
Chapter 1469 Journey to the Abyss 26 Absorption

Chapter 1469 Journey to the Abyss 26 Absorption
Although Yi Tian is an old Jianghu who has experienced the battlefield, he has faced coffins and zombies many times.But this time, when he saw the abnormal noise from the coffin in front of him, his face couldn't help but twitched.

The main thing that can't be said to be stored in it is the body of the evil Buddha from the mixed world or the demon body left by it.

As the coffin board was slowly moved to reveal a corner, an extremely powerful wave of spiritual pressure emerged from it.Yi Tian was immediately overwhelmed by this momentum, only felt that there was a heavy burden on his back, and he couldn't breathe.

He wanted to step aside to avoid this momentum, but he couldn't move even with a heavy step.

Immediately, he could only open the coffin board and move away, releasing all the spiritual pressure fluctuations inside.After a while, Yi Tian found that there was no movement in the sarcophagus in front of him, only a faint spiritual light came out from it.

After regaining the feeling, I secretly rejoiced in my heart that it was a good risk. In a short period of time, I seemed to feel the fear that I hadn't felt for many years and passed my heart again.Fortunately, no nasty monsters flew out of it, and since the spirit species can sneak in, it means there must be something strange inside.

After regaining his senses, Yi Tian slowly walked forward to the side of the coffin to stabilize his figure. He lowered his head and glanced and found that there was no body of the evil Buddha from the mixed world inside.

And placed in the center is a bowl-like ritual vessel, inside which is stored a two-inch relic.It's just that the top of this relic is half black and half white.

Under the alms bowl, there was a book of scriptures. When I glanced at the writing on the cover, I found the nine words 'Daxueshan Minglun Temple Good and Evil Chan'.

Surprised in his heart, he thought to himself, "Could it be that Master Jieding's good and evil Zen method was born out of Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain. If this is the case, it can also explain why he went deep into the devil world."Presumably it also has an inseparable relationship with Master Huiming. '

At this time, the spirit-seed floated above the bowl and kept shaking violently. Yi Tian was already quite afraid of this spirit-seed, and many people died because of it.And now that I have integrated the power of the magic source in my body, I think it should conflict with that spirit species.

But what I didn't expect was that the spirit seed swayed in the air for a while, and then flew directly towards his face in the blink of an eye. With a 'swish' sound, the spirit seed penetrated directly between the eyebrows and forehead and entered the Niwan Palace.

In this way, Yi Tian was shocked and stood still there, but at this time, the spirit body of the Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace was as if he was facing a formidable enemy.After the spirit seed rushed in, it confronted itself. As for the seal on the top of its head, it still remained indifferent at this moment.

The spiritual power contained in that spiritual seed is extremely powerful, if he is a little careless, he will definitely end up exploding like Luo Xi.

But after looking closely, I don't know what the spirit seed wants to do. It seems that the spirit power on it does not overflow.At this time, Yi Tian still maintains a state of spiritual cultivation, but he only dares to switch occasionally in the demon world.After thinking about it, it is better to return to the state of the magic baby first, and then the state began to change after a trace of pure magic power appeared on the forehead of the baby.

But the spirit seed in front of him seemed to be aware of the change in front of him, and as the power of the magic source on Yuanying's body gradually strengthened, it also became extremely irritable.

After he successfully transformed into the devil baby state, the spirit seed seemed to have discovered some fatal attraction, and rushed forward with a 'puchi' and fell into the devil baby's body.

Yi Tian's face was startled and he found that there was a pure spiritual power running wildly in his magic baby.Immediately, Yuanying's height increased by [-]%, almost reaching the seal on the top of Niwan Palace.

Moreover, he also noticed that there was a crazy spiritual power rushing around in his devil baby, so he had to forcefully transport the spiritual power in the devil baby's body through the meridians under the shock.I hope that I can share this powerful spiritual power with the help of my body's extraordinary meridians.

Immediately, that spiritual power circulated in his body over and over again like a swarming tide, and the spiritual power was so strong that the inner walls of the meridians bulged.Yi Tian's complexion also became extremely ugly, enduring the powerful spiritual force, cold sweat oozed from his forehead, and he could barely maintain his standing posture.

Later, I saw that my body began to bulge rapidly like a magic baby, my hands were like inflated balloons, and my thighs became as thick as buckets.Burning anxiously in his heart, he secretly said: "If this goes on like this, if I don't properly vent my spiritual power, I'm afraid I will end up exploding and dying."

At this time, the magic baby looked at the seal on the top of its head, as if it didn't move at this time, it gritted its teeth and formed a seal with both hands, and immediately displayed the image of Asura's body.

Four arms sprang out from under the armpits, and two of them were exposed to the back of the neck, sticking out their heads, and immediately diverted half of the spiritual power that was originally scurrying in the body.Yi Tian found that the spiritual power running wildly on his arm was shunted and then slowly shrank back. He sat down slowly and hurriedly mobilized the spiritual power in his body to let it run along the meridians along the exercise circuit.

After running the spiritual power over and over again, he took it back into the Niwan Palace, and after washing the seal several times, the violent spiritual power in his body gradually returned to a calm state.

As for the magic baby, after absorbing the huge spiritual power in the spirit seed and reconciling with the original power of the magic source, it gradually stabilized, and its body shape also shrank back to its normal state from the previous appearance.

It's just that Yi Tian's face changed slightly after looking inside the Niwan Palace. The current devil baby turned out to be black and white. After a little later, the two colors mixed and turned into a gray Nascent Soul, which looked like a ghost of chaos. color.

Strictly speaking, it is no longer in the state of a devil baby, perhaps it is a real unity of god and devil.After picking up the seal method and taking back Ashura's dharma body, Yi Tiancai returned to normal form,
Fortunately, this dharma body still has the effect of shunting, but when I cast it in the state of the devil baby, it turned out to be the original "quiet, peaceful, and wise" appearance. I thought it would appear the inherent ferocity of the Asura clan appearance.

After thinking about it, he directly urged the exercises to release the spiritual power of the Nascent Soul and wanted to restore the state of spiritual cultivation. After the white light flashed across his body, Yi Tian found that he had instantly changed back to his original appearance, but the Nascent Soul in his body did not change at all. It was still the gray state of chaos.

After going back and forth several times to switch between spiritual cultivation and magic cultivation, I found that my Nascent Soul seemed to have completely integrated the power of the magic source and the spiritual seed.No matter how you change your Nascent Soul, it will always appear chaotic.

Half a moment later, he sighed helplessly, this appearance was unexpected, but fortunately, the form of his physical body can still be transformed between spirits and demons.

After checking the physical condition, the spiritual power has already repaired the damage in the body just now, and Yi Tiancai stood up and walked to the side of the coffin again, stretching out his hand to take out the alms bowl.

Suddenly a voice came into his ears and said, "Boy, why do you have two spiritual powers blended together, and there is no conflict?"

 Thanks for the support of Daoist Shiliangfei Waterfall
(End of this chapter)

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