
Chapter 1468 Journey to the Abyss 25 Annihilation

Chapter 1468 Journey to the Abyss 25 Annihilation
Unexpectedly, the splintered Spirit Seed would reunite in such a way. Kudhara grabbed it in his hands and showed a satisfied smile on his face, but he laughed out loud.

Before he could be happy, Luo Xi in front of him pounced on him panting, but just as he approached Juddara's shield, a flash of red magic lightning appeared in front of him, directly piercing into the broken forehead. In the big hole.

Immediately, Luo Xi's body shook violently after being hit by the evil electricity, and the red electricity that invaded the meridians unscrupulously destroyed his flesh and blood.

Juddara suddenly realized that something was wrong. Under normal circumstances, even if Luo Xi was hit, he would not easily let Mo Sha charge his upper body with electricity.But now, as if the electricity was flowing unimpeded, it was injected crazily and began to tear its internal organs apart.

A black magic light flew out from Luo Xi's forehead and directly invaded Juddara's forehead. It turned out that he knew that he couldn't do anything good, so he took the risk and forcibly seized the house.

At this time, Kudala's face showed distress, and the spiritual power in his body also fluctuated violently.

Standing in the distance, Yi Tian swept across his face with embarrassment, and saw two completely different demonic auras appearing on Jiuduoluo's whole body at this time.It's a pity that Luo Xi didn't practice the blood path skills of the evil Buddha in the mixed world, otherwise Kudala would be able to easily assimilate the spiritual power on his magic baby.

After ten breaths, two halos of light, one red and one black, interlaced and flashed on Juddara's body surface, and Yi Tian knew that they were fiercely fighting for control of the body in the Niwan Palace.What was beyond my expectation was that even in Judhara's body, he failed to gain the upper hand. After seeing the two halos flashing one after another, the black light seemed to flash for longer and longer. Luo Xi gradually took control of her body.

Suddenly, the remaining right hand of Kudala moved slightly, and after taking it back later, he put the spirit seed directly into his mouth and wanted to swallow it.

Suddenly Luo Xi's voice came out of his mouth and said: "Are you crazy? Forcibly devouring the spirit seed will cause the consequences of exploding and dying."

After three breaths, Kudara's words came out again: "It's better for everyone to perish together than to be swallowed by you. I miscalculated this time. I didn't expect this body that was taken away to be so unbearable. It is far from reaching the goal. The state of unity of mind and soul will give you a chance to take advantage of it."

Before finishing talking, the aura on Kudhara's body changed accordingly, and the black demonic energy forced the red blood evil energy to the top of his head with a powerful and overwhelming force.At the same time, the movement of his right hand was forcibly restrained, and he dragged the spirit seed to the corner of his mouth without swallowing it.

There was a fierce laughter on his face, and Luo Xi's voice came out again: "Don't struggle slightly anymore, your body that has been taken away from you and my soul power that I have cultivated through reincarnation and spiritism are all worthless. There is a huge difference. No matter how you fuse with the body of Duoshe, the power of the soul will not be as strong as my newborn after ten thousand years of consumption."

After hearing that, the red magic light on Juddara's head jumped violently, as if he was not reconciled to his own failure, or was making the last resistance against Luo Xi.

Suddenly, a black shadow passed by and the spirit seed in the palm was slapped lightly and poured directly into Jiuduoluo's mouth. It was Yi Tian who flew over and then lightly stuffed it into Jiuduoluo's mouth .

At the same time, I saw Jiuduoluo's eyes staring out, his eye sockets bursting and looking at Yi Tian who was not far away, but Luo Xi's voice came out of his mouth and said: "You actually sneaked in, I can't spare you."

But before he finished speaking, his whole body changed.The stomach swelled up as if it was inflated, and the limbs seemed to suddenly become the thickness of a bucket as the spiritual power in the body was continuously injected.

This appearance should be due to the fact that Kudara's body cannot accommodate the surging spiritual power of the spirit-seed, and it has almost reached the limit of the body's endurance under the frantic scurrying in the meridians.

After the body of Kudala was stretched open, all the clothes on his body were torn, and blood seeped out from under the skin quickly.The seven orifices on the face were bleeding, and the whole person looked like a bloody man.

Only the two auras, one black and one red on the forehead, seemed to be still fighting fiercely. The two devil babies were fighting for control of the body, and there was no sign of letting go.

With the sound of "click, click", Juddara's body seemed to be unable to withstand the powerful spiritual power, and then the joints began to show signs of collapse, and a large amount of blood spurted out from the knees, ankles, and wrists.

Suddenly, Kudara's head spun quickly, and after breaking away from his body, he flew straight into the air.And a black magic baby was about to fly out of it, but it was wrapped in the overflowing blood and pulled back alive.

Kudara's mouth opened again, but this time it was the voice of his own deity, and he said weakly: "Friend Yi Daoist, I can't do it anymore, I can't take it and rebirth again, after that, the spirit seed will belong to you. We have been very happy to cooperate in the past hundred years, and I hope you can do me a favor in the end."

When he said this, his voice came to a dead end, Yi Tian glanced over his face and said with a heavy face: "I know what you mean, let's go all the way." After speaking, I saw the corner of Jiuduoluo's mouth slightly raised, as if in response .

After three breaths, a ray of purple true flame crossed the void and directly ignited his head, and two magic babies escaped from the purple flame.The black devil baby seemed to be desperately trying to escape, but his lower body was tightly entangled by the red one and he couldn't escape.

After Ziyan passed by, the two devil babies screamed at the same time and were swallowed by the real fire.

As for his body, after losing his head, he hung down feebly like a leaky balloon.At the same time, a red and white halo broke out from the chest and slowly flew into the air. After the blood dripped from it, a spirit seed the size of a dragon's eye appeared.

Yi Tian stepped forward to look at it, and then lit and burned the remaining headless corpse, and then looked at the spirit species in front of him, but put it away without making a move.

After a pause, he first walked to the side and took out the oil lamp of Master Jie Ding to shine it on the golden skeleton, and then murmured: "Take it."

The golden body flew up from the ground and flew directly into the natal oil lamp, just like the glazed lamp of Master Huiming, the flame in the middle suddenly jumped and became extremely bright.

After doing this, Yi Tian turned around and looked at the coffin in front of him, which was said to store the corpse of the evil Buddha from the mixed world.But I was quite skeptical about this, wondering how such a Mahayana monk would leave his real body here.

But what Jiu Tuo Luo and Luo Xi said before seems to be true, so Yi Tian's heart is beating and he doesn't know what to do.

Suddenly, the spirit seed on the side flew over and stopped directly above the coffin, and then fell slowly and submerged directly into it.Before Yi Tian could take any action, he only heard the sound of 'Kaka' coming from inside the coffin, and in a blink of an eye the cover was pushed away from the inside to the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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