
Chapter 1467 Journey to the Abyss 24 Countermeasures

Chapter 1467 Journey to the Abyss 24 Countermeasures
The two teamed up to try their best, but they failed to get half of the advantage under Luo Xi's hands. Seeing that the ice prison that trapped him was also broken.At the same time, after all those ice marrow flames were forced out by him along the gap, the ice prison was completely shattered from the inside to the outside with a 'bang'.

Luo Xi, who broke out of the prison, looked at the two people in front of him solemnly, and then said with a change of expression: "I didn't expect there to be such a powerful alien cultivator in the demon world. But you have always revealed the truth." , I didn’t expect that you were also monks who sneaked into the abyss of the devil world to peek at the origin of the devil world, but it’s a pity that your good luck to meet me has run out.”

After hearing this, Juddara's expression darkened. After the fight just now, he knew very well that the strength of the person in front of him was far superior to the two of them. Fighting alone is tantamount to moths jumping into the flames to kill themselves.

Now that the two of them teamed up, they were only at a disadvantage, and there was a faint hesitation in their eyes, and they began to plan their way out.

On the contrary, Yi Tian rarely showed a smile on his face and said: "You are just a monk who fell into the demon world from the Asura clan, and the exercises in your hands have not reached the level of refinement. The power of the two styles will inevitably be greatly reduced without the support of the supporting spirit weapon."

"Yi Daoyou, how do you know his background?" Jiu Tuo Luo asked eagerly, in his opinion, Yi Tian's words seemed to reveal the identity of the other party, and it might be possible to have such an opportunity. There is a chance to turn the tables.

Yi Tian said calmly: "The trick this person used before was the three-style Asura hand of the Asura clan, but the second time it was the double brilliance of the sun and the moon. It is a pity that he used the evil spirit to activate it. The power mismatch is just for show."

After hearing this, Juddara's face softened a little, and after thinking about it carefully, he quite agrees.

On the contrary, Luo Xi shouted in a cold voice: "Even if the skills and spiritual power don't match, it's enough to deal with the two of you. I vow to suppress you and the other two here in the next move."

After speaking, the evil spirit around Luo Xi rushed to his body, and then the phantom behind him jumped up suddenly, showing the appearance of Asura with three heads and six arms.

At the same time, the six phantom hands formed three kinds of spells at the same time after forming seals in pairs.Yi Tian took a closer look at the combination of the three Asura moves, and it was obvious that this time Luo Xi's move was more powerful than the previous two moves.

Ke Yitian's face was not surprised but joyful, and he lowered his head and whispered to Jiutuoluo through voice transmission, the latter showed surprise, with some doubts on his face, but looking at Yitian's face, it didn't seem like a fake.

Later, the two of them staggered in an instant and separated left and right into corners again, sandwiching Luo Xi in the middle, and cast out the spell in their hands as if they were about to block it.

Three dazzling magic lights flashed in the hands of the phantom behind Luo Xi, and then hit the two of them respectively.It seems that Luo Xi has no good solution. If he abandons one of them, he will definitely suffer a thunderous blow. Although he can suppress one of them in a short period of time, it will also leave a chance for the other.

With his knowledge, it is not difficult to see the strength of the two in front of him, but if any flaws are revealed, the situation of the battle will be reversed in an instant.

Seeing the magic light coming, Yi Tian didn't choose to forcibly catch it this time, and then used escapism to dodge towards the one not far behind.After teleporting twice, he moved away tens of feet away, but the magic light behind him seemed to have eyes.

After three breaths, it directly hit Yi Tian in front of him, but a red halo flashed and blocked the chasing magic light behind him.In the red halo is the remaining golden body of Master Jie Ding. As for Yi Tian, ​​who has already hid behind the golden body at this time, he just used a small trick to divert the disaster to the east.

As for the other side, Kudala also acted according to the plan and used the coffin of the evil Buddha from the mixed world to block Luo Xi's killing blow.

There was a loud "Ziz" and I saw that the red protective layer was covered by the magic light of Shura's hand and they were constantly consuming each other, but it was obvious that Luo Xi's moves were slightly stronger. The years were finally forcibly broken.

It's just that when the magic light broke the restriction and wanted to erode Jin's body, a golden halo came out from it and directly purified the magic light.

Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief at this time, he guessed right that this must be the restrictive enchantment laid down by Luo Chen, and he can use his reincarnation to break through the barrier when he is unable to break it.

There must be a lot of Buddhist power left on the golden body of Master Jie Ding, so it can be firmly suppressed against Luo Xi.At the same time, this is also the ultimate goal of my coming to the Demon Realm to take back the golden body of the master of precepts, this time it really kills many birds with one stone.

On the other hand, Judhara also relied on the coffin of the evil Buddha from the mixed world to successfully resist the opponent's ultimate move.Under the blow, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Luo Xi's body in front of him seemed to be weakened, which was an excellent opportunity for the old strength to be exerted and the new strength not to be regenerated.

Ignoring the golden body in front of him, Yi Tian directly pulled away and flashed out, and the spiritual light appeared on his body, converting the original power of evil spirit into spiritual power.Then he spit out the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan from his mouth and quickly raised it in his hand, a wisp of purple flames flew across his fingertips and flew into the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan.

With the sound of 'hu', the one-foot-sized purple flame wind and thunder fan stretched out against the wind and turned into a one-foot-sized fan, and the spiritual power on it flickered rapidly to gather the purple flames.At the same time, Yi Tian held the fan with both hands and slammed down on Luo Xi's position with all his strength, and several purple flames mixed with the power of wind and thunder rolled towards the opponent.

At the same time, Kudhara's figure jumped out and flew into the air. This time, he actually tore off his left hand alive and turned it into a ball of flesh and blood gathered in front of him.Then he opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood to put on the blood clot, which raised the spiritual pressure fluctuations above by a level.

This kind of spellcasting was something Yi Tian had never seen before, just by glancing at the blood clot, he could notice that the evil spirit of blood on it was far beyond normal.It seems that Juddara has also used his trump card, such a self-mutilating attack, even if he is himself, it will be difficult for him to take it without damage.

With the sound of "哗啦", Zi Yan directly broke the protective magic light around Luo Xi, and then ignited the phantom magic image behind him.At the same time, Jiuduoluo's blood explosion technique also rushed to Luo Xi's face while Zi Yan broke through the defensive space.

A resounding 'boom' shook the entire grotto violently.The Blood Explosion Technique exploded in front of Luo Xi and turned into a blood-colored flame that exploded from inside the protective cover.

If it wasn't blocked by his protective shield, the power of such an explosion alone would be enough to blow up the entire crypt.After the smoke dissipated, there was a crater more than ten feet deep and half a foot deep, and Luo Xi stood in the middle with a mess all over his body.

Suddenly, the figure of Kudala flashed and rushed to him, reached out and took out the glass bottle and opened it, and the four spiritual seeds in it flew out of it and fell directly into Luo Xi's forehead.

After three breaths, he saw a huge sarcoid protruding from his forehead and emitting a dazzling halo. With a 'poof' sound, the sarcoma broke open, and a white spirit seed the size of a bullet flew out of it.

Kudhara stretched out his hand and held it in his palm, while laughing heartily from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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