking, the pace of his feet accelerated suddenly, and he walked towards the depths of the passage.

Yi Tian also had a serious expression on his face, knowing that what he said was right, if Luo Xi could really recover the mana left by his real body in his previous life, then he would really not be his opponent based on his own strength.

The real energy in his body mobilized and hurriedly followed, and after walking for more than half an hour, he finally saw the location of the exit.

After the two hurried forward, they quickly rushed out from the exit and found that they had come to a huge empty stone room.Yi Tian found that his divine sense was suppressed here and could only protrude ten feet away at most, and then he could only scan with his eyes and found that this was an underground grotto thousands of feet in size and a hundred feet high.

In the middle of the stone chamber is a pool of black pool water, which flows out along the many gaps outside the pool and then converges into several streams of water that are poured into the ditch beside it.

And in front of the pool is a coffin with a mouth of one foot long, four feet wide and three feet high, and the coffin board is covered with sealing symbols.And in front of the coffin are two skeletons, one of which is sitting cross-legged.The skeleton is covered with dust, but there is a faint golden light in it. From this skeleton, it is also possible to detect the traces of the vast Buddha power.

Needless to say, this skeleton is the golden body left by Master Jie Ding in this world, and like the golden body of Master Huiming in the Dark Demon Temple before, it finally became enchanted after it faded.

As for the other skeleton, its whole body was dark, and it exuded a stench, and the black skeleton still faintly glowed with red blood.Needless to say, the predecessor of this skeleton must have practiced the Blood Dao Kung Fu to show this vision.

He took out the natal oil lamp of the master of precepts, and then shook it on the golden skeleton.The sparks from the wick in the lamp shot up three inches high, and jumped up rapidly.When Yi Tian saw it, he was overjoyed and secretly thought that he had finally found it, and stretched out his hands to make seals to put away the golden skeleton.But as soon as the spell touched the golden skeleton, it was blocked by a bloody mask.

Yi Tian looked shocked and looked carefully, only to realize that this layer of mask was obviously added by someone after the fact, and the power is not weak, at least it is the strength of a monk in the fusion period.After thousands of years of baptism, he can easily block his own spells, which means that the person who set up this barrier at that time was stronger than his own likeness.

Judhara on the side also changed his face slightly when he saw it, but he still focused on the black skeleton.The three-point spirit seed in the glass cup in his hand became extremely irritable at this time, beating rapidly towards the skeleton.

Stretching out his hand and flipping the red and black Mosha Lightning Lightning, Juddara raised the lightning and struck towards the skeleton. There was a sound of 'Zi La', and there seemed to be no forbidden barrier left on the black skeleton, and the magic lightning instantly cut through the air and hit it fiercely, but unexpectedly, the skeleton seemed to be of the same origin as the electric light Not only was it not defeated, but it absorbed the lightning.

After the evil electricity swam around the black skull, it was finally absorbed.Then two faint lights suddenly appeared in the eyes of the skeleton, and at the same time, another aura flashed on the forehead between the eyebrows.

Judhara was not surprised when he saw it, but he said happily: "I found it, the last spiritual seed was divided into two halves, one half was sealed in this skeleton body, as for the other half, it should be carried by Na Luoxi." Bar."

Just as he was talking, suddenly there was a torrential spiritual pressure fluctuation in the passageway when he came, and a red figure flew out of it, flew across the air, and finally stopped not far in front of the two of them.

The person who came was Luo Xi, the disciple of the Demon Saint. At this time, he stared at the two of them angrily for a while before saying, "It's really amazing. I didn't expect that there would be someone from the seven clans of the Demon Realm who could make it this far. I'm really small." I saw you."

Judhara was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked at Luo Xi in front of him with surprise, and said after three breaths: "You are indeed the reincarnation of Luo Chen, but why do I feel that something is not right? .The last spiritual seed should be on you, you are here to retrieve the memory of the previous life."

Luo Xi curled her lips and didn't answer directly. Instead, she focused on the black skeleton, and then she stretched out her hand, and a black magic light hit it directly.But the technique he used was completely different from that of Juddara, and it made a crisp sound of 'creaking' when it hit the skeleton.

Yi Tian glanced over and found that the situation was different, but logically speaking, he could remember it and it would not be like this, and it was obvious that Luo Xi in front of him used some familiar tricks, but he couldn't remember where he saw it for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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