
Chapter 1465 Journey to the Abyss 22 Mistakes

Chapter 1465 Journey to the Abyss 22 Mistakes
Ever since Luo Xi, the devil's disciple, arrived, Yi Tian felt an extremely uneasy feeling in his heart.But when he made a move, Kudala saw on the spot that there was no trace of the kung fu of the evil Buddha in the world between the moves.

As for the black skull, after being hit for a while, its whole body was shaken to ten feet away before it stabilized.Then I saw a faint blue light flashing in the eyes of the skeleton, and then said: "You are finally here, but unfortunately the reincarnation method has gone wrong. It seems that only the devil saint in the devil world has such ability to reincarnate The demons are planted in spiritism, so my calculations really fall short."

Luo Xi didn't speak, but Jiu Tuo Luo looked at the skeleton and said, "Junior brother, is Luo Chen really you?"

The black skull turned its head and the blue light in its eyes flickered before replying: "Brother Jiutuoluo, I haven't seen you for ten thousand years, and you have been reborn. And judging by the three spiritual seeds in your hand, I'm afraid The three juniors must have been poisoned by you."

But Judhara said disdainfully: "Their real bodies have been destroyed, and now only their souls are left. But our grievances are all caused by this spiritual seed, and it is time to end all of this." .”

"It's over, it's not that simple," Luo Chen's skeleton said, "I was tricked by the devil, and when I performed the reincarnation psychic technique, I erased all the memories of my previous life. The person who came now is no longer me. The reincarnation of him, or he should have been refined into a clone by the Demon Saint."

"You did it on your own," Jiutuoluo said angrily, "After guarding the body of the master for thousands of years, you actually have a crooked idea and want to use reincarnation and spiritualism to rebuild it. Now you can't paint a tiger. It's just your incomplete soul. I'm afraid it will soon be absorbed and fused by Luo Xi, and there will be no such person as Luo Chen in the world from now on."

The black skull was speechless, but to be honest, Juddara's analysis was to the point, making it almost impossible to refute it.

It's just that Yi Tian's divine sense has been locked on Luo Xi, the disciple of the Demon Saint from beginning to end. After listening to their conversation, he naturally understands the truth of it.

Later, I saw Luo Xi attack again. With his strength, there is no need to worry about anything. Even a one-on-three here is no problem at all.What's more, he came here to retrieve the mana from his previous life. As long as he fused with the black skull, he would surely be able to improve.

Suddenly, the magic power in the surrounding air surged towards him rapidly, and Luo Xi's hands were divided into three and turned into six palms after closing them together.Then, after making seals in twos, they used supernatural powers and spells, and greeted the two of them and one of the skeletons directly.

I just felt that there was a strong wind blowing in front of me, and then the overwhelming force followed the wind.Yi Tian's tricks are beyond the scope of the previous distraction period, and it is almost the old monsters who have reached the fusion period before they can use their power.

Even after the black flames sprang up, Angel Yi came out of the demon body of the flame prison, and then sacrificed the demon soul banner, and the black mist quickly gushed out to hide his figure in it.

But after the strong wind passed by, the black mist wrapped around him was blown away, and the subsequent palm force directly swept through the black mist and hit Yi Tian's body.

After being hit by a huge impact force, the whole body was shaken ten feet away before he managed to stabilize his figure. At this time, Yi Tian felt a faint tingling pain from the skin on his body.This kind of feeling has rarely appeared since entering the distraction period. I remember that the last time I had a similar feeling was when I fused the power of the magic source in the forbidden area of ​​the Da Lei Guang Temple.

Taking a closer look at Luo Xi in front of him, Yi Tian's heart sank and he secretly cried out that it's not good. If this continues, he may not be able to win a three-on-one fight.

In a blink of an eye, I looked at Jiu Tuola, who was also covered with scars, and his body was shaken more than ten feet away. At this time, he looked at Luo Xi with a wry smile on his face and said: "The avatar of the demon saint is really powerful, junior brother, this time But the mistake is too outrageous. I'm afraid that even if the three of us join forces today, we may not be able to escape."

At this time, Yi Tian glanced at the black skull and found that he seemed to have been deliberately taken care of, but he stayed where he was after a move.Luo Xi stared at Luo Chen's skeleton, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and said, "Hand over your remaining souls, you shouldn't have survived in this world. You should have sent all your souls into reincarnation 8000 years ago." Otherwise, my current cultivation would have already broken through the distraction-level achievement fusion stage."

After speaking, he rushed forward, stretched out his hands suddenly, and grabbed the black skull's hands. There was a sound of 'click', and the head of the black skull flew out and flew towards the position of Jiuduoluo, and escaped from Luo Xi's grasp in a blink of an eye.

"Is there no way to deal with them? We finally came here and we have to fight anyway. Fellow Daoist Judhara, let's give it a go," Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice. Qian Jiansi hit the opponent.

There was a sound of 'ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping,' and those sword threads gathered Luo Xi's protective cover, and they were all taken down, without hurting him at all.

Holding a black skull in his hand, Juddara asked, "Now that things have come to an end, tell me the gate of life left by the reincarnation psychic technique, or we will all die."

"There is the spirit seed of the other half you want between his eyebrows, and it is also the gate of his life." Luo Chen's skull opened his mouth and said, "You should know how to deal with him. I have one last request. The remaining remnant souls are smashed to pieces, I don't want to be absorbed by him."

Judhara was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then his face showed sadness, he looked at the skull in his hand and nodded.

A little later, I saw a little white aura flying out after the skull's celestial spirit cover was broken, which was exactly the half of the spirit species.Kudala hurriedly opened the glass bottle and put it in, then stretched out his hand and patted the skull.After the Mosha lightning in his palm was sent out, the entire skull was directly shattered.

The blue light in those eyes was then extinguished, and the last trace of Luo Chen, the second disciple of the Evil Buddha of the Chaos Realm, disappeared in the world.

Luo Xi, who was in the distance, shouted with anger on his face, "You two will pay the price for breaking my good deeds. I'm going to refine your cramps in a while so that you can't be reborn forever."

After speaking, the fluctuating intensity of spiritual pressure on his body increased sharply, and he soon broke through the limit of distracting artifacts and directly bought the fusion period.

Yi Tian's face showed an unprecedented solemnity, and at the same time, after letting go of the evil energy on his body, the pupils of his eyes froze, directly sacrificing the 'sunburn' of the demon pupil.

Kudara on the side also showed a horrified face, and after the blood flowed from his body, he spit out a stream of blood from his mouth, which turned into a blood mist in the air to protect himself.

(End of this chapter)

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