
Chapter 1471 Recovery

Chapter 1471 Recovery
I don't know how long I have been flying in the tunnel of light and shadow, but I only know that I am constantly taking drugs to recover my spiritual power, and at the same time, I continue to inject spiritual power into the magic soul flag and maintain my magic flame golden body.

When the elixir in his storage ring was exhausted, he saw the light spot at the exit.Continue to fly in that direction for a few hours before diving in.

After coming to the outside world, I suddenly found myself falling into a bottomless abyss and falling continuously.At this time, no matter how much he mobilized his body's true essence, he felt that he couldn't use the escape technique and finally smashed to the ground.

I don't know how long it took Yi Tiancai to wake up, opened his eyes and looked at it and found that he was lying in the middle of an altar at this time.A giant stone statue stood around, and Yi Tian's eyes flashed across his face, showing horror.

These four stone statues are all stone carvings with three heads and six arms, and they all show the body of Asura.It's just that these four stone statues are all fierce-looking.It looks very similar to Luo Que or Qin Mingyue's dharma body, but it is completely different from his own.

In his heart, he thought for a while: "Could it be that I came to the Asura Realm through the transmission channel." Unfortunately, now his whole body seems to be scattered like a skeleton, and only a small amount of spiritual power can operate.

Fortunately, there was silence around here, and it seemed to be in a ruined ruin that had been abandoned for a long time.After the divine sense was released, he searched for the next four weeks before realizing that he should be in a cave somewhere under the ground.

After thinking about it, he sacrificed his spiritual power from his fingers, opened the storage ring, took out the whole white jade lotus root, controlled it and put it in his mouth and chewed it.After the white jade lotus was brought to the spiritual world by himself, it was improved and planted in the medicine garden of the Taiqing Pavilion, and it was already suitable for direct consumption by monks in the spiritual transformation period.

Even though he has reached the distraction stage, he can still replenish his spiritual power a little after taking the next whole pill.The entrance of the white jade lotus turned into a pure spiritual liquid and entered the body, and then Yi Tian began to use a little work to transfer these spiritual powers to the eight meridians to replenish the depleted spiritual power.

After eating a whole piece of white jade lotus root, Yi Tian found that it seemed that the dark diseases remaining in the meridians in his body had been repaired by spiritual power, and on the whole, about [-]% of his spiritual power had been recovered.

The pain in the limbs still reminded me that I urgently need to adjust and recover. After a while, I forced my body to sit up and adjusted my posture to sit cross-legged, and then directly entered the state of meditation.

At this time, the slightly flowing spiritual power in the body continued to operate, and then Yi Tian began to slowly absorb the surrounding spiritual power and began to repair himself.

This time, I was lucky to be able to escape from the devil's hands at the last minute.But when I look back and think about it, I have offended an incredible existence. The strength of the Demon Saint in the Nine Realms of the Spirit can be regarded as a top existence.

Although the devil world is only a middle and third world, there is no doubt that no one dares to ignore the unfamiliar existence. Now that he has offended the other party to death, I am afraid that he will have to take it easy in the future.

In addition, Yi Tian is very interested in the environment he is in now. He didn't expect that there would be a teleportation to the Asura world in Luo Chen's relics.This thing is the secret of the Ashura tribe. When I was in the spiritual world, I had heard that the Ashura world only opened the gates of the spiritual world, the demon world, and the Buddha world.

And the people who come and go must be recommended by the monks in the integration period before they can enter the Asura world.After all, the Asura Realm is the interface with the most abundant materials among the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, but the population is extremely rare, only about one-tenth of the Spirit Realm.

Moreover, the Ashura world still exists in the state of a single dynasty, and all the Ashura people need to go to worship the Ashura Queen from time to time.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian remembered Luo Ziyan of the Asura royal family that he had seen in Qingfeng Old City, and heard that she was still the current princess.However, this person's strength was far superior to her back then, and I'm afraid that even if she met now, she might not be her opponent.

Fortunately, the road goes towards the sky, and Yi Tian doesn't want to be involved in any relationship with the Asura tribe, although I remember that the ancestor Wu Ye once mentioned that the Lihuo Palace method is special. The Gang Huo Evil Flame in the Fire Palace can help, or it is the real fire place of Phoenix Nirvana in the demon world, and there is the demon real flame Jedi in the demon world.

It's just that he just got out of the devil world and wants to go to the devilish real flame Jedi.The Patriarch Wu Ye, who he favored, fought against the one in the Lihuo Palace, and if he wanted to come, the other party would not let him go there for no reason.

In addition, I am not a formal establishment of the Lihuo Palace, and rushing to go to the net is self-inflicted, leaving these two places aside, the real fire place of the Phoenix Nirvana in the demon world should be the first choice.

Moreover, it is estimated that the black-clothed Wuye Patriarch is mostly secluded in the demon clan at this time, waiting for his recovery, and he can help him by rushing now.

However, among the Nine Realms of the Spirit, the most powerful fire source is the Asura True Flame Secret Realm in the Asura Queen's palace in the Ashura Realm, but that place is by no means a place that a cultivator like himself can enter and leave at will.

As far as the strength of the real flame is concerned, it is naturally the strongest in the Asura real flame secret realm. If you can enter the advanced fusion stage there, it will be most beneficial to your future path.

Putting down these unrealistic thoughts first, Yi Tian quickly entered a state of meditation and meditation. With the continuous absorption and absorption of the surrounding spiritual power, the original wounds on the body slowly healed and scabbed, until the scab on the scar fell off and the baby was revealed. like skin tone.

In this way, Yi Tian remained in a cross-legged posture in the cave for several years to recuperate until one day when his brows were slightly wrinkled and he noticed that there were several spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from afar.

After taking a closer look, it seemed that the two groups of people were fighting all the way, and then his eyes slowly opened, revealing a helpless, wry smile on his face.

It's not a good thing to be disturbed by others, and he didn't open the protective barrier in time to block his location.However, the highest cultivation base of the people who come here is only the appearance of the spirit transformation stage, and most of them are monks in the late Nascent Soul.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and swept over it, and created a protective barrier around him to instantly hide his breath.

It's just that these breaths seemed to come straight at him, and Yi Tian immediately showed a displeased look on his face, and then his figure became lighter and lighter until it disappeared into the middle of the altar in a state of nothingness.

This is nothing more than a deceitful spell, but to quietly hide his own figure.His own entity was still sitting in place without moving half a minute, not because he didn't want to, but because he felt it was unnecessary.

Even though his own strength has not yet returned to the peak state, dealing with these monks is just a matter of moving his fingers, and naturally there is no need to avoid them.

(End of this chapter)

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