
Chapter 1470 Journey to the Abyss 27 Escape

Chapter 1470 Journey to the Abyss 27 Escape

When collecting the relics in the coffin of Hunjie Evil Buddha, another sound suddenly came into his ears, and Yi Tian's face changed slightly and he couldn't help but look nervous.Needless to say, the person who spoke this should be a mixed-world evil Buddha or his remaining spiritual thoughts.

But in the Mahayana period, the strength of the monks is outstanding, and even a trace of spiritual sense is not something he can handle now.After thinking about it, Yi Tian retracted his hand with a wry smile and respectfully said to the bowl inside the coffin: "Yi Tian, ​​the junior flame prison monk, unintentionally broke into the bottom of the abyss of the demon world and disturbed the great saint's sleep. It is really unintentional."

"You are not from the Flame Prison Demon Clan. I sensed a trace of Buddhism from you, as well as a strong spirituality," the voice said again.

I wanted to pretend to be stupid and pass the test, but I didn't expect to be revealed by others.Yi Tian suddenly felt extremely nervous, reached out and took out the sixth-grade lotus platform to hide in.After that, his face relaxed a little, but before he was happy for a long time, the voice came from his ear: "The world-destroying black lotus, no, you actually restored it to the pure world Hualian, I didn't expect that I really underestimated you. ."

Yi Tian's face changed slightly again, but he didn't expect that it would be useless to hide in the sixth-grade lotus platform.Feeling depressed, I had to bite the bullet and said, "I don't know if Master Huiming is in front of him, and Yi Tian is polite at Xia Daleiguang Temple."

"The name Huiming is the name that this seat used to use, but since you can say it, it is considered to be related to me. The right to the things here should be given to you, those real magic cultivators can't use it," that The voice replied: "I was originally a trace of the soul left by the evil Buddha of the mixed world before the reincarnation. After you took the thing, you left this world quickly. I estimate that the devil will come here soon, and it will be too late if you don't leave. ."

After Yi Tian heard this, he was terrified, not to mention that he was a demon saint, even the remnant of the evil Buddha of the mixed world could distinguish it.

And it is clear that the evil Buddha of the mixed world is a wake-up call for himself, and it will be troublesome if he does not leave at this time.

But looking back and seeing the greatness of heaven and earth, as long as you are in the devil world, you can't escape the investigation of the devil, and only by leaving this world can you escape.

But cross-border teleportation can't be done without the gate, and now the time is so urgent, I don't know where to go.

No matter how many Yi Tian stretched out his hand to put away the bowl and the scriptures and put them in a separate storage space, looking back at the sarcophagus in front of him was also an incredible treasure.

After doing this, the voice of the evil Buddha from the world sounded again: "I didn't expect you to have good eyesight, kid, and I didn't let go of this coffin made of silver core stone. Let me give you a reminder to suppress the luck of the devil world. The peerless magic treasures have been taken away, I am afraid that the magic saint should be on his way at this time. If you want to escape, you might as well look for the things left by Luo Chen. Whether you can escape depends on your luck, and there is not much time. If I do, I will escape into nothingness again and there will be no end.”

After finishing speaking, the sound ended muted, and Yi Tian saw a black aura flying out of a spring sealed under the coffin, and then it was as if the void disappeared.

It is the last trace of the soul left by the evil Buddha of the mixed world, but Yi Tian can't care so much now.Now that the hint was given, clues could be found in Luo Chen's relics. Yi Tian directly opened his spiritual sense and searched all around him.

After three breaths, there was a smile on his face, and he found that there seemed to be something under the position where Luo Chen's skeleton was sitting cross-legged.One strode forward, took it out, and looked closely at it, it turned out to be a palm-sized hexagonal slate.

But the pattern engraved on it seems to be familiar, and after a careful look, I realize that it is similar to the six world circles that I once refined in the lower realm.The only difference is that there is only one pattern on it, all pointing to the Asura world.

No matter how much Yi Tian didn't have time to directly inject spiritual power into this slate, the lines on it were activated in an instant and cut through the void in front of him to form a portal of light.

Needless to say, this should be the escape opportunity mentioned by the remnant soul of the evil Buddha of the mixed world, but before he could be happy, the surrounding space suddenly changed.

A black portal suddenly opened at the top of the grotto, and an ugly giant claw stretched out from it and grabbed hard at Yi Tian's position.

The surrounding void seems to be stagnant due to the influence of this force, and everything in this space and time seems to be slower than the outside.Yi Tian only felt that he was under extremely powerful pressure, and he seemed to be getting busier and busier in his actions in this space, and it became extremely difficult to mobilize the real energy in his body.

At the same time, only the voice of the devil was heard from the black portal: "Boy, if you take away the things that suppress the luck of the devil world, you are an enemy of the entire devil world. No matter what, you can't let you leave today."

Suppressing the things of luck, Yi Tian was startled when he heard it, and his mind quickly thought of the silver core sarcophagus.His eyes quickly swept over the place where the sarcophagus was originally placed, and saw that the spring water below continued to pour out of the gap.

I want to come to the so-called suppression is this spring in the abyss of the devil, but unfortunately I don't have any exercises to entangle with the devil.Although others have not yet arrived, they can reach out their hands through the great magical power, and it is not something that can be hard-connected by themselves.

After thinking about it, he got rid of the constraints of this space under the rapid operation of the real essence in his body and loaded it into the six gates in front of him.

With a 'bang', the big hand of the demon sage slammed into the air and shook the entire crypt violently, but at this time Yi Tian had long since disappeared.In the end, I only heard a roaring roar from the black portal: "I will find you wherever you go, boy, and I will not stop until I take you back to the abyss of the devil world."

It's a pity that Yi Tian can't hear the roar of the demon saint at this time. Now he is shuttled through the light and shadow channel of the six gates. After passing through quickly, he only feels that the force of the tearing between the interfaces is overwhelming.

Even Yi Tian felt that he was overwhelmed and breathless even after he sacrificed his body and escaped the light, which had never happened before.After thinking about it, he used the magical body technique of the Flame Prison Demon Body, and the skin on his body suddenly showed a dark golden luster.

It didn't take long for the interface gust of wind in the light and shadow channel to blow through his protective shield and directly skip over his body. After being blown by the gang wind, the skin made a 'squeaking' sound, and at the same time left a series of scratches.

I didn't expect that the power of this interface was so powerful that I couldn't carry it with the magical powers and movement techniques.Visually, I don't know where the end of the passage is, Yi Tian had to take out the Demon Soul Banner to sacrifice and protect the whole body, so that the turbulent wind blowing was weakened a lot on the skin.

(End of this chapter)

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