
Chapter 1473 Inquiry 1

Chapter 1473 Inquiry One
On the scene, Xiang Rong suddenly realized that he had underestimated the person in front of him. He didn't expect Luo Jinzhong to hide a unique skill.He has not seen this move of Sun and Moon Shuanghui with his own eyes, but he has only read it in some imperial documents.

When Luo Jinzhong used this technique, he was not recognized at first, but Xiang Rong realized something was wrong when the two moves of covering the sun and covering the moon were combined into one.This power is stronger than what is recorded in the literature, I am afraid that there are not many people in the entire Asura Dynasty who have such ability.

At this time, Xiang Rong had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart, but he couldn't escape in front of the three subordinates.But when the blue-red halo hit, Xiang Rong stretched out his hand and pushed the two Nascent Soul stage followers behind him, but he got into the passage behind him.

After one breath, the light of the sun and the moon shined on the three people in the grotto and immediately covered them, and Xiang Rong rushed into the passage without looking back.The aura of the three people behind him disappeared in the divine sense in an instant, but he didn't dare to turn around and ran all the way out of the passage, then flew towards the direction he came from.

After the light of the sun and the moon in the grotto dissipated, Luo Jinzhong sighed deeply after the spiritual weapon flew back.At this time, he felt that the spiritual power in his body was drained by the trick just now, and now he was sore all over and could not use any strength at all.Only with Siling's support could he manage to stabilize his figure, but he didn't dare to neglect and hastily cupped his hands and bowed towards the grotto: "Thank you for saving your life, senior, and please show up to meet you, this junior has something important to do." talk over."

Dao ripples were aroused in the void, and then Yi Tian's phantom sitting cross-legged in the middle of the altar gradually appeared, revealing his true face after turning into reality.At this time, Yi Tian glanced at Luo Jinzhong and Si Ling behind him with his spiritual sense, and then said lightly: "I helped you out of trouble because I wanted to get ahead, and you don't seem to be a greedy person. Are you messing around?"

After hearing this, Luo Jinzhong straightened his face, and later recovered his breath and said: "Thank you for your help, senior, and please tell me your name, this situation will be remembered by this junior."

"This seat is Yitian."

"It turned out that Senior Yi was in person, please listen to the junior's words and leave quickly. After Xiang Rong escapes, he will definitely attract a large group of people, and the thing that I used the royal secret technique must be that the fire will spread to the dynasty if it cannot be wrapped in paper." At that time, it will not be able to gain a foothold in the entire Asura world," Luo Jinzhong said.

"That's your business, nothing to do with me," Yi Tian replied coldly.

"Of course there is a great relationship. Senior thinks that he has an inseparable connection with the Asura royal family. I'm afraid he will become the target of His Royal Highness after this incident," Luo Jinzhong replied respectfully.

"Really? I didn't expect to get into such trouble." Yi Tian savored the other party's words carefully, but said in his mouth: "According to what you say, the Asura clan is not ruled by the queen, isn't Luo Ziyan Will you take care of it?"

As soon as this remark came out, Luo Jinzhong's eyes showed surprise, but Siling behind him jumped out and pointed at Yi Tian and shouted: "You dare to call Her Majesty the Queen's name directly, it seems that you are an unreasonable person."

"Why? Are there still so many rules in the Asura world?" Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Seeing that Siling still had to distinguish, Luo Jinzhong hurriedly stopped him and said: "It seems that the senior has just arrived in my Asura world, but why does he know the secrets of the royal family, and he can use the unique knowledge of the sun and the moon."

Staring at him for a while, Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I thought you were an honest person, but I didn't expect you to be too narrow-minded. Aren't you afraid of offending me by probing me like this?"

"No, although most of the high-ranking monks are somewhat eccentric, but I think that since the seniors are willing to help, they will not embarrass me," Luo Jinzhong replied.

"Then what if I really make things difficult for you?" Yi Tian said with a smile. He said what he said, but he also expressed his own thoughts. After all, he didn't really want to make things difficult for him, and he even wanted to find out from his mouth. The current situation in the world of Asura.

If you are new to the world of Ashura and you are not familiar with the place, you must first find out the situation before making a decision.With the improvement of cultivation base, Yi Tian found that the desire to kill in his heart became weaker and weaker, and he didn't need to involve in the situation of killing anything that could be solved.

Even if you really want to do it, it's best to do it with the hands of a dummy. After all, I have been exposed to many Buddhist secret arts during my time at the Daleiguang Temple, and I have a better understanding of cause and effect.

"Senior won't," Luo Jinzhong replied, "Since senior can give me advice, he must be familiar with the royal family's exercises, and as far as I know, although Asura's royal family's exercises are rumored, it is possible to have access to the supernatural powers of the sun and the moon. All of them are big figures with heads and faces in the dynasty."

"Then you are not afraid that I am one of the hidden behind-the-scenes people," Yi Tian asked.

"Definitely not. Although I have not been in the Imperial Forest Army for a short time, I have seen it for all monks above the distraction period," Luo Jinzhong replied firmly.

"I don't like to show my face all the time. Most of the time I stay in the cave and practice hard," Yi Tian defended.

"This junior doesn't dare to speak nonsense, but the senior doesn't seem to have any respect for the name of the empress, so I think the senior at least recognizes the empress, but it's not that kind of close relationship," Luo Jinzhong said.

"That's all?" Yi Tian said disdainfully, it seemed that it was a bit strange to hear Luo Ziyan's name from himself.But this doesn't mean anything, after all, their cultivation bases are all in the same level category.

"I felt the extremely shocking and coercive force from the senior, and that force suppressed me greatly. It seems that in my memory, I can't even feel it from those monks who are at the fusion stage in the dynasty," Luo Jinzhong said. There was also a thoughtful look on his face as he spoke.

After coming over for a long time, he said: "It seems that even His Royal Highness can't feel this way. It seems that only the Queen can have similar coercion."

"Okay, today you escaped so far and met me, but you should die, but what are you going to do next?" Yi Tian changed the topic, and Luo Jinzhong's words just now reminded him of Qingfeng in the spirit world. The situation when I met Luo Ziyan in the old city.

In all likelihood, there was something wrong with the imprint she forcibly planted on her body at that time. It seems that she will not be able to easily use any Asura skills in the future to avoid misunderstandings.

Moreover, I checked the mark specially afterwards, and it was strange that it only appeared on the forehead when Asura's real body appeared.On weekdays, I can't see anything unusual at all. As for this dharma body image, it can be regarded as my secret, so it will only be revealed during retreat.

On the other hand, Siling who was on the side said untimely: "Since we have got rid of the chasing soldiers now, we should leave first. I guess Xiang Rong will go back to move troops soon. The four-eyed high-ranking monk is afraid that none of us may be able to escape easily."

"What does it mean that the four eyes are not opened?" Yi Tian asked.

"Let's explain this to the younger generation as we walk," Luo Jinzhong hurriedly replied.

(End of this chapter)

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